
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


After Partying for awhile The day soon turn into the night but the people still continue to celebrate

" Well, time to go back... " said Tec as he slipt in two sending the perfect copy to Liz and kids Side to stay While Dr.Strange and The Ancient One quietly wait for Tec

" Come on kids lets go back to your multiverse! " Said Tec as he opened a portal like before but Dr. Strange who's having second thoughts in going in the portal

" Are you sure we wouldn't die Going into this thing again? " asked Dr. Stranage

" Oh! right go into that portal you'll surely die the second time because cosmic cancer or something lets do this instead " Said Tec as he teleported back to Earth... using instant transmission making their travel fast and easy...

"... you know you could just use this in the first time right? " asked Dr. Strange

" well I can but who told you that traveling another multiverse will be free? and besides traveling to another universe at least need couple universe worth of energy so suck it "Dr. Strange and BEGONE! do your worldly protecting duties " said Tec as he sends back Dr. Strange to his new york sanctum

" anyway Yao continue practicing controlling your divine energy I'm gonna go sightseeing " said Tec as he vanished from his position leaving The Ancient one who just continues to practice her control on divine energy that will probably take thousands of years without Tec's help

Meanwhile, Tec who just arrived at someplace saw something that doesn't below to this universe got amused at it's definitely a reincarnator that got some sort of wish from some random overpowered being or R.O.B

" Hmm... I get that I've already stayed for more than 5 years in this universe but why do these reincarnated people always find their ways to me... " Said Tec as he approaches a boy with white hair red eyes and stands about 6'3 wearing a casual outfit and it seems he's going to school...

" Sup Brat! " said Tec as he magically appeared in front of the boy who's shockingly not surprised

" Uh... sup? " Said The boy

" Say why did you bring something that doesn't belong to this universe and not even use it? " asked Tec making the boy slightly surprised with Tec's question but he decided to ignore it

" I Don't know what you're talking about mister and please can you move I'm trying to go to my school... " said The boy as he walks passed Tec But Tec stopped all his movement by stopping his time

" Answer me boy or I'll send you to lady death! " said Tec with a deadpan face

" Okay Fine but can you let me move? " Said the boy while Tec Remove the restriction...

" well it's not really my fault I got here in the first place! it's some god that sends me here!... I wanted to be in the Dc Universe! And Be a Kryptonian that doesn't have any weakness but instead I got here! 5 years ago... " Said The boy

" well, how unlucky of you but aren't you glad that you're a Kryptonian that doesn't have a weakness to anything? well, I guess that pretty useless since you're literary in another universe where's no kryptonite... anyway enough of that seen another reincarnated person beside you? " asked Tec

" well, I've seen a lot of them and apparently all of them wanted to be here in this Marvel Universe and they even joined that avenger hero team or whatever and always asked me to join every time they saw me... " Said The Boy who's pretty annoyed with the avengers

" How many are there? " asked Tec

" like 6 of them, " Said The boy

" What about their abilities? " asked Tec

" Well, their abilities are pretty overpowered! I mean one guy is a Saiyan! another guy has Saitama power or something while the others I don't know yet because only the Saiyan guy came to find me and fight me a little same for the other guy... " Said The boy

" Ohhh! a Saiyan! the last time I saw one is a long time ago!!... Well anyway, Kid comes with we'll visit the Avengers! I haven't seen them for quite a while now... " Said Tec as he teleported them into stark building that's now called avengers building...

