
That Starry Night - A bunch of Drarry Fanfictions

A bunch of wholesome and sad fanfictions between Harry and Draco. There are also a bunch of fanfictions between Blaise and Ronald, Pansy and Hermione are also a thing during this :>

Tori_Demand_ · Movies
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18 Chs

The Quidditch Match

It was weeks after Draco was embarrassed from finding that Harry found out about him reading a fanfiction of them both. A quidditch match was about to occur between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Halfway through the match Malfoy had started relapsing until about the fact he hated potter. He never expected to find himself kissing him in the middle of a Quidditch match. He didn't know what came over him, maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the frustration, maybe it was the fact that Potter looked so damn good on his broomstick.

Whatever it was, Draco couldn't resist the urge to fly over to him and press his lips against his. He felt Potter tense up in surprise, then relax and kiss him back. Draco wrapped his arms around Potter's neck and deepened the kiss, feeling a surge of heat and passion.

He didn't care about the crowd, the score, or the consequences. All he cared about was Potter and how he made him feel. The crowed gasped and it fuelled them ever more to kiss.