
That Time I Reincarnated with Multiverse Chat Group

This is story about Zero Vermilion a rich second-generation young master who is a big delusion boy or also known as chunnibyo and one of the hero who save his world and get reincarnated to another world as phoenix with a chat system when he was about die (I only update when I want and to tell you guys this is my first time writing story after my first novel have problem before I can update it.English is not my main language and you can comment about my mistake but please don't toxic and use abusive word here)

ZERO_Liner · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

'I know that I said goodbye like shounen manga departure but where I should go first.Hmm,what is this presence.'shocked Zero in his sensing something that should never have here.

Zeros quickly run after the beings that he sense and think it could be dangerous to let other fight it just from it's aura or met it.

Zeros quickly arrived at village,there he see a destroyed house and farm,he hurry up to search for survivors but find something very interesting and laughed hard seeing it.

"Hahahaha what a sight after I leave the cave,several hour later,I already have to fight demon.This is very interesting,who send you here?"ask Zeros while he pointed his index finger at goat head demon in his human form.

"You stupid human how brave of you to show yourself to me and questioned me.Hurry up offer you soul to me or you get a painful and torturous died.Trust me it something that you human cannot endure and don't want to experience it."replied the demon while looking down at Zeros and mocked him.

"Yare yare daze, you know to meet an arrogant bastard like you make me want to puke and I give some advice to you as to not judge book by its cover.As a fellow law abiding person ahemm monster.I will grant you some enlightenment ora ora ora ora."said Zeros fixing his imagination hat,like a certain jojo and punch demon rapidly like machine gun.He unleahed his phoenix aura and mystic eyes to injured demon.

The demon tried to fight back but his enemy attack too deadly for him to take and only can avoid it.He avoided most of Zeros attack but still receive a big damage to his body.It look like his enemy know where is his weak point and attack it precisely.From aura and magic signature he figured out something.

"Arghh ho- how can you weak human injured me this badly wait YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN.WHO ARE YOU?WHY YOU WANT TO KILL ME?WHAT YOU MOTIVE DOING THIS?"roaring a demon with his bloodshed eyes and tattered body staring at Zeros dangerously to question him.

Demon(mazoku) is a creature that live in hell,they don't have physical body and can only be summoned through contract by sacrificed soul.Futhermore,to damage mazoku it some rare achievement that normal monster and adventure can't do.Only a renounced person or high species named monster could damage them and to kill them you need they counter a spirit,or powerful skill like ultimate and unique.

"Tee-hee look like you figured out like I already tell you before if you pay attention.I am not a human.I'm Zeros Vermilion Tempest a bonafide phoenix.You ask me why I want to kill you it's because you too disgusting in my eyes is that enough.Ohh for my motive is hmm let me think for a moment."He made a thinking pose while searching for answer and suddenly clapped his hand to made him found an answer.

"Because I bored enough and to make you be my stepstone to be a legend.Its a great story to tell right a hero that save civilian.Enough about this can you just died for me it's so annoying and boring to accompany you with you attitude.I also need to save people from this village you know.So please don't waste my time"said Zero to continue his answer and reprimanded demon for wasting his time to do other things.

The demon shocked for a moment by his answer and look very furiously that person in front of he belittle him but cannot talked back because he was afraid that this being would kill him without a second thought but shuddered when thinking he failed his mission given by that person and a punishment awaited him.

"How about we negotiate I give some treasure like mana stone and rare artifacts if you let me go and do I my business here?I promised to never bothered you again or seek revenge."asked demon using earnest face while grinning widely in his mind to stab back this bird.

"You answer?"asked demon thinking that no one will refuse his offer on rare treasure and artifact although it a lie he said because he also don't know if the things he pick is a rare artifacts or not.Futhermore,with his backer he can get them back in piece again and a gold coin or treasure just destroy some cities you can get them back.

"That a very alluring offer but I REFUSE(DAGA KOTOWARU)."replied Zeros while making Kishibe Rohan pose in jojo diamond unbreakable when he refused Kira offer.


"One of my top things I want to do is to refuse at someone who think I accept.You think I stupid if this treasure is so rare and precious like you said why you agree to bargaining it with me?From my experience a bastard like you never agree to give something like this to someone even it cost you die but you happily give it.It look like you have someone who can get things that you gives me or you lie to me about the treasure.Is that right?."said Zeros and tell demon that he realised a conclusions about demon plan to kill him and take back his things.

Demon shuddered that this stupid bird or self-proclaimed phoenix know his intention and decide to just kill him and don't waste anymore things.He also have jobs that he must complete quickly that is to destroy and a powerful species or person here.

"Die you bird,Hell flame"demon throw a powerful black flame to Zeros that he just waved it like a simple matter.

"It's my turn now ,let me show you true hell flame"a black flame that more blacker appear around Zeros and surrounded the demon.The flame swallowed demon until he died and even burned demon ash.

Zeros fallen down to his butt because he used too many magicules and have been injured from demon although he hide it from demon vey well to show dominance.Zeros used his white flame to treat his wound and re-flash his battle with demon.He swear that demon could kill him if he don't used his mystic eyes to target his weakness and attack him continuesly.From this experience he now know that living beings in this world is more powerful than someone in his world.He made a promise to himself to be more powerful and do more practice with his power.

Zeros now look like a child who have gun because he have power but cannot use it properly and even risk himself getting killed in fight.Now he decided to train like madman and continue doing mission because he like to collect system reward that would make him stronger.

He decided to continue to search survivor after treat his wound and finished his inner dialogue.He found a particular item in demon that look like rusted twins sword or rather be called one katana one sheath sword.He feel like this weapon is alive and called him to it but for now he must search for survivors first called it his guilt for arrive late in this village.

Zeros found a girl who still breath even after being hit down by log.He quickly save the girl and check her breath.He feel relieve after know that girl still alive albeit heavy injured.

'Wait a minute don't this girl look familiar?'think Zeros in his head.'Is just my imagination or.Don't think about it for now just save the girl'

After girl health stabilized he go deep into forest to find food and wood to make campfire while singing 'Campfire' song to fill in his boredom.Now he feel very bored,he now want to know how Veldora can survive the boredom for thousands years in cave alone.

Sorry for late chapter.Here it is and I write one more as bonus.

ZERO_Linercreators' thoughts