
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

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soon after the little drama Tony Announce that the New Avengers Got killed in their mission out of the world by some kind of space monster Disbanding the New Avengers means the old avengers are back on business kinda...

meanwhile, Tec and the Girl he kidnapped are now getting trained under the Ancient one in Mystic arts as her power are quite similar as her power's literary can control all basic elements which are quite boring but it will help The Ancient one to get a better understanding of the Elemental Laws while Jake the Kryptonian Continues his School life while also helping stark and the old avengers do some work from time to time... While Tec continues to Read books...

While the world still doesn't forget the time Tec almost destroyed the world because his emotions started running wild Tony started developing a new armor that can fight against a future alien invasion Until of course a green giant that only know how to destroy things fall out of the sky through the roof the sanctuary...

" Strange boy You have a Visitor... " Said Tec as he flips the next page of his book

" Yeah I know I literary saw him falling... " Said Dr. Strange while wong got ready to fight

" T-Thanos Is Coming! " said Bruce banner who's been In some world for how many years

" Who? " asked Dr. Strange

" Ah! Thanos! The guy who wants half the universe dead! " said Tec as he stopped reading his book

" Yeah, that guy... " said Bruce as he struggles to get up

" Well good luck with your fight! I and Yao Will not be joining you guys with your little fight but I might help a little " said Tec as he vanished from his spot

" Who's Yao? " asked Wong

" You don't have to know that and get this man some clothes... " said Dr. Strange Opened up a portal towards Tony who's enjoying his time with his wife Potts...After awhile Dr. Strange then tony to explains whats happening

" In The Begining, there was nothing Then Boom!... Big bang sends Six stones...The Infinity Stones! these stones control six specific aspects of Existence... " said Wong as he use Mystic arts to kinda do a holographic scene for tony to understand

" Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind and Time," said Dr. Strange as he starts arranging the stones

" Tell me his name again? " asked tony with a serious face

" Thanos!... he's a plague! Tony, he invades planet take what he wants wipe half the planet populations, and now he wants half of the universe Gone! and The attack that happens 6 years ago was also him!... " Said Bruce but when he's about to continue Tec appeared with The Ancient one

" Okay Stop Wining about it Green Kid there's nothing you can do about it Thanos has the most powerful army in the universe which he's clearly not using properly like sending half of his army to earth wiping all of you but the best you can do it fight him and I'll Give you a change and honestly I agree with Thanos wiping half of the universe to Atleast Extend the Life of this dying universe! " said Tec making every one Silent

" But Committing mass genocide Isn't gonna fix everything so I cant fully support Thanos work but I can at least appreciate it! Well there's a saying that you can't stop a dying universe from dying you can only prolong it which is kinda true as all things need to meet their end and your universe is one of them and it's dying in a much faster phase compare to its supposed to! " said Tec

" So what I want to say is Goodluck with fighting a Galactic overlord who has Millions of Soldiers ! " said Tec as he stopped talking while The Ancient one Started to brew some Tea

" Well, that doesn't really help, didn't it? " said Wong making the atmosphere in the room a little lighter when suddenly The ground starts shaking

" Great they're here... " Said Dr. Strange as he and tony quickly Runs out of the sanctum while Wong and Bruce's follow-through leaving Tec and The Ancient one alone again as they slowly sip their Cup of Tea like some British royalties...

" I must say you're really good at brewing my kind of tea now... " said Tec

" Of course! After learning how to control divine energy I can Finally slightly handly these Tea Ingredients of yours... " Said The Ancient one as she Sips her Tea...

" Right... but I do remember the first time you tried to brew this type of tea to me! Your body almost got burnt into crispt, isn't it? " Said Tec

" Yes! and I must say The smell of burning flesh is really disgusting... " said The Ancient One as she finishes her Tea so did Tec...

" I mean Burning Human Flesh is Disgusting but others like Cows, Pig, and Chickens, really taste good and smells good enough for me to eat one... " Said Tec as he stood up

" Well, then shall we go eat some then? " asked the ancient one

" Sure why not I might as well have some snacks while we watch them fight right? " Said Tec as they left the sanctum

Meanwhile, Tony Who's already Inside of a Donut looking space ship along with a spider boy and Dr. Stranges who's getting tortures because he didn't want to give the Times stone to the Alien Invader... While Bruce Used Tony Old Phone to call Captian America to come and help them While Wong Came back to the sanctum to protect it while also cleaning up Tec's Tea Party... all of this is happening in the same time as Tec and Yao Got out To eat some Barbeque from a Barbeque Restuarant to some country... after a while, Tec and Yao finally finished Eating Two Hole Chicken and a Rack of Cow Ribs along with Pig's belly also Taking out a couple more Chicken Legs, Wings and Breast before they leave...

