
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


Hiroki was flying on his way to Konoha when he got the memory of a clone he had sent out of Hidden Fog Mountain. Hiroki smiled after processing the memory.

'I guess I'll pay a visit some time soon.' Hiroki thought.

As he was approaching Konoha, Hiroki saw how beautiful the village was from the air. Each time he came flying on Kurowashi, it was just too fast to notice the details, but now he could see it perfectly. The village was completely embraced by forest all around it. The Hokage monument looked mightier as well. The sun was rising and it made everything look better.

As he got closer, he was hovering on the air two hundred feet right above the Hokage building for some time, until he was called by

"You. Who are you and what are you doing in Konoha? State your business and come down or I'll be forced to attack you." A man's voice said.

Hiroki looked at who was yelling and smiled. In the next moment, Hiroki cancelled his sage mode and dropped down like a rock sinking in the sea. As he was about to touch the ground, he disappeared.

"What? Where is he. First he was flying and now he disappeared." The man said.

Hiroki appeared behind the man and grabbed his shoulder.

"Calm down Jiraiya-san. It's just me here." Hiroki said as Jiraiya turned around and saw him smiling.

"What? Hiroki? How? It can't be you. The person was flying. You can't fly. Can you?" Jiraiya asked many questions. The way he asked if Hiroki could fly was exceptionally funny.

"Haha. You look funny asking all these questions Jiraiya-san. And to answer you..."

Hiroki breathed deep and black marks under his eyes appeared as well as his eyes became that of eagles. Two beautiful white wings sprouted from his back.

"... I can." Hiroki finished saying as he was lifted into the air and hovered ten feet from the ground. The wings disappeared and he dropped down again.

"Hiroki, what is this technique? How did you learn something like this? Those wings, not even the sage of six paths had them." Jiraiya said.

"This is not a technique. This is the sage mode from the eagles of Hidden Fog Mountain. There are two stages to it. The first is just like the ones from Mount Myoboku and the others, but the wings comes from the second stage of my sage mode." Hiroki explained.

Jiraiya had a stupid look on his face and could not really believe what he just saw in front of him. The saying "seeing is believing" didn't work at this moment.

"So, I guess Hokage-sama is in his office. Any news lately?" Hiroki asked.

"Yeah, sensei is in his office already. Regarding about any news, you'll probably get two visitors today. Good thing you already arrived." Jiraiya said.

"Alright, I'll go in and see the old man. Hehe." Hiroki said as he chuckled and walked down the stairs leading to the inside of the Hokage building.

Hiroki knocked on the door and walked inside. Hiruzen saw Hiroki and smiled.

"Hiroki-kun, you're finally back after two months. How was your training?"

"It was good, Hokage-sama. I learned a few things. It helped being away for a while after everything that happened." Hiroki said as he remembered the deaths of war.

"That's good to hear. Konoha has it's morale raised after the alliance with Suna and the peace treaty with Kiri. Right now there are troubles in the border of Kumo, but nothing too serious. And Iwa has been fighting on their side and are too busy to worry about us." Hiruzen said, explaining how things are around the elemental nations.

"I met up with Jiraiya before I came inside. He said there are two visitors coming to see me. Do you know what that is about?"

"It's regarding the swords of the seven swordsmen. The Mizukage sent a messenger bird notifying us that Ao and another one of his Jounin are coming to strike a deal to buy the swords back. Since you are the one that took them in the first place, I'll let you deal with it in whatever way you want." Hiruzen said.

"Thank you Hokage-sama. I'll be sure to do what's best for Konoha no matter what." Hiroki said.

"Good. Since you just arrived, you might as well go to your home for now. You have traveled and the two from Kiri will only arrive in the afternoon." Hiruzen said.

"Alright. I'll be going then." Hiroki said as he walked out from Hiruzen's office.


It was afternoon already and Hiroki had just finished eating his lunch at Ichiraku's. He had talked for some time with Teuchi and his daughter before he left.

As he was walking around the village center, he felt chakra pulsed into one of his special kunais.

'It's the one I've handed to Hiruzen. The people from Kiri must have arrived.' Hiroki thought as he teleported.

Hiruzen was sitting on his chair behind his desk while holding a kunai. In front of him were two people wearing headbands from Kirigakure. In the next second, the air around the room shifted and everyone turned towards the door.

"Hiroki-kun, quick as always." Hiruzen said as he chuckled.

"Hah, so this shrimp is the..." One of the shinobi of Kiri said. It was not Ao, but one Jounin from the Yuki clan. He was interrupted when Hiroki put the cold blade from his tanto on his neck.

"Who is the shrimp now?" Hiroki said as he released some small amount of killing intent. The shinobi from Yuki clan felt a chill run down his spine, but it didn't take long for him to get out of that state. Everyone felt the temperature of the room go down, but right then it soared up and they started sweating.

"You better think twice before doing anything." Hiroki said as he held a fire rasengan in his hand.

"Ahem. Let's calm down everyone. We are all friends here. Hehe." Hiruzen said.

Hiroki cancelled the fire rasengan and let the Yuki clan shinobi go.

"Now then, these two shinobi from Kiri are here to negotiate with you Hiroki-kun like you told the Mizukage a few months ago. You three may go to the meeting room and have some conversation." Hiruzen said as he pointed to another door in his room that led to the meeting room of the Hokage building.

