
That Starry Night - A bunch of Drarry Fanfictions

A bunch of wholesome and sad fanfictions between Harry and Draco. There are also a bunch of fanfictions between Blaise and Ronald, Pansy and Hermione are also a thing during this :>

Tori_Demand_ · Films
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18 Chs

The Fanfiction

Harry Potter couldn't believe his eyes. He had just walked into the Room of Requirement, hoping to find a quiet place to study for his Defence Against the Dark Arts exam, when he saw him. Draco Malfoy, his long-time rival and nemesis, sitting on a couch with a book in his hands. Harry felt a surge of anger and curiosity. What was Malfoy doing here? And what was he reading?

Harry decided to sneak closer and find out. He cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself and crept towards the couch. He peered over Malfoy's shoulder and gasped. The book was not a textbook or a novel. It was a fanfiction. A Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter fanfiction.

Harry felt his face heat up as he read the words on the page. They described in graphic detail how Malfoy and Harry had fallen in love after a heated duel in the Forbidden Forest. How they had kissed and touched and whispered sweet nothings to each other. How they had made love under the stars, oblivious to the dangers around them.

Harry couldn't believe what he was reading. He couldn't believe that Malfoy was reading it. He couldn't believe that he was feeling something stir in his chest. Something that felt like...desire.

He looked at Malfoy's face and saw that he was engrossed in the story. His eyes were wide and his lips were parted. His cheeks were flushed and his breath was quickening. Harry felt a sudden urge to lean in and kiss him. To make the fanfiction come true.

He shook his head and snapped out of it. What was he thinking? This was Malfoy, for Merlin's sake. The boy who had tormented him for years. The boy who had called him a Mudblood and a scarhead. The boy who had tried to kill him more than once.

Harry knew he had to get out of there before he did something stupid. He turned around and ran towards the door, forgetting about his Disillusionment Charm. He bumped into a table and knocked over a vase, making a loud noise.

Malfoy looked up and saw him. His eyes widened in shock and horror.

"Potter?" he exclaimed.