" Phew! Nothing Beast That ain't I'm right Yao? " Asked Tec

" Indeed! but it's been a while since I've eaten something besides Drinking Tea so my stomach is a little bit surprised I guess... " said The ancient one / Yao

" Well Good! I'll Let you Taste some Dead planets later on when you're a little bit stronger... anyway Let's go Watch them, shall we? It's been a couple of hour since we started eating so they should be already Going on war with the aliens right? " said Tec

" Actually They are already going head to head with the Invaders base on what I saw on the sanctum," said Yao

" Well then let us Go! To Wakanda Because that's the next place that the aliens will attack trying to get the mind stone from that Robot vision thing... " said Tec as He opened a portal towards wakanda

Immediately after arriving in Wakanda, Tec saw people are already fighting against aliens While Vision who have the Mind stone Lie down as Shuri Painstrickly tries to remove the mind stone from him with killing vision...

" See? we're just on time! but in 30 minutes or so we have to go to Titan to see Tony and your disciple fight against the man Himself Thanos " Said Tec as he Observes Vision who's observing Tec to but he didn't do anything rash as he knew from The knowledge he gathered that The man Infront of him his even Dangerous than Thanos While Shuri who's Been Dragged out from her focus Called out Tec

" Hey, you! can you not walk around me? you're distracting me! " said Shuri as her guards immediately Pointed their weapons in Tec's Head but Vision Immediately Stopped them by forcing himself to move While The Scarlet witch got handle by The Ancient one easily with her newly acquired power

" Stop! don't Talk Ill about him he's not something you can afford to offend! " said Vision While Tec stopped His observation as his eyes gaze Shuri

" You're quite smart for a human no? Even Smarter than Tony and bruce but you're still young... " Said, Tec

" Anyway Forget Saving Vision You're not going to make it in time as Your guest is about to arrive, and Yao send the Little Girl in the battlefield she's much useful there! " said Tec as Yao The Ancient one Opened up a portal sending The Scarlet witch into the battlefield while a pawn of Thanos Snucked into the Room killing The guards of Shuri while Shuri Fightback which ultimately failed while vision dragged the fight outside...

" Hmm about couple more minutes Till the much powerful thor the god of thunder arrived!... in the meantime how about you brew me some tea, Yao? and Go heal those kids at the back... " said Tec as he summoned his Tea set while Yao splits herself into Two with the help of her Newly Improved Mystic arts Empowered by Divine energy

Meanwhile Somewhere in the universe where... The 3 Avengers and 3 Guardian of the galaxy are already fighting against Thanos Which Tec Completely Forgot about as he sips his tea while eating a barbeque Ribs which is questionable as These two Food doesn't really match each other well while the remaining avengers tries to protect vision as the god of thunder himself Arrives at the battlefield along with his Tree friend and a raccoon named rocket! With the arrival of Thor, The Battlefield Turns around as Thor decimated the battlefield with his new Axe along with his godly power! which reminded Tec that The fight on Titan is already happening!

" oh, shit a forgot about Titan!! " Said Tec as he Created a portal Towards Titan where's the other 3 avengers and guardians risk their lives fighting against the mad Titan Thanos

" Come along Yao or we're going to miss the fight! " Said Tec as he quickly Left his Unfinished Tea while not forgetting about his Barbeque Ribs while Yao Follow Through while Shuri and Other's who just recovered watch them disappear...

Upon Arriving on Titan Thanos Already Defeated The Group of six all by himself

" ugh! I missed it! Did I somehow manage to speed everything up for me to miss the fight? Did I already Started to Affect This Reality? " asked Tec to himself as he flew towards the big purple guy who just stabbed tony with his nano Tech Knife

"... You guys alright? I was hoping you're going to last a little longer but I guess I'm wrong about that... " said Tec as he landed in Infront of Dr. Strange who's out of breath and energy to even do anything While Tony who's Spitting Blood from his mouth just stare at Tec with his bloodshot eyes While Thanos Did the same but he didn't attack Tec as he felt something dangerous about him

" Who are you? " Asked Thanos...

" Who I am? Well It's not really Important who I am but I'm The Begining and the end Or You can just call me Tec... " said Tec as he Healed Tony from His Dying breath same for Dr. Strange While Thanos Just Watched Tec Healed Tony and Dr. Strange without doing anything but as soon as Dr. Strange Got healed He immediately Tried To attack Thanos but Tec stopped him by restricting his movements

" So hot-headed aren't we? but you should already know that you can't beat him on your own and hand over the stone to Thanos you've already lost " said Tec as Dr. Strange Takes out the Time Stone passing it to Thanos who quickly put it in his Gauntlet

" One more to go... " said Thanos as he Portals out towards Earth...

