
That Time I Reincarnated with Multiverse Chat Group

This is story about Zero Vermilion a rich second-generation young master who is a big delusion boy or also known as chunnibyo and one of the hero who save his world and get reincarnated to another world as phoenix with a chat system when he was about die (I only update when I want and to tell you guys this is my first time writing story after my first novel have problem before I can update it.English is not my main language and you can comment about my mistake but please don't toxic and use abusive word here)

ZERO_Liner · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

"hahaha How can my luck be this bad.I only want to find wood and hunt for dinner why are fate condemn me so much"ranting Zeros,he laugh dryly looking at silver wolf who staring hard at him.

If that stare could kill people he already died thousand times now.Now he lament himself how this situation happen.

To know what happen we must flashback the situation to 15 minute before when he on the way to find some wood in forest after he separate from the girl.



Zeros run like a ninja while collect dry wood to make campfire.'I think this enough for tonight.It's not like we are in need for firewood.We only stay outdoor tonight.Now,I only need to find food to eat.Don't what her to died because of hunger.'though Zeros in his head while nodded sagely to make it look like he agree to his decision.

"Food huh where I can find food this late it almost night."said Zeros to himself.

He searched the forest till he found a lair.In there he found many different type of fruit and meat.He take all food and meat from there and left the place in hurry.

Unfortunately for him.He was greeted by a giant white wolf that have snow white fur and majestic presence.It presence and white fur make it look like fenrir from Norse mythology.'So this is your place pretty neat and clean'praised Zeros in his mind and sweating bullet when he staring hard by wolf.

He quickly left some leftover for wolf to make wolf move from exit and let him go."Here for you"said Zeros carefully laid back some food and quickly actived his mystic eyes and ready to attack using magic.

The wolf look at him like you like at fool.The wolf dashed at him and ready to scratch Zeros but the ground suddenly collapse and Zeros attack the wolf continuously using magic but that attack did not make any damage to white wolf and can only be used as distraction.Zeros quickly ran away before he getting caught.

The wolf in angry chase Zeros furiously like a mad dog that chase his prey not letting he get away till he cornered Zeros who panting hard to breath.


"Hello Mr Wolf can you understand me?I think you misunderstanding me about something.It not like I want to steal you food I just want to borrow it and test it for you who know if poisoned.How about you let me take some?"ask Zeros to giant snow white wolf monster in front of him with hand gestures 'give me'.

The wolf roared at Zeros, completely ignored him and attack him furiously.Zeros dodge wolf attack and tried to stab it but Zeros sword shattered when he slash wolf fur.

"What the hell wrong with this monster firstly his death line so tiny and almost invisible.Secondly,he fur is like fucking diamond so hard when be attacked but returned soft afterwards."roared Zeros angrily when his attack is make almost no damage to this monster whether he use magic or physical attack.

"Look like I must use my secret technique now."said Zeros while making a fighting stance with serious face.The wolf feel uneasy for something and ready to defend Zeros attack.Zeros breath in and out steadily and shouted.

"ULTIMATE SKILL ..... NIGERUNDAYO"Zeros quickly run away from wolf while the wolf look stunning at what happen and angryly chasing Zeros for tricking but unfortunately for wolf he cannot see even Zeros shadow anymore.'What a showoff when fighting but if dangerous situation come quickly run away.'said white wolf or Fenrir wannabe in his mind.

However,he don't see that Zero is already above him and ready to assassinate him.The wolf feel danger for some reason and quickly active his <unique skill:>.

Invincible fur is a unique that make you skin or fur hard as diamond when actived.The user almost invicible for 5second whether in magic or physical attack but this skill don't make user tanking high impact and be fine,this skill also use too much magicules.That's why he only use this skill when he sense danger.

Fortunately for Zeros that wolf unique skill cannot defended his <Ultimate skill:Samsara:God of reincarnation> who can controlled and attacked soul directly and burn body even to it ash if his attack successful.Fortunately for him when he ambushed his flame manage to graze wolf fur.The flame that injured wolf cannot be extinguished even by sacred water and the injured that caused by it also cannot be healed.

The wolf ranting in hurt.Zeros feel a little pity to white wolf.He already take many of his food and now beat her till half dead.Zeros walked slowly to wolf but wolf eye him carefully although her eyes show blank look like someone who already want to die or fall in despair but Zeros only flicked his finger and the flame that burn wolf fur disappear like he never be burned.

"Next time don't just attack people randomly and it can you doom if you cannot defeated him.Let's this be a lesson for you.See ya"said Zeros who quickly disappear while raised his hand like saying goodbye.

The wolf confused at what this being do and questioned himself why he don't finished her.He quickly chased after the boy to find answer.

Zeros who see the wolf chased his back quickly ran away and ranting to wolf for this injustice "Hey I already heal you why are chase me again can we already be even now.Hey why are running more quickly now?"

Zeros who already stopped and wolf also stopped."Hey don't you feel *pant* tired chasing me all day *pant* you fenri---s wannabe."shout Zeros who phanting and accidentally bite his tongue.

The wolf looked confused at what Zeros said and looked around him to search someone.Zeros who seeing this feel like he being mocked and pointed at wolf.

"Hey that Fenris is you named although I accident bited my tongue for it and don't look around there no anybody around us."exclaimed Zeros to wolf.

Suddenly the wolf body shined and Zeros felt his magicules drop tremendously and fainted from the process.It not like Zeros is weak for fainted but he already exhausted himself and fighting wolf more burdened him.And now he named a monster who have a small chance to kill him and it's normal for him to fainted.

After the light brimmed there only left a silver hair girl with wolf ear who checking her body.After inspection herself, she took Zeros and go back to her hideout.

Finally I have some breaktime for writing here the chapter(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)Enjoy

ZERO_Linercreators' thoughts