
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


several days have passed since Thanos Snapped his Fingers and now the avengers are using all their power and resources to find him...

Meanwhile on a beautiful planet where the once mad Titan Now lives...

" So Thanos... how does it feel killing Billions if not Trillions of People With one snap? " Said Tec as He Appeared Out of nowhere in front of Thanos who's Eating peacefully with the Food he harvested from his farm

" You!... Who are you!" Said The Suprised Thanos as he Tried to Grabbed Tec's Neck Which Tec easily Dodges

" It's not important who I'm! and answer my question, Titan! " Said Tec with a slight hint of annoyance

" I feel nothing... " said Thanos as he sat back down and continues eating...

" Yeah that's pretty much what I felt Destroying a Universe Years ago... " Said Tec as he sat down facing Thanos who's Suprised hearing Tec

" Anyway Where's the stone? " asked Tec

" I Destroyed it... " Answered Thanos

" How did you do it? " asked Tec

" I use the Stones to Destroy The stones... " Said, Thanos

" You know It's not your work to do these kinds of things... I get that your Reason for wiping half of the universe is to save the universe from its destruction but You don't have the permission to do that you know? " Said, Tec

" If I don't have the qualification who did? " asked Thanos

" People Like me! the one who governs, Create, and Destroy... Mortals call Them Gods! but of course, not some Asgardians Gods I Mean Those who are Omnipotence, Omniscient and Omnipresent " Said, Tec...

" There's no such Things like Gods! All of them Perish along time ago! " said Thanos

" Well, I presume they aren't a real one!... The word God is what you Mortals Created We only Borrowed Those words for you people to understand us better but You can also call Gods dimensional Beings or something... Gods Transcend all Universal Laws They are absolute beings in their own domain that is... and one of their work is Deciding The fate of a world or a universe! while you are no God you're just a mortal with exceptional Physical powers and Intelligence... so there's bound to be some flaws in your plan... " Said Tec as he stood up while Thanos Follows him with his eyes

" Oh, and You have Guests... Said Tec as a beam of energy suddenly hits Thanos making him cry in pain

" Hmm... is he eating In the movie when these people attack? "asked Tec who moved into a position he will not interrupt The avengers Killing Thanos... Soon after then, The Other Avengers started Rushing In Pinning Thanos Making Him Unable to Move But as Thor's about to Cut Thanos Arms he Notice Tec Standing On the corner making The other Avengers Look at Tec Too...

" Oh Don't Mind Me we're just talking but I'll appreciate if you don't cut his arms and just talk like civil people," Said Tec Which made the Avengers even more nervous as one of the most dangerous beings that they don't want to encounter just appeared... But the new addition to the Avengers Captain Marvel didn't bite it as she Tried To Attack Tec First removing her Hold on Thanos Neck as he Launches herself into Tec and Captain America Tried to stopper her but she already Punched Tec In The face Which Has no Effect what so ever...

" Well aren't you an energetic one to be punching people you don't know? " Said Tec as he Grabbed Captain Marvel Head Lifting her like a little Child

" Wait Wait Wait! Please Calm Down Let us talk this! " said Black Widow Tring to Calm Tec down who's now showing a Terrifying Face

" Natasha! I see that you've dyed your hair! It suits you! " said Tec as he lets go of Captain Marvel

" Thanks... but I'd appreciate it more if you don't randomly appear out of nowhere," Said Natasha While The Others still Restraining Thanos Preventing him moving They also Prepared to fight Tec...

" Well I'd appreciate it if you don't just blast a hole in someone's home! and besides what's this gal problem? Does he have some kind of Mental disorder? " Said Tec while Looking at Captain Marvel who's still have some hostility in her eyes

" Well if it isn't Thanos house we wouldn't do this... This guy literary killed half of The Universe! " Said Bruce who's holding Thanos Arms

"... Well if you people are here because you want to use the Infinity stones to bring everyone back... then you're already late Thanos already Destroyed them... " said Tec Making the Avengers without Tony silent as that's their plan in the first place! but hearing This Thor immediately Chopped down Thanos Head

" What Are you Doing! " Said Rocket

" I aim for the Head! " said Thor as he walks out of the house...

