
Chapter 3

In search of help:

Alara's heart pounded with anticipation as she journeyed to the mysterious lands of the North. Her destination was a hidden village named Goth where her childhood friend, Ikky, resided. The journey was treacherous, traversing rugged terrain and enduring harsh weather, but her determination to seek help for Lysanna propelled her forward.

Ikky, a skilled shapeshifter, possessed a remarkable ability to assume the forms of various animals, but he hid his gift from the world. Shapeshifters like him were feared and hunted, particularly if they were not of noble blood. Alara knew the danger that awaited her friend if his existence was discovered by the nobles.

Finally, after days of travel, Alara reached the hidden village nestled amidst snow-capped mountains and ancient forests. The villagers lived in harmony with nature, preserving their magical heritage from the prying eyes of outsiders as only very few gifted ones among them could shapeshift. As she entered the village, she spotted a familiar figure lurking in the shadows - Ikky.

"Ikky!" Alara called out in a hushed voice, rushing to embrace her childhood friend. "It's been too long."

Ikky's eyes lit up with joy as he returned the embrace. "Alara, what brings you to the North? It's dangerous for a mage like you to be here."

"I need your help," Alara replied earnestly. She then proceeded to explain the reason for her travails and the current state of things. Alara wasn't aware that Zed had been caught and Lysanna had to flee the kingdom for safety. She mentioned "Lysanna, the girl born of dragon blood, is in grave danger. I need someone like you, skilled in secrecy and disguise, to aid us in our quest to unite the five kingdoms."

Ikky's expression turned serious as he listened to Alara's plea. "Uniting the kingdoms is a perilous task, my friend. Just then, sounds came from the bushes around them, Ikky immediately transformed into a bird to soar the sky in search of any imminent danger while Alara prepared herself self for the moment ready to recite incantations(spells) at the supposed danger. As he took off, he discovered it was only a rabbit that was trapped in the bushes. Ikky landed and freed the animal, then turned to Alara and said "but for you and Lysanna, I would risk everything."

Alara continued explanation of the prophecy and Lysanna's destiny, keeping her voice low to ensure no one overheard their conversation. She knew she could trust Ikky with this secret, and he, in turn, understood the weight of the task ahead.

"Ikky, you have a unique gift that can aid us greatly," Alara said. "Your ability to shapeshift can be our greatest asset in navigating the realms undetected. But we must be cautious, as your existence here is a secret that must remain hidden from the nobles."

Ikky nodded solemnly. "You're right. If they find out about me, they won't hesitate to hunt me down like they did to other shapeshifters."

Alara's mind raced with ideas on how to protect her friend. "We'll devise a plan to keep your identity concealed. Only a select few will know of your involvement, and we'll take every precaution to ensure your safety."

Together, Alara and Ikky hatched a strategy to navigate the challenges that lay ahead. They would use his shapeshifting abilities strategically, employing them only in the most dire situations, and rely on Alara's magical skills to complement his expertise.

As days turned to weeks, Alara and Ikky honed their plan and trained diligently in the ancient art of blending with nature and disguising one's identity. The hidden village offered a serene environment to practice their skills, and they formed a bond that transcended the boundaries of mere friendship.

As they delved deeper into their preparations, Ikky discovered newfound strength in himself. His role in the prophecy, though hidden from the world, gave him a sense of purpose and belonging he had never experienced before.

A year passed and finally, the day arrived for them to embark on their journey back to Tri-Goh, where Lysanna awaited. Their hearts beat as one, filled with hope and determination to fulfill the prophecy and protect their realm from the forces that sought to divide it.

With their friendship fortified and their resolve unwavering, Alara and Ikky set forth on their perilous quest, embracing the risks that came with standing against powerful adversaries. As they traveled back to Tri-Goh, they knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were united by the promise of a brighter future for their realm.

As Alara and Ikky journeyed back to Tri-Goh, their hearts were filled with a mix of hope and apprehension. The thought of reuniting with Lysanna, the girl born of dragon blood, gave them the strength to persevere through the challenges that lay ahead. However, their path was not without peril.

Unbeknownst to them, The army commander of Gometh, a formidable and relentless warrior loyal to the king, had been moving the paths of the outskirts of Gometh with a handful of fine knights. The commander's steely determination to eliminate any threat to the kingdom's stability made him a fearsome adversary.

It was a moonlit night when Alara and Ikky found themselves ambushed by the army commander and his loyal guards. Surrounded, with no chance of escape, they stood defiant, ready to face whatever trials awaited them.

"Well, well, what have we here?" the commander sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "A rogue mage and a shapeshifter, seeking to disrupt the order of our kingdom. How dare you defy the king's decree?"

Alara stood tall, her hands clenched, but her voice steady. "We seek no harm to the kingdom. Our purpose is to fulfill the prophecy and bring unity to the five realms. It is not a task of rebellion but of restoring harmony."

The commander scoffed, unsheathing his gleaming sword. "Harmony, you say? The prophecy is nothing more than a farce, a dangerous notion that threatens the stability we've worked so hard to maintain. I will not allow you to sow chaos with your lofty ideals."

Ikky stepped forward, his eyes narrowing with determination. "We mean no harm, but if you think we'll surrender without a fight, you're gravely mistaken. We are prepared to face whatever consequences await us."

The commander grinned maliciously, relishing the prospect of capturing the intruders. "You are bold, I'll give you that. But your defiance ends here. Take them!"

Alara and Ikky fought valiantly, using their respective skills to defend themselves against the relentless onslaught of the knight's guards. Alara's mastery of elemental magic sent fiery arcs and gusts of wind, while Ikky's shapeshifting allowed him to confuse and elude their attackers.

However, despite their resilience, the odds were against them. The knight's guards were relentless, and eventually, they overwhelmed Alara and Ikky, disarming them and rendering them powerless.

Bound and captured, Alara and Ikky were taken to the castle where the king resided. Along the way, they attracted scornful glares from the citizens, who had been conditioned to fear and distrust those with magical abilities or unique gifts not born of noble blood

Inside the fortress, they faced the stern gaze of the king himself, he was Cedric II the rebellious, son of Cedric I the valiant who had initiated the former war in hopes of getting the sword of ice. A ruler whose authority was absolute, and his disdain for mages and shapeshifters not born of noble blood was well-known.

"So, you dare to challenge the order of my realm," the king intoned, his voice echoing through the grand hall. "You think your so-called prophecy justifies your actions? You are nothing but troublemakers and rebels!"

Alara refused to back down, despite her captivity. "Our intentions are noble. We seek to fulfill the prophecy and unite the five kingdoms for the greater good."

The king's expression darkened. "Prophecy or not, you are a threat to the stability I have worked so hard to maintain. Your defiance will not be tolerated."

Ikky, defiant as ever, retorted, "You may imprison us, but you cannot imprison our ideals. Unity is the only path forward for this realm."

The king's eyes narrowed, and he turned to the commander , who stood dutifully at his side. "Take them to the dungeons. They will rot there until they come to their senses."

As Alara and Ikky were led away, fragments of visions showing Zed's capture flashed before her eyes and she was marveled. One of the knights approached them to cuff them in chains only for her to recite a spell turning the knight into a stone. Immediately Ikky transformed into a beastly stallion and threw Alara onto his back and he dashed out of their presence with speed. The commander who was also a skilled shapeshifter blocked their passage and brought them down after which king decreed they be put to death at once. Their spirits undeterred despite the grim situation, their journey had taken an unexpected turn, but they were determined to face their captivity with unwavering resolve, knowing that their quest to unite the five kingdoms was far from over.