Immediately as soon as they arrived several people kept looking at them especially Tony Stark the ironman

" Hello, Tony it's good to see you alive... " Said Tec as he sat on-air while The boy who tec just kidnapped stood behind him holding his backpack

" ... Yeah, its good to be alive but seeing you isn't good because the last time I saw you new york almost got wipeout of the map... " said Tony as he offered Tec some drinks

" Ahahaha It's not my fault does aliens started attacking this planet and beside you still owe me your life you know? " said Tec while Receiving The Drink Tony made for him which is apple juice

" Anyway, it's my pleasure for you to be visiting me oh God of Destruction what may be your reason for this sudden visit? " Said Tony with a slight bow

" I see still as arrogant as ever huh! well, its good to be that confident if you have strength!... anyway is your little avenger's group still around? " asked Tec as he finished His apple juice

" Nope all of them are gone but these kids are the new avengers," Said Tony as he pointed towards the kids behind him who's playing games and eating something

" Hmm... I already Expected that kind of outcome but I didn't expect these kids to pop out... " said Tec as he observes the other kids

" I Expect Nothing less from you but if there's nothing else I need to leave I still have some things to do " Said Tony as he jumped out of the building using his new nanotech suit flying away leaving Tec and the kids alone...

" Hmm Kid did you think Tony just run from me? " asked Tec to the Kryptonian kid

" I guess? base on his hearth beat which is running wild he did run maybe because he's scared? " said The boy

" Scared huh... that's one of the emotions I've already lost... Well anyway, Line up Reincarnated kids before I'll send you to Lady Death! " Said, Tec but of course the kids didn't take words seriously as they ignored him as they continue to play video games and eat food...

" oh? boy did these kids lost their ear to not even listen to me? " asked Tec to the Kryptonian boy

" Base on what I can see they are perfectly fine it just they don't care about you I guess and can I go now? I still have school to do... " Said The Boy

" Hmm... ignoring me huh... well let's kill one of you first! " said Tec as he Thanos snapped one of the kids who's playing a game which immediately got the attention of other kids

" OH! finally paying attention to me huh! " said Tec with a surprised look

" HEY! BASTARD! What did you do to Rachel! " asked The Saiyan boy who's already going super Saiyan

" Oh! so that las is named Rachel huh well to answer your question I removed her existence for disrespecting me! SO CHOOSE YOUR WORDS MONKEY! " Said Tec as he releases some of his killing Intent making it hard to breathe and move for the other kids

" TSK! I Told You that this guy will appear somewhere in the future! and you didn't listen to me! " said a girl who's one of the reincarnated people

" Shut up mary! just help us get rid of this guy! " said the Saiyan boy as he turns into super Saiyan while The kid of have Saitama power follow-through as well as a half cold and hot kid while the girl named mary just stayed

" Hm? did getting these powers make your heads bigger HUH?? BUT SINCE YOU DECIDE TO GET RID ME OF ILL DO THE SAME FOR YOU!!... " Said Tec as his killing intent burst into the world encasing the whole world with Such Thick Killing intent

" I COMMAND YOU TO STOP! " Said Tec Immediately stopping the trio from their tracks

" Fucking reincarnators always disrupting universes Balance!... You see I don't usually hate people like you kids but I hate people who think they're strong! mortal like you don't deserve such power! " said Tec as he removes the power that the trio got making them into a normal human again! while retracting his killing intent back to his body

" NO! GIVE ME MY POWER BACK! GIVE THEM BACK! " said The Ex Saiyan boy

" No! you shall Live a Mortal Life Forever! I don't fucking care if you save your world and your reward is this power! I'll Destroy that fucking world of yours if you pissed me off! so Shut the fuck up and OBEY! " said Tec as his seal slowly undo themselves as they're affected by Tec's emotions


" Who I am? I'M TEC GODKING! THE BEGINING AND THE END! THE RULER OF ALL THINGS! " Said Tec as His Seal finally undo themselves immediately turning the world into chaos as the world can't handle Tec's Power! and soon the whole Universe Will not able to contain his power but his system Immediately counter's Tec power by containing him into a separate dimension to stopped Tec from destroying the whole Universe!