" Hoo~ Aren't you getting cocky God Of Thunder Murdering in front of me! and to add that someone I actually want to talk to!... DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH HUH?!?" Said Tec as a Murderous aura leaks out of him Making the Temperature Dropped down! But Thor Didn't answer as he just stares at Tec

" ANSWER ME! THOR! OR ILL RIP YOUR HEAD OUT! " Said Tec as The murderous aura Intensify making it hard for the avengers to Breath as their body uncontrollably shivers

" Wait! Please Calm down! Thor is just not mentally stable at the moment so please understand! " said Natasha Who's using all her power to even speak under the pressure but sure enough Tec calms down...

" Tsk... you got to live another day Thor! Piss me off again and you and your remain Asgardians heads will be rolling on round! " said Tec as he revives Thanos Back using his powers while Changing their surrounding to his personal Realm where Tec's Dragon resides!

Immediately after Arriving a Colossal Dragon Stare's at Them with its Dragonic Eye as it Spokes

" Welcome My Lord... " Said The Dragon

" oh? You're much bigger and stronger now huh blackie... " said Tec as the Dragon Bow it's head while Tec pet it... meanwhile the Avengers and Thanos who's looking at a Dragon Bigger than some Galaxy are Standing there shitless...

" yes My Lord... I've Achieved greater power after staying in your realm for millions of years... " Said Blackie

" Well I see that... you're already at Low Tier Reality God Realm after absorbing some Origin Energy huh!... Well, Good Job, for now, goes play somewhere else... " Said Tec as Blackie Flaps its wings sending a powerful gust of winds as it flew off to the vast Unknown of Tec's Personal Realm...

" Welcome to my Personal Realm! I know that I don't have anything here except Flatlands and Grass along with a Dragonic God along with some black hole in the sky but don't worry It's pretty safe here as I use this place to Test some skills I made along the way... but anyway, The reason I brought you guys here is first to widen your knowledge about the universe and second give the avengers some Chance on reviving all those who turns into ash! " Said Tec which made the avengers regain their hope just a little bit...

" Chance? What kind of Chance are you talking about? " asked Thor...

" Well In 5 or so years you'll have a chance In bringing Everyone back but! None of you shall touch Thanos! Until then do your best make your selves stronger or else I might send blackie to Destroy your universe and Trust me He has the power to do it... " said Tec as Blackie Roar into the void so loud that it almost bust Their eardrum but of course Blackie is holding himself back not actually kill them because he roars...

" Well Then! Go back to where you came from but Thanos You stay! " said Tec as he waves his hands Making the avengers go back to earth while leaving the newly Revived Thanos alone with Tec...

" Now Then! if you got quest ask them now because you'll be staying here for thousands if not millions of years and of course I'll make sure you'll not die because of old age... " said Tec

" What do you want from me... " Asked Thanos...

" Well nothing really interesting I just want to collect Interesting Things and you're one of them!... You're a Smart being! to be able to Wipe half of the universe while being a mortal is Imposible but you manage to do it... while you're not that unique as there's you still have some good qualities for me to " Collect " you... " said Tec as he summoned some Chair and Table for them to sit...

" You see coming to your universe is totally unplanned as I'm just eating some world when I got here so your plan would totally work but of course It's not your Job to Cleanse the Universe! If the universe needs some Cleansing it will cleanse itself or a Governing God will do it and you can't prolong the universe life span by wiping half of its population! well, it might help to prolong its life but in the end, it will Die, and once it dies a new one will be born! an infinite cycle of life!... " Said Tec as Thanos and Tec sat down...

" What Exactly is the meaning of life? " asked Thanos

" Meaning of Life? It's simple! There's no such thing as " Meaning of life! " It's a word made by Mortals who Reach the peak of their Life! It's a dumb question to even ask me who has total control over life and death... but of course, people have different opinions about the meaning of life but personally, Life has no meaning for me! I mean I've been alive for along time and I've been doing meaningless things like This conversation right now... but I think you can get your answer once you're at the top of all things... " said Tec while Thanos Tried to ponder Tec's words

" Well in short you should enjoy life and stop thinking about useless things! The meaning of life is only available for those who knew how to create it!... Mortals like you have no use for it's mean!... all you have to do is Live, Die and Repeat... " said Tec

" Okay enough of this! From now on you're part of my collections! and I'll Train you here and send you to genesis to do some work... " said Tec as he splits into two as another perfect copy of Tec Immerged

" I'll teach you some martial arts, Magic and everything you need to know to be able to destroy worlds as bigs as your universe so Practice hard and you might be able to know the meaning of life someday... " Said Tec as he vanished from thin air leaving the perfect copy and Thanos alone

" Well Then Let's Start! "