
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantasy
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21 Chs


I look up at the camera in shock.

'Isn't that Mom?!'

As I was in shock, I remembered what Phoenix said about, 'my parents being important at this school'.

'No kidding, I never knew she was even related to something like monsters. Especially as her job..'..

After my deep conversation to myself, I sober my mind, looking back up to the live screen.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mrs. Saito. The principal of this school. Welcome to one of the top adventuring schools in the world. Also known as, Humanities Academy.!" She said with a smile.

There was a 10 seconds pause until one students started clapping, as others started joining in.

My mom smiled mischievously,put on a poker face as she said, "oh! No, you don't have to clap, you all deserved to come here! Please, clap for yourselves as you made an achievement, a stepping stone to your new future!"

I scoffed.

I knew deep inside, she was hystericaly happy with all the attention she was getting.

It only took a few moments for the students to quiet down and my mom continued the announcements.

"As you all know, this school was made for helping capable students like you to grow into outstanding adventurers in the future!"

She continues.

"Here at the academy, we created a system where there's time for basic academics like, Math, Science, Magic, Skills,blah blah blah, and there's also a time for training the physical body, growing your magic powers, and gaining new skills through high leveled dungeon!"

The principal finished her speech by looking at her watch and looks back at the camera.

"Well, that's it for your announcement, I have another class to go to, see ya'!"

The screen went down and the professor down at the stage took the projecting box and started talking again.

"As you heard, you have both basic academics and training classes. Right now, as it is the first day, I'll start the basic academics class with some easy lessons, then you shall eat lunch and go to the training rooms.

The professor looked up and down, "Any questions? "


"Then I shall begin."


"What is the difference between magic and skills?"

He asked the class.

There was a moment of silence until one student raised his hand.

"You. Over there. Olive Greenwhere."

A male with glasses with a circle-like shape as lens, short, light-lime hair and a slender body, was called on.

He stands up and starts answering the question.

"The difference between these two are that, Skills are a specific use of unnatural laws, such as the skill 'FIRE BALL'. It's a skill, such as the name, that can create balls of fire. However, it can't be altered in any kind of way, because the skill was made just to make 'FIRE BALLS'."

He lifts up his glasses and continues.

"Magic is more free and is able to be used in different ways and forms. As such, there are 6 types of magic bases: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness. These bases can be built off of to create a stronger spell or magic."

The students finished with a light bow and sits back down.

The rooms are quiet for a few seconds creating an awkward atmosphere.


"Ahem! Correct." The professor responds.

"Skills are a more specific kind of unnatural law, and magic is an unnatural law which can be use more freely, adding on, if we use water as base, if one of you students study magic enough and practice water in different ways and gain a high level understanding of it, you will be able to create and use ice magic as water magic as the base."

After this, the professor switched out with another professor named, 'Professor Nitwick.'.

I was stunned. After all these lessons, I learned that most adventurers use magic more than skills. But the system I use from some unknowingly place doesn't give me any basic level of magic understanding.

"System." I whisper quietly.


<<Yes, Hiroto Saito. What is it you need?>>

'I have a question. Why don't you give me magic bases to use instead of skills? Isn't magic more popular..?'

<<System: Requiremnts of the use of gaining magic bases are: 2 Rebirths.

Requirements for 2nd Rebirth: Getting Quests Specified for Rebirthing.>>

'Aw, great. I guess I'm not getting a magic base soon.'

Is what I thought.


Time went by fast as i ate lunch with my newly founded friends, and went down to the lowest level for Training.


A man, a little taller than me, with long darkish brown hair tied up in a ponytail, a lean skinny body walked in. He looked younger than he was.

Most of the kids were unimpressed, thinking that it was weird how such a small unfit looking man was our teacher for physical, magic and skill training.

However his magic power was insane, the amount of pressure was crazy, and I bet Shizuku felt it too as she dropped to the ground as soon a he walked in.

The pressure was so great, my stomach started hurting and I put my hand on my stomach, as I sweat buckets. But I felt more pressure as I already experienced monster fighting from my other past lives.

The other students just looked quite confused, being able to feel slight bits of pressure for him.

The man stops and looks over at me and Shizuku.

Then looks at the whole class.

"It seems we have quite the batch of unimpressive students this year"

"What?!" "Is that an insult?!" "You don't Have any right saying that with that kind of Body"

Students started bashing words and insults at him.

It went on for quite a while until he said something.

He looks at the students suddenly with strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Don't you know? The understanding of identifying aura determines the strength of the user. Apparently, I just walked in with an sickening amount of aura and magical force, 28 out of 30 students didn't even react except those two"

He points at me and Shizuku, as the students look in our direction.

'I feel as if i'll throw up continuously, and I'm all sweaty.'

He turns it off and looks back to everyone with a grin.

"It looks like we'll need some work, get ready!"

I really wanted to add some more training parts, but the next chapter i'll add action parts and allow you guys to see more characters.


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