

One moment he was asleep, the next he opened his eyes to an interface screen.

Brezer · Films
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12 Chs


Within a war room in a facility underneath the unfinished colossus, the leaders of the slave rebellion were in a heated conference.

A Rodian angrily swiped his hand through the hologram displayed on the table they were surrounding. "Uma chicho! Gala nagga sugundo, Darth Baras!"

"No my friend, we have yet to receive a word from him in quite some time. But have faith, we shall overthrow these slavers!" A tan skinned Zabrak said in displeasure.

"It has been six months since we have held this location. Turbolasers, anti-air missiles, personal shield generators. We were promised a revolution, yet all I see is lies! We are nothing but pawns!" A human male raged.

"This hunt has soured. The Trandoshan's will be attacking the Space Port tomorrow." The final rebel leader, a Trandoshan, spoke with finality.

"If you do that, then the entire Empire will come crashing down on us!" The Zabrak shouted, then drew his blaster pistol tight with a pair of sweaty hands.

The Trandoshan was faster, and struck the weapon out of the Zabrak's grip with an electro whip.

"We are done here." The Trandoshan was about to walk away, when alarms started to blare.

"Sectors One, Two, and Three are under assault, I repeat, Sectors On-" A brief burst of static cut into the war rooms comms before the transmission was abruptly cut.

"Opening the feed now." The human pressed some buttons, and the holographic map turned into a screen.

"Through Power, I Gain Strength!" A shirtless man screamed into a hail of blaster bolts, and quickly turned into a pile of heated goop.

Following behind him were dozens more fanatics.

"So the cannibals have finally made their move? Good. Their ambush tactics were maddening, we will do well to be rid of them." The human smirked.

"It is not only the cultists. The Hunt is on once more!" The Trandoshan focused the security feed on a pair of Sith wrecking havoc. Then he set out without sparing a glance at his fellow leaders.

"Kuah lamoka woke tutu."

"Yes, now that the Trandoshan has left, this is the perfect opportunity to release it." The Zabrak smiled cruelly.


"Go! Prove that you are truly Sith!" Varrus goaded a dozen cultists forward to soak up the oncoming fire.

Mounted behind premium cover with a clear line of sight, heavy machine guns raked across Varrus's line.

He knew that he could block a bolt or two with his force sword, but if he was the focus of these powerful weapons, he didn't give his odds of survival all that high of a chance.

There was no HP here, a single hit to his exposed face would spell doom!

And Varrus loved it! The shouts, the screams, the pain, the desperation, the danger.

It sang to him!

Channeling his power, a lightning bolt launched from his blade, and vaporized a bunker.

Drinking in the emotions around him, he used their energies to fuel another one, destroying another fortification.

Free from heavy fire, the cultists desperate charge began to pay off as they murdered their way into the rebel camp.

Unlike the Unchained, this 'camp' was less a camp, and more like a fortress.

Durasteel constructs, multiple pill boxes, and a few blue bubble shields like the Gungans deployed in the Phantom Menace defended key locations.

Darth Baras had made damn well sure that this insult to Vowrawn would be a painful thorn to remove.

It could take a few regiments of troops to take the rebels down. Forces that were simply unavailable as the Empire stretched its forces thin in preparation for the end of this Cold War.

Varrus joined in the charge, and slashed a dozen foes in short order.

His kill counter chimed like a cell phone receiving a text whenever he killed.

"Milestone met: 100."

It even spoke when he completed a goal!

Leave it to the Sith to invent the most gruesome of apps to encourage their competitive nature.

It was then that Varrus's danger sense blared, and he just barely got his blade up in time to parry a tank shot to the side.

Electricity met blaster bolt in the span of a second. Wrapping the energy in the blade, Varrus was able to push the laser blast somewhere else.

That somewhere else was into a nearby squad of Unchained. The concussive force from the round tore them to shreds.

[+100 EXP]

"+5 Kills."

Varrus barely noticed the notifications as he began to run at the tank.

Shoot shoot shoot!

Not me. Not me!


The feelings of the tank crew washed over Varrus like a fierce breeze the closer he came.

Jumping to the side, he evaded the next strike, and closed the distance.

Performing a forward flip, Varrus slammed his sword into the tip of the tank, then poured lightning inside.

Muted screams in the Force sang of pain and misery, then simply vanished.

Even though he had directed the lightning away, he was still caught up in some of the attack.

However, he was quick to channel his absorption skill. As a result, his armor suffered some light burns, and took on an unappealing odor.

[Lightning Absorption lvl 1 -> 2]

Flames and explosions rocked the dirt and durasteel structures all around him.

Black, burnt holes marked the corpses from the living.

Varrus took in the macabre scene with a sense of surrealism.

'Make her kneel.'

