
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

New Technique

Hiroki woke up on the next day and prepared some breakfast with the ingredients he had sealed in his scrolls. After that he brushed his teeth and went out.

He said "good morning" to Shirawashi and Kurowashi and then teleported to the place he always used to practice in Hidden Fog Mountain. Once he got there he made only one clone. He wanted to put to practice some jutsu ideas he had, but didn't have the time to work on them.

'Alright. So first, there's the combination of chidori and fire style. I've never seen anything like this in the show, but I believe it's possible. In theory, it should be more powerful than chidori itself, but to combine two elements that aren't very stable themselves, I can't lose my focus. If I do, It'll be suicidal.' Hiroki thought.

"Alright. You know what to do." Hiroki said as his clone left.

"Alright, let's start doing this." Hiroki said as he slapped his face as to get him prepared.

Hiroki first started by activating his sharingan. It would help him see the flow of chakra and any problems he could have. This way, he would cancel the technique before it backfired at him. He then started to envelop his right hand in chakra into the shape he wanted and then started transforming it into lightening chakra until it became the chidori we all know.

'Now I'll have to find a way to add fire chakra into it without this exploding in my face. I could lose my hand if I'm not careful and that's the least of my worries. There are a few ways I could try this, I'll begin experimenting. It won't matter on what way I start it.' Hiroki thought.

Hiroki then started to make a shroud of chakra over his chidori, but as he was about to start transforming this shroud into fire chakra, he saw with his sharingan that the jutsu was starting to become unstable and cancelled it before anything happened.

'I better use some clones and not risk it.' Hiroki thought as he made three clones.

Hiroki's clone then did just what Hiroki did, but continued transforming the shroud into fire chakra to fuse it and did not cancel the jutsu. When the shroud started to ignite in fire, the jutsu exploded and the clone popped.

Hiroki felt relieved to use the clone to do this experiment. He really would have lost his hand if he had continued.

The next clone started the chidori and fused fire chakra instantly to the technique. It just blew up and popped without any ceremony.

Hiroki shook his head and laughed.

'I guess that this will not be easy. No wonder Kakashi didn't try doing something like this in the original series.' Hiroki thought.

"What are you doing, kid." Kurowashi said while he was above Hiroki.

"Oh. Kuro-san. I'm trying to fuse two different types of element chakra to create a new technique. But I'm not having any success as you could see haha." Hiroki said as he scratched his head.

"You are trying to combine fire and lightening chakra together. I'm sorry kid, but that will never work. Both elements are hard to control by themselves, imagine fusing them. The instability would be just too great and it would backfire on you like it did to the clone." Kurowashi said.

"Well I know all of that, but I had to try it either way." Hiroki said as he sighed.

"Since these two elements aren't stable, why don't you use something to stabilize them together and create this technique of yours?" Kurowashi said.

"If I knew what to use I would have done so, but I don't know what I could use. The other elements of added are complete opposite of them and would create more instability as well, making the it worst." Hiroki said.

"Well, you could use something that you have already comprehended to stabilize it. I don't know, something like YOUR DAMN SAGE MODE." Kurowashi yelled at the end of his sentence.

It was then that the gears inside Hiroki's head clicked.

"The answer was right in front of me and I didn't see it. I feel so dumb right now." Hiroki said as he was in a thinking pose.

"You sure are as dumb as hell, kid. Humph" Kurowashi snorted.

Hiroki then calmed his mind and entered sage mode. The marks on his face appeared. You could see the wing marks shining faintly under his shirt as he entered sage mode. The faint shine stopped after a few seconds. Hiroki then opened his eyes that were still with his sharingan activated and felt the world around him completely changed. He could see every minute detail around him. The flow of the grass as the wind hit it, the branches and leaves from the trees moving and the small insects crawling around. He then looked at Kurowashi and saw every detail on his feathers and body. His brain was flooded with new information.

He had to take a few breaths to calm himself before he could continue with his experiment. After one whole minute, Hiroki finally made the chidori. With this new visual experience, he saw every lightening spark move as if it had a life of it's own. He could see the chakra friction with each other and make sparks. He made a shroud of nature chakra around it and then ignited it into fire. Once the fire started, he could see and feel that both chakra nature were not pushing each other away as they were before. Seeing this result, Hiroki started bringing the shroud closer and closer to his chidori until it fused and became one.

Instead of having the shape of a normal Chidori like a ball of lightening, this new technique had the shape of a chakra blade. It was a mix of three colors; white, blue and red. The white color was the center of the technique while the blue and red where dancing around each other. Hiroki could feel the power contained in this technique. It felt three times stronger that a conventional Chidori.

"Congratulations kid. You are a true 'genius'. You have created this by your self and didn't even need the help of anyone." Kurowashi said sarcastically.

"Sheesh. You don't cut me any slack, do you? Thanks Kuro-san. You helped me a lot. If it wasn't for your help, I don't know how long it would take me to realize this." Hiroki said with as smile.

"Now, I guess you are just as curious as me to see how powerful this technique is, right?" Hiroki said.

"Couldn't care less." Kurowashi said as he laid down on the ground and closed his eyes.

Kurowashi's actions hit directly on Hiroki's nerve, but then he just laughed it off. He knew the black eagle's personality. If he didn't really care, he wouldn't have wasted his time coming see him train and neither would he have helped.

As Hiroki still had the jutsu activated, he ran towards some trees and slashed his right hand on their trunks. As the trees fell, Hiroki slashed many times, transforming the big trunks into small wood blocks. Hiroki looked at his hands and smiled happily, content with what he had accomplished. If he looked behind, he would see that Kurowashi also had a happy expression on his face (if eagles have any expression).


Two months had already gone by since Hiroki came to Hidden Fog Mountain. Right now, he was packing his stuff and sealing everything in a scroll. Hiroki had used this time to make his new created technique usable during combat. If in a real fighting situation, his opponent wouldn't let him just build up his chakra and finish his technique. He had worked hard to be able to decrease the amount of time needed. It now took only two seconds longer after he made the chidori. It was the additional time to add and fuse his fire chakra into it. Not considering the time to enter sage mode before doing all of this, though.

"You already done packing everything, kid? Shirawashi-sama wants to see you before you leave." Kurowashi said as he arrived outside Hiroki's lodge.

"Yeah. I just finished. Let's go and see Shirawashi-sama then." Hiroki said as he touched Kurowashi and teleported.

Once they arrived in front of Shirawashi, Kurowashi felt a little nauseous.

"I told you not to do this before telling me." Kurowashi said annoyed.

"Haha, sorry Kuro-san. It's just that I forgot about it. I promise to warn you before doing it." Hiroki said.

"Hiroki-kun, now that you have stayed here with us for these past two months and finished your sage mode training, I hope you don't forget about us." Shirawashi said.

"I'll never forget about you guys. I promise to come and visit you whenever I have free time. And I'll summon you whenever I'm in need. I can't thank you guys enough for all you have done for me." Hiroki said as he smiled.

"You are a good child. I'm happy that you have our summoning contract. Go now. You must be busy and there's also a war going on." Shirawashi said.

Hiroki nodded his head and said: "I'll be going now then. I'll be back soon. Oh, Kuro-san, take care of your self. Don't die of boredom or cry if you miss me too much. You can always come to visit too." Hiroki then entered sage mode and materializes his wings. As he flapped them, he was already over one hundred meters above ground. He circled around once and then flew towards the direction of Konoha.

Kurowashi just understood what he had said and felt a little angry, but felt happy nonetheless.