
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Training (Part 2)

"We'll start our training today," was what the teacher said.

"First off"- He claps his hands "We'll start with basic exercise,"

He takes out a sheet of paper from his pocket.


200 push-ups, 20 minutes of planks, 40 minutes of mountain climbers and, while wearing 20 pound weights, a 30 mile jog."

He looks up at his paper to see the students in shock.

"What?! Are you trying to kill us?" Is what the students expressions were saying, my face too.

I wasn't that effected as I was doing somewhat of the same exercise from the system I had.

'But I'm still not excited about this workout…' I say to myself.

I looked down to the ground, ignoring the things the teacher was saying.

'But for some reason, I have a feeling something bad with happen-'


<<Quest: Complete Training Exercises!

<<Description: Complete the training given by the new founded teacher

<<Time limit: 1 hour 45 minutes

<<Reward: 1 weapon + Physical growth

<<Penalty: Take back 1 high-leveled skill

'Ouch, I knew it.'

I take a look at the quest in shock.

'W-what? How am I supposed to finish all this in an hour a half?!'

<<System: Administrator of ||Past Death|| grins evilly>>

I read this note in anger as veins pop out of my head.

'Fine, you want a show Huh?! I'll give it too you!' I say confidently to myself.

As I was planning things out, (as the time has already started counting), someone behind me tapped my shoulder.

It was Shizuku.

"Hey Hiroto. We already started the exercise. Are you,… ok?"

I look back, and nodded, "I'm fine. Let's start!" I say motivated.


I start off with the run, going up the list.

And before time ran out, I finished the exercise.

The teacher saw me walk to the bench and get a bottle of water, then proceeded to take out a megaphone and shouted, "In 1 hour and 29 minutes, 59 seconds, Hiroto Saito finished the warm up!"

Everyone looked at me on the bench in deep desperation and shock expressions.

Even Shizuku.

I looked at the teacher who shouted me out, he was looking at me with a suspicious look.

'Does he think I used magic?' I questioned.

After 10 minutes, I walked out of the big training facility and went to the bathrooms.

'Alright, let's see the weapon I got.'

I was a bit suspicious, because it never said it's ranking as a weapon.

Just as how good a skill is ranked in this world, there was also a ranking system for weapons.

I get the weapon out, and see it's a long sword, almost a samurai sword as it is thin but extremely sharp.

<<Ding!* System: Say 'Status'.>>

The system.



<<A-Rank Weapon: Ego Sword

<<Description: An Ego sword has the potential of growing in ranks and gaining skills through experience and battles.

<<Skills: - (Level up and gain skills through Battle Experience.)

'Woah. This is pretty good! A sword that can get stronger!' I say excitedly.

The weapon was a combination of black, blue, and purple.

It was a unique combination and design as it was as if it was a sword from the universe.

I hear voices come into the bathroom, I hide my weapon and go into a stall quickly.

"Yeah. right?!" One of the boys say.

'Are they from a different class?'

I checked out the system.

'If I can check the status of my weapon, can I check my status too?'

<<Ding!* System: Correct.>>

I ignore the people and check on my status.

- - -

<<Name: Hiroto Saito

Gender: Male

Rank: D

Skills: 8

Magic: 0



SPEED: 180

- - - - -

'Is this profile good?'

It sucks to have no knowledge about these things..

The students have already left the bathroom and now the teacher came in.

He knocks on the wall three times casually.

*Knock Knock Knock

"Uhm, Hiroto Saito- Are you still here?"

I look up from the status table and put it away, opening the stall.

I put my hand on my head non-chantilly while opening the stall.

"Ah! Yes, I didn't have a great stomach after that exercise. I apologize."


He stares at me suspiciously.

After a few moments, an awkward silence arises.



He puts his hand in front of his mouth, "Ahem!"

"Yes, please return to the training area and not skip class."

"Yes!" I walk out fast.

I could feel his stare in the back of head.

'Whats wrong with him?'


I returned to the camp and after 4 hours of when the training starts, the second person was finished. It was Shizuku.

She walked up to me as I was on the bench sleeping.

She grits her teeth, as Hiroto was able to chill out, she was working hard, she nudged Hiroto hard.

"Huh?!" I say suddenly, waking up from pain on my shoulder.

I look up to see Shizuku look at me, as she says in a serious tone, "Move".

"Huh?" Again.

She moves me over and sits beside me.

She looks down at the ground with a dark aura surrounding her.

After a few moments, she looks up at me.

"... How did you get that strong?"


"What do you mean? I just trained a lot and this was the results…" I answer, trying to sound dense.


She looks at me with bloodshot eyes.

'H-huh?!' Is she trying to start a fight.??

She looks back down and start tapping her point of her fingers and her cheeks turn red.

"Ple~...te…..ho….et…strong..!" She mumbles.

I smile awkwardly.


She tightens her lips together.

And looks up at me dramatically.

"Please tell me how to get that strong!"

She gets really close to my face.

My face starts getting red.

I look away.

"I don't think anything I do will help teach you."

As I look away, I see the teacher look at me again.

As we make eye contact, he looks at the students and pulls the megaphone again.

"Ahem! Class! Stop all of your training and sit in a circle around this mat."

After everyone stops their training, the teacher explains.

"Today I'm stopping your training today for some combat training as you kids took to long for the warm-up"

The students look down embarrassed.

"Anyways, i'll demonstrate some basic combat techniques"

He looks at the students with a dark expression.

"Does anyone want to help me out with this?"


"No one?"

He shifts his head over towards my direction.

"Then, Hiroto Saito, would you take the honors then?"

I look up.


The weapon he gains is the same in the Webnovels cover.

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