Shaking his head, Varrus knew he had no time to be sentimental. He had a bet to win!

First he would break her spirit, and then, her body!


"You were a worthy opponent, I can die in peace knowing it was to a powerful prey." The Trandoshan gasped between breaths as he lay on the floor, wounded beyond belief.

"Ooo, oo, Master, are you going to do it?!

"Not in the mood Vette."

"Ahhh, please, do it for mee!" Vette held a cutesy pose.

"Fine, but I'm doing this for you, not me, got that?!" Zenna set her face in a scowl.

She then levitated an iron rod toward the Trandoshan backside.

"What are you-AHHH-WOOO!" The Trandoshan squealed in surprised pain.

"Did you see the look on his face master!? Hahaha, have you ever heard a high pitch noise come from a Trandoshan before!" Vette gripped her sides, and almost fell down to the ground in laughter.

"Pathetic. If it was me, I wouldn't let so much as a grunt escape my lips." Zenna mocked.

"Probably moan the loudest." Vette muttered.


"Not talking!" Vette mimed zipping her lips.

"Come along, these Trandoshan's put up more resistance than was expected. I would be loath to lose to that swine." Zenna gnashed her teeth, and ran toward more enemies.

"Ahh, Varrus isn't that bad, he said he liked me!" Vette pulled up alongside Zenna, and began accurately blasting people in the arms and legs, leaving them as easy targets for Zenna to close in and slash.

"Insufferable. Indecent. Ignorant. Ignoble. Idiotic. I-I-Gah!" Zenna ran out of insults beginning with the letter "I" and turned her rage into a blender.

Body parts began to flop to the ground at an ever increasing rate as Zenna received a power boost from her passion.

"Intoxicating!" Vette continued.

"Intoxicating!" Zenna repeated going along, lost in her flurry of hatred.

A beat, then a pause.

"What did you just say?!"

"Uh, oh no master. I accidentally shot that one in the face! Er, that means it doesn't count as a kill, quick, quick, you can't fall behind he already has 345, we're only 68 ahead!!" Vette bit her lip, and ran far behind Zenna and the killing field.

"....did you swap communicator numbers with that swine!"

"S-sixty nine a-ahead!" Vette cowered behind a blown out APC as Zenna pushed forward.

"Hmph keep me posted on Krawl's kill count."

"Aye aye!" Vette saluted.

Zenna couldn't believe that loser was so close! It grinded her gears to no end that he even thought about besting her!

She couldn't believe she was even beginning to recognize him! By the Dark Side, she just referred to him by his family name!

"Uruark!" A deep guttural growl shook the air.

Stomping out of a pitch black hole in the ground, a creature made itself known.

"Uhm master, that's a R-rancor!"

"It's dead is what it is!" Zenna flashed a grin, and jumped at it head first.

She unleashed her potential, and became a whirlwind of destruction.

A cut here, a nick to the ligament there, and the beast was nothing more than a toy within the palm of her hand.

The Rancor desperately flailed its massive arms in an attempt to strike her, but she was too fast.

"Ruaahh!" It roared in anguish as it collapsed onto its chin.

It fell for some time, before Zenna coming to a stop directly on Zenna's waiting boot. She raised her lightsaber, and plunged it deep into its thick skull.

Sweat and adrenaline poured off her in waves from the effort. The Force sang out her triumph, and she proudly stood upon her defeated foe a conqueror.

"One hundred points! I caught it all on film, master! Only…" Vette cheered at first, then began to trail off at the end.

Zenna's grip on her lightsabers tightened. Was the Twi'lek about to say what she thought she was?!

"Nice kill Zenna, but it still only counts as one! If you put in as much effort killing the enemy as you do maintaining those sexy abs, then maybe you'd have the lead!" Krawl, that blasted nerf herder shouted, then blitzed by into the rebels inner base.

"Wait for me my Lord! I will become Sith after this, you promise!" A disgusting, gore covered bald man followed in Krawl's footsteps.

"+1 Kill." The robotic voice of the communicator rang at that moment. It was almost as if she was personally being mocked!

"How dare he address me by name! Vette, the number. Now!"

"523 to his 535." Vette said in a quiet voice.

"Then what are we waiting for!?" Zenna jumped off the Rancor, and ran into the base.

Apocalyptic fury moved her sweat laden body forward.

"Always the running with this one!" Vette held her chest from the day's intense exertions, and struggled to keep up.


Inside the narrow corridors of the rebel base, turbolaser fire shrieked down at Varrus.

With nowhere to dodge, he cut into the ceiling, and began to crawl along the rafters.

"STOP him!" A voice desperately commanded.

Varrus was forced to roll forward, and twist his body at odd angles as blaster fire blasted the ceiling into swiss cheese.

