
Chapter 4

As they were led into the dark depths of the dungeons, Alara and Ikky held onto the hope that their friendship and resilience would guide them through this darkest hour. Little did they know that their imprisonment would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their journey, one that would test their bonds, their courage, and their unwavering belief in the prophecy that bound them together.

Both of them were thrown into the dungeon, that place smelled like a place of piss and vile business, the rest of the prisoners eye shone on both Alara and Ikky as they were some fresh meat ready to be devoured, it was as though these peoples eyes could stare into the souls of others. The guard led them to their cell and they were locked till they face their fate the next day.

Alara could sense the emotions and intentions of others, an ability she had kept hidden due to fear of persecution.

Driven by her sense of justice and compassion, Alara devised a daring plan to escape and her ability as a mage allowed her to understand the guards' emotions and intentions. Mages were also skilled in being illusionist, creating a fake world in the mind of their preys through their words alone

With careful planning and a touch of bravery, just when the guards were changing shifts. She used her ability to sense the guard's restlessness and discontent with the oppressive regime. Taking a risk, she called one of the guards pretending to be in need of something and whispered words of doubt and disillusionment.

"You know what they're doing is wrong," Alara said, her voice barely audible. "They're imprisoning innocent people who mean no harm. Are you really okay with being a pawn in their unjust game?"

The guard hesitated, conflicted by the words he heard and the stirring emotions within him. Elara continued, urging him to consider the consequences of his actions and the possibility of siding with the prisoners.

Meanwhile, inside the dungeons, Ikky remained vigilant, they noticed a subtle change in the demeanor of the guards. The usual hostility seemed to wane, replaced by expressions of doubt and confusion.

Suddenly, the door to their cell swung open, revealing the hesitant guard. "You have a chance to escape. Hurry, before anyone notices."

Alara's plan had worked. The guard had been swayed by her words and, with a sense of duty and compassion, decided to help the prisoners escape.

With gratitude and determination, Alara, Ikky followed the guard through a maze of secret passages, guided by his knowledge of the fortress's hidden routes.

The unlikely alliance forged by Alara's ability and the guard's compassion paved the way for their daring escape. They avoided detection as they made their way through the fortress and reached the outside world.

"We owe you our lives," Alara said to the guard, gratitude filling her eyes.

The guard nodded, a glimmer of hope in his own eyes. "I couldn't stand by and watch innocent people suffer. You have a purpose, and I hope you fulfill.

With their unlikely savior by their side, Alara and Ikky continued their escape, making their way to a safe location beyond the kingdom's borders. They knew their journey was far from over, but they had gained new allies and discovered the power of compassion and empathy in the unlikeliest of places.

United by their shared purpose, they set forth to fulfill the prophecy, determined to bring harmony to the divided realms. In the heart of adversity, they had found hope and help in the most unexpected places, proving that sometimes, the unlikeliest of saviors can emerge to shape the course of destiny

However, news of their escape soon reached the king , angry at the situation, he ordered the guard who aided them be put to death by chopping off his head and shown to the public as an example to anyone who dare defy his orders.