" Why Did you Give the Stone! " Asked Tony with an angry Voice While Dr. Strange just silently Sat down Ignoring Tony

" stop whining dumbass there's nothing you can do about it! and besides, it's for your own good! " Said Tec

" What you mean for my own good? Half of the Universe will be gone Once Thanos gots the Last stone and there's nothing I can do to stop him!... " said Tony who's still angry

" There's nothing you could do in the first place! Thanos already got 4 stones and he could easily kill you all using those stones but he didn't! he gave you people a chance to at least fight back and now that you've lost there's nothing you could do and beside Strange probably got a plan seeing how he used the stone to peer into the future to see different scenarios that you guys will win! " Said Tec making Tony calm down

" Like I said Tony we've only won Once out of 14 million possibilities we only won once! and if I tell you now that wouldn't happen... " Said Dr. Strange

" Well There! you have it! you heard it from the man himself!... anyway I'm going back to talk with Thanos and Yao Stay here for awhile Talk with these people, I'll get you later " said Tec as he vanished from his position leaving The others...

" Well, then how about we drink some tea? " said Yao as she summoned her Tea set and start Brewing Tea

"... Tell me what kind of person is that man? " asked Tony to Yao

" Person? Well In Mortals understanding he's a blessing and a curse but more often he's a curse as from what I've seen from him He likes Eating Dead worlds as snacks Playing with people Minds Experimenting on Human Limits and even Creating a new reality which he immediately destroyed because he's bored... So if I were to say what kind of person he is... He's the most Dangerous being you'll encounter in your lifetime " said Yao as she gave Tony a newly brew Tea same for Dr. Strange...

" How dangerous exactly? " asked Dr. Strange

" How Dangerous? Well, compare Dormammu to a speck of dust that's how Dormammu, when you compare him, to him... an overwhelming power than has no limits! he could easily Destroy our universe with his thoughts alone but he chooses not to... he once told me that he's a being that shouldn't exist because he has the power to end everything in an instant a being so dangerous that he himself has to seal his own power for other people safety... " Said, Yao While sipping her Tea

Meanwhile, On earth, Thanos already Started attacking The Avengers who's trying their best to protect Vision and the Mind stone... after awhile Thanos manages to defeat the Avengers and so taking the Last Infinity Stone putting it on his gauntlet but soon after that Thor New axe Suddenly came flying But before It hits Thanos Tec Catch the Axe

" Sheesh aren't you a hasty one? " said Tec while manhandling Thor StormBreaker

" You! What Are you doing preventing me from killing that MAN! "Said, Thor

" Oh shut up! it's not like you can kill him this axe you're just gonna hit him in his chest... " said Tec as he ignored Thor who's keeping a safe distance from Tec while Trying his best to Command his Storm Breaker to come back to him which is never gonna happen as Tec is Holding on it...

" Congratulation of being the first mortal to ever wield all the 6 Infinity Stones! But now That you Got all the stones and once you snapped that fingers of yours Half of the Universe will be erased on existence! a good Trade for prolonging your universe Life but if that's all your reason to kill billions if not trillions of Life then I have to hear a better reason for it! " Said Tec as His Killing Intent Shows themselves...

" there's no other reason! my sole purpose is to save of Universe from destruction and if killing trillions of life is the way I would gladly do it! " Said Thanos as he snapped his fingers using the power of Infinity stones wiping half of the universe in an instant! at This point, Thor screamed and Forcefully got his Axe from Tec who willing gave the axe Striking Thanos On his Chest giving a Deadly blow but Thanos Immediately use The space stone to Runaway

" Too bad God of Thunder you failed on stopping and killing him... " Said Tec as he stares at Thor who then Attack Tec instead

" YOU BASTARD CAUSE THIS! IF YOU DIDN'T STOPPED ME FROM KILLING HIM THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN! " Said Thor As He swung StromBreaker aiming for Tec's head Instead but of Course Tec Stopped it with one finger while saying...

" KNEEL! " immediately after saying that Thor's Body immediately Kneel without any resistance as Tec's Killing Intent Grows bigger

" YOU WANT TO KILL ME NOW HUH?! DID YOU HEAD GETS BIGGER WHEN YOU GOT A NEW HAIRCUT AND WEAPON? " Said Tec But he quickly calm himself down as he retracts The command He gave on Thor making thor able to move normally again

" If you wanted to Kill me this much I will gladly Snap your neck in two without you noticing it!! Just so you know I don't have a lot of patience! " said Tec as left Thor alone as he vanished on Thin air...

Meanwhile On Titan... Dr. Strange and the others Slowly Turn into ash while tony and The Ancient one Watches them...

" Mr. Stark I Don't feel so good," said Peter as Tony watches him Turns into ashes...

" Are you sure you did the right thing giving the stone to Thanos? "asked The Ancient one to the slowly turning ash, Dr. Strange

" I hope so... " said Dr. Strange on his last moments as he turns into ash... soon after that Tony, The Ancient One, and a robot called nebula are the only remaining people left in the planet alive as the other 4 Turns into ash

" Well then I think It's time to go back... " said The Ancient one as he opened up a portal back to NewYork sanctum where's Tec's already waiting