
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Family Time

Hiroki was training on the third training ground. It was the one that he used to train every day with Minato and Kakashi as well as Kushina when she joined.

He had made some clones and was now working on his taijutsu which is mainly composed of Hapkido and Muay Thai.

There were a total of ten clones surrounding him. The difference of these clones was that they were wood clones and not the usual shadow clones. Hiroki did this on purpose as to give him a harder time to deal with them. Shadow clones most of the time dispelled with one or two hits at most, but wood clones could take some beating.

"Humph... humph... humph. Come on. Let's do this." Said Hiroki as he panted.

The clones in front charged at him. Some stayed back just in case he would give them an opening to strike.

As each and every clone struck, Hiroki would dodge and counter their attacks. He would use the attacks against themselves and counter with elbows and knees as well. In the last second, Hiroki would dodge the attack, grab and use the force of attack in his favor. He sometimes threw the clones against each mother, making it hard for them to hit him, but he would also get hit a lot of the time since he was facing many of himself.

After three long hours, Hiroki was laying flat on the ground under a tree's shadow. He was tired like never before and beaten up as well. His face was swollen and he had blood all over his clothes.

"Working hard aren't you Hiroki." A man's voice said from behind the tree.

"Minato-ni, I thought you would just watch me and not say anything since the start. What's up?" Hiroki asked as he placed his arm above his head and eyes as if trying to prevent the sun light from touching his face.

"Nothing like seeing someone work hard. Especially someone that was once my student and my little bro. Hehe." Minato said as he chuckled.

"I gotta give it to you. If not for you, I wouldn't even be here. I don't even know what I would be doing if you and Kushina didn't take care of me since that day." Hiroki said.

"It paid off many times better than we thought it would. You turned out to be a great shinobi and specially a great person, Hiroki. I'm truly proud of you." Minato said happily.

"Minato-ni, if there is a day that I have to leave and not come back ever again, know that I did my best to keep everyone safe." Hiroki said.

"Huh?" Minato did not understand what Hiroki meant and just looked at the teenager.

"Never mind. So, ready to get some food with your brother?" Hiroki asked as he sat up.

"Kushina asked me to get you to have lunch with us. That is when I arrived and saw you practicing. Since I didn't want to disturb you, I let you finish before showing up and saying anything. But you should take care of those bruises and wash up before we go" Minato said.

"Alright then. I'll go home and wash up. I'm really hungry right now and Kushina-ne cooks really well." Hiroki said as he jumped up and teleported to his house.

After thirty minutes, Hiroki was in front of Minato's house. He knocked on the door and waited for it to be opened.

"Hiroki, come. Food is ready and each second that goes by makes it cold." Kushina said as she pulled Hiroki inside the house.

As he got inside, Kushina looked at him in a funny way.

"What?" Hiroki asked.

"Minato said your face was bruised and you were hurt from practicing with some wood clones, but I can't see anything at all on your face." Kushina said.

Minato hearing that also noticed that Hiroki's face was clear of bruises and his skin was unblemished.

"Don't tell me you learned medical ninjutsu. Do you even have any limits?" Minato asked.

"No haha. I believe that it comes from my wood style. It is completely identical to Hashirama's and he had a healing factor due to his vitality. I think that we are similar in a way." Hiroki explained.

Minato and Kushina were surprised because they have rarely seen Hiroki bruised and never were the bruises big enough to notice in a first glance. When Minato had seen how Hiroki looked at the training ground, it was the first time he had seen Hiroki look so bad. Not even when they used to spar would Hiroki look as bad. So it was understandable that he became surprised seeing Hiroki's completely normal face only after thirty minutes.

"You got anything else to tell us?" Minato asked jokingly as he chuckled.

"Well, I've dominated my sage mode and created a new technique." Hiroki said.

"Wait. Let's go to the table and eat. You can tell us more after we are finished." Kushina said as everyone sat down the table to eat.

After they had all eaten, Minato was the first one to ask questions.

"You said you dominated your sage mode, but wasn't it competed a few years ago? And what technique did you create?" Minato asked the last question with his eyes shining.

"The sage mode from Hidden Fog Mountain Eagles is a little bit different from the Toad, Snake and Slug. The three have only one stage in their sage mode, but mine had two stages. The first stage is like any other sage mode, but the second stage only exist for the sage mode of eagles from Hidden Fog Mountain." Hiroki said.

"What is the main difference. Is it the marking on the eyes like Minato's and Jiraiya's?" Kushina asked.

"Each sage mode has different markings on the body from each summoning contract. When I first used the first stage, I had wing markings on my fore arms, but now I don't have any markings on my forearms anymore." Hiroki said as he blinked and activated his sage mode.

"Perfect sage mode. Hiroki, you are a genius." Minato said.

"What happened to the markings on your forearms? And what is the main difference between the first stage and second?" Kushina asked as she cut Minato.