" Tsk! you're! lucky kid I've just gone into my Kid's birthday and I'm still in a good mood to not kill you all! Talk Nonsense again and I'll Eat you! " Said Tec as he sealed back all of his power while tony who just left suddenly came back

" Umm... what's happening here mary? " asked Tony to the terrified Mary

" Mr. Stark I think I'll go home now... " Said Mary But as she's about to leave Tec stopped her

" did I allow you to leave yet Huh?! " Said Tec making Mary Stopped all her action as she goes back to her seat...

" I'm Sorry please don't kill me! " said Mary as she started crying begging for her life

" Stop crying!! you brat! " said, Tec Which immediately made Mary stopped crying

" And you Stark! How dare you run away from me! it's seems like you have a death wish?! Huh?! " Said Tec who's face is slightly annoyed with how everything went into chaos

" me? Running of course not! how could I run away from you! " said Tony with an awkward face

" Make that face again and I'll Rip your heads off! " as soon as Tec said That Tony immediately Stopped as he felt Tec might actually do it

" If it wasn't for Yao I already Destroyed this world! with how you people act around me!... and it seems you didn't finish the mission I gave the Avengers! " Said, Tec

" About that... we actually did but of course us heroes we really try not to kill people so we let the Law handle them but you can rest assured that they will not be going out of jail forever... " said Tony while Scratching his back hair

" I Don't give a fuck about your Laws! The mission I gave you is to kill them! not fucking Jail them! and what did you call yourself a "hero"? Who the fuck are you kidding? You killed Innocent people while Your avenger's team Kickass and didn't that Robot named whatever the fuck almost wiped out the entire human race because you wanted to invent a fucking Ai? The Avengers isn't a Hero Team that fight of evil you're just a bunch of people doing a shit ton of fucks that will only benefit you and maybe sometimes do some heroic things! but The Avengers is not that far from a Fucking Terrorist team that wants world destruction! So stop giving me that hero shit! you made me almost puke when you said that! and don't fucking lie to me I know all the things you've been doing! " Said Tec Making Tony more uncomfortable as what Tec said Is quite true as they even went into civil war with each other

" well I can't really argue with that but what happen to the kids? " asked tony trying to change the topic

" I remove all their power so from now on they're nothing more of a Normal Human expect for that girl mary and this Kryptonian boy and I killed the other one " replied Tec which shocked Tony as he didn't expect that to happen after only leaving for not even 10 minutes

" ... Uhh, That's too much for me to handle... " said Tony

" Oh shut your mouth! you can just say to the public eyes that This New Avengers team of yours is dead! and if they asked How to tell them I killed them! " said Tec

" Right... I mean These kids didn't really do anything ever since they joined and they're just living here for free they didn't even listen to orders so I'm not really fond of these kids especially this Monkey Kid... " Said Tony while looking at the ex Saiyan kid who's crying his self out because tec remove his powers from him

" is that so? then Dispose of them! I don't care what you do about them kill, torture them, experiment on them! I don't Want to see these trash and You! girl Come with me! " said Tec as he pointed towards mary who's trying her hardest not to make any noise as she quickly run towards Tec

" I'm going home! oh and Give this Kryptonian kid some money he's brokes as fuck! and one more thing Those aliens that attack you 5 years ago? expect them to comeback! " said Tec as he left the kryptonian boy and tony alone as he teleported Mary back to the Training Place he made for the ancient one

" Uh... Nice to meet you Mr. stark! the name is Jake... " said The Kryptonian boy

" Yeah... Nice to meet you Jake... by the way you know that guy? " asked Tony

" Nope! No idea who he was but he's definitely strong enough to destroy this world In one punch unlike this bald guy " said Jake as he pointed towards the former Saitama power kid

" is that so? well, enough of that! you want something to eat? " Asked tony

" Actually no... I need to go to school I'm kinda late now... " said Jake as he flew off away leaving Tony with 3 half-dead teenagers on his floor

" Friday can you please send someone to clean the mess here? and Call potts I need to talk with her... " Said Tony

" Okay Boss... " said Friday