Unable to advance, Varrus's heart quickened as the smell of his own death assailed his senses.

Searching for a way out, Varrus focused on the thermal detonators clipped to the rebels belts.

'That's it!'

Closing his mind to focus, Varrus began to depress one button after another.

Repeated, familiar ringing resounded along the corridor.

"Oh bantha poodoo." One rebel bit out before he was turned into a smear on the wall.

The large concussive force, combined with Varrus's unstable position had him fall out of the ceiling.

He met the floor on his belly, his black armor and red face were absolutely plastered in white powder.

"It would seem even one of your caliber is capable of this much. I look forward to calling in that favor, Krawl." Zenna taunted before running past him.

"Nice look!" Vette complimented with a flash of her communicator's camera, and wheeled after her master.

"Hurry my Lord, there are few enemies remaining!" Traga helped pull Varrus up.

Varrus nodded in thanks at the sole surviving member of the Unchained, then willed his exhausted body to limp forward.

He idly noted that they were climbing the interior of the unfinished colossus. The sight of dozens of corpses only spurred Varrus to limp faster.

Just around the corner, he heard screeches of furious rage, and terrified screams followed by copious blaster fire.

By the time he caught up, he beheld Zenna furiously bashing into a man with her lightsabers.

Her opponent was equipped with a personal energy shield. Powerful as the lightsaber was, it still took her 5-6 swings to off one enemy.

Zenna also had to deflect the oncoming fire of the remaining rebels.

'This is my chance!'

Bypassing Zenna, Varrus had a field day as his Force Sword effortlessly passed through the ray shields.

Ray shields blocked energy weapons, like blasters and lightsabers. However, they were fair game for physical weapons, like vibroswords and his Force Sword!

Fortunately for him, none of the rebels were equipped with particle shields.

Otherwise, the situation would be reversed, and Zenna's lightsaber would be the superior weapon in this event, and his sword would be blocked.

"Cheater!" Zenna snarled as she was left behind.

"I wonder what my favor will be~" Varrus catcalled as he performed a series of swift horizontal, and vertical slices seen in Form I.

"567, 567, it's close master!" Vette said in an excited tone of voice.

"Just who are you cheering for, Vette!"

Varrus ignored them in favor of rushing to a hatch leading to the top of the unfinished statue of Vowrawn.

There was one life form left!

"He's mine!" Zenna shoved Varrus to the side, and thew her lightsaber.

"Oh I don't think so." Varrus slashed his sword downward, and unleashed a ball of lightning.

The energy attack surpassed Zenna's, and collided with the man's shields.

"Hah! You've only weakened my target! Victory is mine Krawl. You were a worthy opponent, but this is the end."

"I couldn't agree more Zenna." Varrus smirked.


The ball of lightning cascaded into a bright light, then pushed the man off the top of the statue.

Screaming in terror, he finally came to a halt when he splattered all over the ground.

"568, 567."

"Thank you Vette." Varrus cracked a smile.

Returning the red lightsaber to her hands, Varrus noted that Zenna had no intention of sheathing it.

"As for my favor, I think I'll be calling it now." Varrus eyed Zenna from head to toe, and said appreciatively.

Varrus stared unabashedly at her exposed midriff, and her entire figure. The way her hips curved sent a tingling sensation all throughout his body.

"Forget about it. I'd rather fight to the death than give my body to cheating scum like you."

"As tempting as that offer is, your body can wait for another day, but I will be calling in that favor now. I want your lightsaber."

"My what?!"

"You heard me Phaige, your lightsaber, hand it over! You're not afraid to go back on our deal, hm?"

Zenna's nostrils flared, and she slowly unclipped one of her sabers from her belt.

It glowed purple upon ignition.

"The other one, love."

Zenna's rage wasn't concealed in the slightest. Nearby pieces of rubble and scaffolding twisted and crumbled.

Varrus seriously thought that she might charge him. If she did, his odds of survival didn't look particularly positive. But he kept his hands crossed around his chest, and maintained his look of condescending superiority.

He couldn't afford to show a hint of weakness. Dealing with a Sith was like dealing with a pit dog accustomed to fighting. He had to show who was alpha, or risk losing his hand.

Face set in a scowl, Zenna tossed Naga Sadow's lightsaber to him.

"Right choice, I look forward to our next encounter." Varrus tipped an imaginary hat at his favorite fiery hot bitch.

She smiled cruelly, and brandished her remaining lightsaber. "Or I'll take it back right now. I don't owe you anything."

"DN-UTZ!" Varrus said playfully into his comm before backflipping onto a rising transport. He dragged Traga in a tight grip along the way.

"I think he's getting away, master." Vette raised a hand to point.

"Till next time my Darth Analover! I await our next wager!" Varrus waved as the transport took off.