"For me to advance to the second stage, I had to move the wing marks to my back by circulating nature chakra in the markings and moving them. The ordeal was really hard. It took me almost two months to complete it, but it was totally worth it. And the difference is quite amazing." Hiroki said as he took his shirt off and showed the wing marks on his back.

"What are the purpose of these wing on your back? Is it just a normal marking like the ones on the eyes" Minato asked.

"Not at all haha. Step aside for a bit." Hiroki said. After Minato and Kushina stepped away from him, Hiroki's wings showed behind him. His wings were translucent and resembled that of and angel.

Minato and kushina were utterly surprised to see this. Never would they have thought that they would see something like this in front of them.

"How is it possible for you to have wings? Aren't you human?" Kushina asked.

"Hahaha. I'm definitely human Kushina-ne. My wings are made out of chakra only when I'm in sage mode. You could say it's like the Akimochi clan's butterfly wings, but they have to use special pills to be able to use that technique and it has some drawbacks. Mine don't have any draw back and I can fly for long periods of times as I use nature chakra as fuel." Hiroki explained.

"You can fly? You can fly. Would you take your ne-san to fly?" Kushina asked with her eyes shining. Hiroki chuckled and nodded his head.

After talking for longer periods of time, Minato, Kushina and Hiroki went to the third training camp.

"Alright. Are you ready ne-san?" Hiroki asked as he had activated his sage mode and brought out his wings as Kushina nodded.

Hiroki took Kushina's hand, wrapped his arm around her waist and leapt up and flapped his wings, bringing them high in the sky in just moments

"Waaaaaah. Hiroki, that was too fast. We are so high already in just seconds. Those wings, would I be able to get them?" Kushina asked.

"Sorry ne-San, I won't go as fast next time I take you flying. I don't know if you'll be able to get them. The Hidden Fog Mountai is a little bit different from the other sage grounds. But it doesn't hurt to try, right?" Hiroki said as he smiled.

They flew around for around ten minutes and then went back to the ground. Kushina was very happy. The feeling of flying was extremely joyous.

"Want to try it, ni-san?" Hiroki asked.

"No, I'm quite alright." Minato said as he felt embarrassed.

"How about the other technique you said you learned? Want to show it to me?"

"Sure, but we better go to the forest of death. It is quite destructive." Hiroki said.

Everyone then teleported together to the forest of death. Kushina with Minato though.

Hiroki looked around until he found a big tree to use as a target. The tree was so thick that it would need around twenty people with their arms opened to hug the tree.

"I can use this technique in two different ways. Instead of explaining, I'll show it to you. Take some steps back." Hiroki said as he entered sage mode.

Lightening and fire chakra started to fuse as they enveloped around his right hand and took the form of a blade, much like the chakra scalpel.

Hiroki then turned to another tree instead of the big one and ran towards it, making a slashing motion. When he landed on the ground after attacking the tree, he started walking back towards the larger tree with his technique still activated. Kushina and Minato were surprised when they saw that the tree was cut cleanly from one side to the other and fell down. It wasn't as thick as the big tree, but it still was quite big.

Hiroki was in front of the thick tree and ran towards it. This time, he made a thrusting motion and the lightening and fire blade became larger. When Hiroki's hand and the tree made contact, his had had sunk inside the tree along with his whole arm. Hiroki then spread out the chakra from his hand to the inside of the tree. Huge cracks were forming all around the tree. It went all the way up to the utmost top branches. The tree exploded and pieces of wood flew everywhere, but they never hit the ground due to the lightening and fire chakra destroying the wood pieces completely. Only ashes fell to the ground.

Minato and Kushina felt the air current move and the pressure blew their hair backwards.

As Hiroki turned back to them, he saw their expression. "You can talk now. Haha."

"Hiroki, this is amazing. The first way you used it was already great, but the second was a complete surprise. This is an S-rank jutsu and packs the power equal to or greater than the rasenshuriken." Minato said.

"Why did you have to enter sage mode?" Kushina asked.

"Lightening and fire chakra are unstable by themselves. To combine both of them I need to use nature chakra since it is the foundation of every chakra element. Nature chakra has a calm atribute to it and it helps stabilize this technique." Hiroki said as he explained.

"I understand. You are a genius Hiroki. How did you get the idea to creat this?" Minato asked.

"I just wanted to make a fusion of the two elements. The base of this technique is chidori itself. I only added fire chakra to it and stabilized them with nature chakra. It is not that complicated. I would just recommend you to use clones when you start practicing it. Hehe." Hiroki said as he scratched his head.

"We should head back. It's already getting late and I have the dishes to wash and clean the house." Kushina said.

"I would love to help you ne-san, but Minato-ni is such a great husband material that he wouldn't allow me to help. He wants to do it himself, so I'll be leaving ahead of you guys." Hiroki said as he teleported.

Kushina turned towards Minato and looked at him. Minato could only laugh embarrassedly.