
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Training (Part 3)


I look around to see kids turn their heads around, looking to find me.

I look up, trying to reject his offer, but-


<<System: Administrator of ||Past Death|| Sends a Quest>>

<<Quest: Help the Teacher Demonstrate Battle Techniques!

<<Description: Help the Training Teacher demonstrate Combat Techniques to the class.

<<Time Limit: Now

<<Reward: Combat Knowledge

<<Penalty: Loss of Skill

'God damnit!'

<<Administrator of ||Past Death|| smiles sadisticly>>

I look up at sky and curse at the System in my head.

However, 'I can't just say no to this, the penalty is to risky and the reward is too good…'

As much as I grumble, I look up at the teacher and put on my best,

"I would love to help you" smile.

He grins and says, "Alright then, stand up and go to the middle."

I walk over and we start the lesson.


"Alright students, listen up and watch carefully as this could probably save your life in a dire situation."

As the teacher gains the students' trust, the class looks up at the teacher, anticipating what he will say.

"If you were never taught in school, I shall inform you now. The thing most adventurers use while adventuring is combat."

He starts walking around the kids.

"Most people would say skills or magic, yet those two things take time in fights and can only be activated through verbal stimulation. That is why the top and more famous adventurers are the ones who use combat."

I close my eyes.

'Seriously, thank god I got that C-Rank skill, "Knowledge of Combat." (In Chapter 6)'

I put my hands on my chin and put on a 'thinking' expression.

'I should probably level up that skill'

<<Ding!* System: After you 'Rebirth' That skill has leveled up. Say 'Combat' To gain the knowledge of "Taekwondo">>


I shrug my shoulders as I still forgot that I was still in class.


<<System: If you use this skill now, you will be granted great pain as the form of a bad headache, as immense amounts of knowledge will be dumped into your brain. Do you still wish to use this skill?>>

I look at this notification surprised.

'Huh? The system cares about me?'


<<System: No, it's all for the sake of keeping you alive and healthy as you are one of the 6 important candidates of saving the world.>>




The sound of my teacher's voice woke me up from my daze.

I look back at him as he had a deeply angered expression on him.

He crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side.

"How was your day dream, Mr. Saito?"

Kids looked up at me, trying not to laugh.

I turn red and say, "I'm sorry! Please continue!" I bow my head.

I feel his stare again looking down on me.

After a few moments, he looked back and started walking.

"Saito, was it? The son of the Principal. I shall let you go this time as it is the first day of school."

He looks back with a death stare, "You will help me demonstrate this lesson, right? As it is important for you to gain, "Combat Knowledge" and not "lose a skill".

I stare at him blankly.



That's what it said on my Quest! How did he know? Is it just a coincidence?!

"How in the world-?"

Before I could finish my sentence, I see a blurry image in my line of vision.


A kick hit my cheek, before I could even react to it, more blurs of hands, punches, and kicks happened.

'What the- How do you react to that?!'

The teacher yells, "You can only use 1 skill or magic during this fight."

As I start and sober my mind, I look carefully, enough to see where the huts are coming from.

'I can see it, but it's still hard to dodge them.'

Before more bashes come, I jump back a few times, leaving distance between us.

I guess I'll use THAT skill then…

'A-Rank skill, Eyes of The Future!' (Chapter 6)

<<System: A-Rank skill Leveled up from Rebirth!

Eyes of The Future: Able to see 3 → 4.5 seconds in the future.>>

My eyes glow bright blue as I zoom right towards the Teacher.

The teacher looks in shock. 'Huh? This kid… Is he using a skill without a chant?!'

My teacher's eyes sharpen and start punching and kicking at me again.

'His strength is no joke. I bet this isn't even half of his power.'

I open my eyes wide, 'but that means I have to work harder!'

I see all the moves he does and starts dodging them before they happen.

'Right kick, 4 punches up to down, 7 punches centered to my torso, a spinning jump kick.'-


"If you can hit me once, you win!"

I think he forgot this was a demonstration?

But it's alright, if I only need to put 1 hit on him, there's no sweat.

I quickly dodge his waves and barrages of attacks and kick him in the side.

He reacts and puts his hand and blocks the attack.


He skits back on the floor and looks up at me.

I prepare to block but he stops moving all together.

He looks back at the class, "That is ¼ of my strength. Before you leave for your second year at this academy, you have to at least beat that."

The class looks up in shock.

"How?" "I can't make it to that strength!"

As the class murmurs to each other, the teacher looks back at me and bows.

"Ah!" I bow back.

We look up at each other and he signals me to follow him.


"Uhm, Teacher, what do you need from me?"

He stares into my eyes deeply.

'Uhhh, what?'

"You have a 'system', right?"

"Huh?" My eyes widened.

'How does he know what the 'System' is?!'

I stare at him in caution.

Is it surprising? The cliffhanger, I mean-


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