
That Time I Reincarnated with Multiverse Chat Group

This is story about Zero Vermilion a rich second-generation young master who is a big delusion boy or also known as chunnibyo and one of the hero who save his world and get reincarnated to another world as phoenix with a chat system when he was about die (I only update when I want and to tell you guys this is my first time writing story after my first novel have problem before I can update it.English is not my main language and you can comment about my mistake but please don't toxic and use abusive word here)

ZERO_Liner · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

~~~~~~~One piece world~~~~~~

(What is this things?)think Marco in his head,looking at strange interface in front his him.

ding*[You have been invited to join the Multiverse Chat Group☑️❎]

Marco push ☑️ button and like that he joined this particular chat group.On this chat group he chatting with this interesting people with different personalities and particular character.

Marco feel amused and enjoy talking with them.He also received s side task and feel enraged that someone dared to kill his fellow comrade, because this incident not happened yet,he decided to act quickly.

Futhermore,he know his world future from reading manga that his chat friend send and he decided to save Thatch ASAP and prevent Whitebeard Pirate disbanded.He also tell his captain about his journey but not tell why because he knew Whitebeard will not believed or allowed him to kill Teach.

Edward Newgate also known as Whitebeard a captain of his pirate group.He is a man who believe in his family and he treats every crew on his ship like his own son.

He will be very enraged if Marco said someone will break his family rules and straightforward go to that person to questioned him,that action will make the future change and because of that Marco didn't tell Whitebeard and plan to deal with it himself.

In his travel he still keep tab on Multiverse Chat Group but didn't not continue chatting with them because he need to focus in his travel to find Thatch group.Marco easily find Thatch group after he cross grandline,it happened because in Marco there a Vivre card that look like a paper or known as paper of life.This thing work like a living compass who always point at his identify owner,it also have a life checking fuction.

Marco quickly fly to Thatch ship and see he(Thatch) happily looking at his devil fruit he got,he don't notice that Teach already drawing his sword ready to kill him.Marco quickly throw a phoenix flame using his devil fruit and shout.


"Marco what are doing her*argghhh*how dare you *cough blood* to betray us Teach"

Teach carefully picked a devil fruit and avoid Marco flame attacks,he escaped while laughing creepily and happy he got the devil fruit he want.

"Zehahahaha,With this fruit I will be a pirate king,Just you lot watch and Thatch thanks to you sacrificed you will be a nourishment of future pirate king.Zehahahaha"

"TEAACCHHHHHHHHHH,I will kill you"shouted Marco full of anger seeing his friend injured.He quickly fly to Teach and immediately attack him.

Teach who see this quickly evaded Marco attack and launch a counter-attack.However,Teach cannot beat Marco as Marco was stronger than him and Marco don't want to drag battle any longer seeing his friend almost want to die.

Teach quickly run away leaving Whitebeard Pirate with his betrayal.He think he must building his strength even stronger first before Whitebeard Pirate started hunt him down.

Marco seeing Teach ran away could only gritting his teeth and quickly heal his friend injured with his phoenix flame.After two hour healing he managed save his friend from dead zone.He ordered ship doctor to take care of his friend and make a report to captain.

After done his job,Marco can only sighed but managed to save Thatch and he check a weird interface in front of him with grateful look.

[Congratulations for completing side task.You got a side task reward do you want to open it now☑️❎]

He click a ☑️ and he got a ....


~~~~~~Demon Slayer World~~~~~~

Shinobu currently training his disciple in her breathing style.Her student Kanae Tsuyuri is a girl that was picked by her sister and the last person her sister personally picked.

Shinobu have been entrusted by her sister to take care Kanae and managed butterfly estate.She have a very deep hatred with demon because of them who kill her sister.When she read the manga and know that she would died while slaying the demon who killed her sister.Firstly,she was satisfied with that but after some thinking moment she remembers that she had promised with her sister to live freely.

Now,she want to slayed that demon who killed her sister without sacrificing herself and this chat group must have a way to do it.While talking about that she remember how they first meeting going on and felt a little nostalgia about it.

At time when she first join Multiverse Chat Group she felt angry and think this is demon new strategy to eat human or recruit another demon.After some chatting time to know each other,she finally could resolve their misunderstanding and shocked to see someone with similar face to her albeit no emotion.She felt pity for that girl and think how she could help her.

For now she must focus on training her student.For Shinobu this is the first time she felt this nervous about exam or trial.You know this is her first quest and she doesn't want to failed and first time she treat Kanae seriously.

She wonder how the others member doing now and how they felt now for they that have not finished their quest.


~~~~~Tensura world~~~~~

"Hey are sure this right path?You should know that we walk this way for hour and in this cave for a month."questioned a flame bird who flying above a blue slime.

"For a thousand time Yes and this is a short don't you trust me🤗Great sage said this is a right path and why you transform back to bird?🧐 Don't you like you human form?"questioned blue slime or now called Rimuru to Zeros.

"It's not that I not like but don't you think it's a bit flashy to be surrounded by flames?futhermore I don't have any clothes to wear beside using my flame to imitate clothed but it's still flame and it's cause too much magicules,it too eyes catching.Don't you feel embarrassed wear clothes like that?"

"I never know you someone that could be embarrassed 🙁Sorry I mistook you."said Rimuru bowing down her head a little.

"Good that you know😊.Wait I hear something ahead."whispered Zero.

"Why guildmaster asked us to be investigated this cave.Is it good things that dragon disappear?"said a swordman.

"I also agreed with you and why this damn door cannot be opened.How many years they leave this place unattended to look so rusty?"exclaimed the thief guy.

"Hey you two stop chitchat around and hurry up to finish the quest.I don't like this place presence and want to finish it quickly."said a mage girl.

The trio that come from outside quickly disappear as mage girl enchanted a invisible magic to them.

Zero and Rimuru check around before going outside.

"Arhhhh finally a fresh air.So what do you want to do now Rimuru?"questioned Zero

"For now I want to search for civilization here.Veldora said here have many goblin base around.If I can I want to make interaction with other first and learn about our situation."answered Rimuru while making a plan about future.

"A good plan but I want to adventure this new world first.My eyes is trembling with excitement like it called up for something."said Zero while making a chuuni pose and covering his eyes in human form.

"If I can I want to find a clothes although I like this getup.It feel to normal if you see it everyday."continue Zero after finished chuuni enthusiasm.

"So we leave our own way now.Hope we can meet up each other."said Rimuru a little saddened and make a slime hand to handshake.

"Why are saying like I will go away I only look around this forest and will comeback later.So don't make a sad face like that.Futhermore,I promised Veldora to take care of my subordinat—ahem family"said Zero want to correcting his mistake.

"That's right have a safe journey."replied Rimuru and make a bye-bye gesture to the leaving Zero who fly in the sky.

Like that the two of them part their way to discover this new world and make their names for themselves (only for Zero).


Thanks for power stone👍👍👍 and I don't know it for what.Sorry for late.Have many homework 📔📕.My school is about to start🏫.