
Chapter 2

The discovery and nurturing of magical abilities:

Following the scene that took place on the fields with the knights, Zed led Lysanna back to his house and asked if she had been hurt anywhere, her eyes were full of tears and she ran into Alara's arm, firmly hugging her and saying she didn't want to stay at the city of eldoria any longer. Alara had no choice but to convince her to stay and encourage her that she was a strong girl having the guidance of Zed, one of the 13. As this went on, Zed observed Lysanna and his eyes glinted with understanding as he saw Lysanna's mannerisms and energy. He recognized the signs of inherent magical ability in her, but there was much to uncover and nurture. He extended his hand, and Lysanna took it with a mix of sadness and trepidation.

"Fear not, young one," Zed reassured her gently. "I am here not to scare but to guide. Your magical potential is great, and I will help you uncover and develop your gifts."

From that day forth, Zed became Lysanna's mentor and guide in the ways of magic. He taught her to meditate, to still her mind and listen to the whispers of the universe. With patience and wisdom, he introduced her to the fundamental principles of the arcane arts, laying the foundation for her magical journey.

As the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months and months to years, Lysanna's powers began to bloom under Zed's tutelage. She showed an affinity for elemental magic, particularly the control of fire, which resonated with her dragon blood. With Zed's guidance, she practiced honing her abilities, mastering the flames with finesse and precision.

Beyond the practical aspects of magic, Zed imparted wisdom about the responsibilities that came with wielding such power. He emphasized the importance of using magic for good, never seeking to control others or impose her will on the world. Lysanna absorbed these teachings with a sense of duty, understanding that her destiny carried not only the promise of unity but also the burden of responsibility. Lysanna was only 14 years of age.

In the quiet moments of their training, Zed shared stories of the 13 elder mages, the keepers of ancient knowledge who protected the kingdom throughout the ages. He spoke of the bond between mages and their homeland, how their magic was intertwined with the very essence of Tri-Goh. He also mentioned that there were also bad men amidst the elder mages

As Lysanna's connection to Zed deepened, so did her understanding of her place in the magical tapestry of Tri-Goh. 

One sunny afternoon, guards sent from the citadel surrounded Zed's home claiming that he was harboring an intruder and such person must be brought out, it turned out that those knights had reported to the elder mages who had in turn questioned Zed, who replied he had no knowledge of it. For seven years, the mages had kept a close eye on him until one of the mages claimed an anonymous source tipped him an information containing that there was a girl of dragon blood residing in the house of Zed bearing a dragon's mark on her wrist. 

Upon seeing the guards around the house, Zed told his wife Elinor to hide Lysanna in the basement. The guards were let in and thorough search was conducted until one of them suggested to look in the basement where Lysanna was hiding, as he proceeded to the basement, Zed tried telling them that no other person was at home except him and his wife. Ignored, the guard entered the basement and began searching, Lysanna sneezed and got caught before an alarm could be raised, she used the ancient art of fire and burnt the guard to crisp, after a long delay and refusal of the guard to return out, spears were pointed at Zed and in turn, he conjured their bloods and it gushed out of their noses one by one, dropping all the guards dead bodies on the floor. He then urged Elinor to escape with Lysanna saying that he believes in the prophecy and that she should be kept save . He then readied two steady horses with a week's worth of food to the neighboring kingdom of Ashwind, one of the five kingdoms making up the realm. Elinor nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "I will protect her with my life. We will meet again, my love. I promise."

With that, Elinor mounted her horse, and Lysanna followed suit. They rode into the night, guided by the stars and a glimmer of hope for the future.

Back in Tri-Goh, Zed surrendered to the 13 knowing the sacrifice he had made to protect Lysanna. He faced the archmage judgment with a calm resolve, knowing that his actions were driven by love and the belief in the prophecy.

As the kingdom of Tri-Goh knew of the betrayal of one of their most revered mages considering the fact that no kingdom was meant to interact with each other, he was sentenced to the lowest part of the citadel to await his death. Lysanna and Elinor embarked on a perilous journey to Ashwind. There, they would face new challenges and allies, forging a path towards fulfilling the prophecy and uniting the divided realms once and for all. 

Turns out Zed had an old friend there who was a master of advanced transportation methods and secret passages 

Outside, the sounds of chaos and shouts echoed through the streets as the diversion took effect. They managed to escape and get to Ashwind. Zed's friend from Ashwind appeared, an elegant figure dressed in luxurious garments, befitting of Ashwind's reputation for wealth and prosperity. He introduced himself as Lord Alista, a noble known for his mastery of secret passages and transportation.

They gathered close, and Lord Alista led them through the concealed tunnel, expertly avoiding the guard's prying eyes. The tunnel's magical wards shielded them from detection, ensuring a safe passage into the heart of Ashwind 

Arriving at the heart of Ashwind, the landscape transformed before them. Gleaming spires and grandiose structures adorned with intricate clockwork machinery painted a picture of the kingdom's technological prowess.

"Ashwind, the realm of innovation and prosperity," Lord Alista proclaimed with pride. "Our wealth knows no bounds, and our technical expertise surpasses all others, even in this old age."

Lysanna and Elinor marveled at the breathtaking sight, captivated by the wonder of Ashwind. The kingdom's wealth and advancements in technology were evident in every aspect of its infrastructure and society.

With Lord Alista's guidance, Lysanna and Elinor found refuge in Ashwind, where they would continue to uncover the truths of the prophecy and prepare for the challenges ahead. In this realm of boundless wealth and technical brilliance, Lysanna would forge alliances, learn from the masters of their craft, and embrace her role in uniting the five kingdoms.

Amidst the marvels of Ashwind, the girl of dragon blood took her next steps on the path of destiny, knowing that her journey had only just begun. Her time in the realm of prosperity and innovation would shape her understanding of the world and propel her closer to fulfilling the prophecy, restoring harmony to the divided lands, and uniting the realms in an era of greatness. Although Ashwind had little to train her but it was something that would turn out to be of great importance when the set time arrives. 

Meanwhile, Alara makes her way to the North to seek the help of her shapeshifter friend, Ikky. Ikky wasn't born of noble blood but had the ability to shapeshift. He had lived his life in the shadows and away from the nobles of Gometh who would have his head on a spike upon knowledge of his true nature as he would be tagged an abomination since he wasn't high born.