"Follow me." Hiroki said as he advanced to the meeting room.

"What the hell were you thinking back there. He's the one that Mizukage-sama told us to be most careful about. You heard what he did to Mizukage-sama's hand. This guy has no mercy." Ao said in a really low voice as he slapped the head of his companion.

After a short walk, they had already arrived in the meeting room and sat down on the table. Hiroki had his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Let's get straight to the point. I have the seven swords and Mizukage wants them back. What does Kirigakure have to offer in return?" Hiroki asked as he looked both in their eyes.

"Well, we actually are here to listen to what you want in exchange for the swords. It would be easier that way." Ao said.

"Alright. I want a million ryo." Hiroki said as he held one finger up still with his arms crossed.

"Haha. That is something totally doable. We'll give you str..."

"Each. I have seven swords. I believe you can do the math." Hiroki said as he interrupted a happy Ao.

"But... but... it's impossible for us to pay that amount." Ao said.

Hiroki looked at him in silence for some seconds and then said: "Alright. Here's the last option then. What is Kiri be willing to do to have the price reduced to half?"

"If you reduce the price to half then we're willing to do anything." Ao said with a firm tone.

"Anything? Are you sure of that?" Hiroki asked as he looked deeply into Ao's eyes.

"Anything that wouldn't lead us into anymore wars." Ao said.

"Good then." Hiroki said as he extended his right hand.


In the next second, Ao screamed in pain as he jumped backwards while covering the right side of his face.

"What is the meaning of this?" Ao asked in pain.

"This is for the exchange for half of the total price. I return you the swords and you return to Konoha our byakugan. That's more than a fair deal." Hiroki said calmly.

The Yuki clan member was shivering in his seat. He didn't see or feel Hiroki move at all. The distance that they were from him was more than five meters and Hiroki from his seat, took Ao's right eye and sat back on his chair in a blink of an eye.

'Monster.' Was the only thought they Yuki clan member had.

"Since we have a deal, I expect your payment immediately. You can have it handed to Hokage-sama. It was good doing business with you both. Oh. Ao-san. Take care of that eye." Hiroki said as he got up from his chair and walked out from the room.

As he stepped out of the room Hiruzen saw Hiroki and asked out of curiousness.

"How was it?"

"It went pretty well, I guess. We'll get 3,5 million ryos for the swords and I got something in the deal as well. Here. Return it to them after they pay the amount." Hiroki said as he took out a scroll from his kunai pouch and handed it to Hiruzen and started walking out of the office.

"Where are you going now?" Hiruzen asked

"I'm going to the Hyuga clan. I have something that belongs to them." Hiroki said as he continued walking without turning around.


In front of the Hyuga clan, Hiroki was standing there, waiting to be spotted by one of their guards. He had arrived just one minute ago.

"Hello. I'm looking for the leader of the Hyuga clan. Tell him it is very important. Oh. Tell him it's Hiroki." Hiroki said.

The guard that wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying, shuddered.

"Ah. Hiroki-sa.. Hiroki-sama. Sorry for my impoliteness. I didn't recognize you. I'll ask clan leader that you are asking for him. Please follow me inside the clan compound." The guard said as he made way for Hiroki.

As they walked inside, Hiroki saw how pretty the building and gardens in the Hyuga clan compound were. He saw many bonsai trees and fish ponds as well.

As they continued walking, they had arrived in a spacious room that had some mats and a tea kettle.

"Clan head will arrive shortly, Hiroki-sama. Please wait here." The guard said.

Hiroki sat on one of the mats and waited. He didn't have to wait for long as he sensed the Hyuga clan leader had arrived.

"Hiroki-San, what might be the pleasure of having you visit us." The Hyuga clan leader said as he sat down on the mat across from Hiroki and started brewing some tea.

"I've come to return what belongs to the Hyuga clan. I don't know who it belongs or belonged to, but it is rightfully Hyuga's." Hiroki said as he took out a small green wooden box and placed it in the middle of him and the Hyuga clan leader.

The clan leader saw the small wooden box and was curious as to what was inside this box. He didn't really understand why Hiroki said it was something belonging to the Hyuga clan. He took the box in his hands and analyzed it for a while. He felt a familiar chakra inside the box and this piqued his interest even more.

He opened the box and saw what was inside. It was a completely white eyeball. Something that only belong to a Hyuga. He looked at Hiroki as if questioning him, but couldn't say anything as no words came out from his mouth.

"One shinobi from Kiri fought against one of our shinobi in one of the previous battles in the war. The shinobi was a Hyuga and they had one of their eyes taken by the Kiri shinobi. I just retrieved it a few minutes ago and came to return it to you guys. I don't know who it belongs to, but you might know. If that person is still alive, you can give it to it's rightful owner. That is all I have to say. Thank you for having me here. I'll be going now." Hiroki said as he got up and started to walk out of the room.

As he was walking out, he heard a loud bang and looked behind him. He saw that the clan leader had his head on the floor while bowing towards Hiroki.

"Hiroki-san, I as leader of the Hyuga clan thank you from the bottom of my heart. This will never be forgotten." The clan leader said as he continued with his head down on the ground.

Hiroki smiled and continued walking out of the clan compound.