
Surviving the Apocalypse in the Multiverse

All of it started on the Earth. The most Isolated planet in the entire Multiverse. Saying it was tragic would be a big understatement for the beings, named humans, on this planet. Well, maybe it was except for one, who only cared for himself and the closest beings to him... We don't know how, or why, he became like he did, and accomplished what he did. All we know, all the Multiverse knows, is that he didn't care for anything and wouldn't help anyone unless there was something in it for him. That is unless he felt like helping you or caring about something... but that came at a cost. Some say that you had to sell your soul to him, others say you became his loyal servant through black magic. What is fact and what is fiction, many don't know... about him who goes by the name of Dark King by some and Ruthless Adventurer by others. That is unless you are me, who sees him as someone else and by another name... And that is... I see him as a kind person to those he takes in as friends and a ruthless monster to his enemies. He is known to me by the name his parents gave him... the name Abel. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, so pleeeease take it easy on me. I hope that you can give me positive feedback, like telling me what you would like to see more of in the novel and what you think I can change. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the book, and anything you gift me so that I can do this full-time would make me appreciate you a lot.

MooingNymph · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Sneaking and Peeking?!

[Day 2...] 

"Wuwu! Master is so mean to Omi!" she said while kneeling down with her hands covering her face. 

Abel looked at Omi's mediocre acting skills and felt agitated within his heart, reaching out to pinch her cheeks. 

Omi, sensing her Master's intention and not wanting to go through anymore torture, quickly flapped her wings to get away. 

Thanks to Abel now being what he only knew as a Husk he was too slow to reach her fast enough. 

She giggled at succeeding in getting away while twirling in the air with her arms open and sticking her tongue out at Abel. 

'Sigh! Whatever, can I see the descriptions of my skills and the other things on my Status page?' Abel said this while looking at the giggling fairy with a shadow of a smile on his withered face, casting a creepy aura to the happy scene. 

"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry about not explaining sooner, Master. You just need to mentally click on what you want more details of!" Omi said while blushing shyly, still flapping her wings in the hair. 

Abel quickly thought of his Status page to bring it up. 


[@%$&#%! $%@# System] 

[Name: Abel Obsidian] | [Age: 17] 

[Race: Husk] 

[Physique: Unknown] 

[System Lvl: 0] 

[System Exp: 0/10] 

[Host Lvl: 0] 

[Host Exp: 0/10] 


Health: 10.5/10.5 

Mana: 70/170 

Strength: 0.1 | Dexterity: 0.005 

Constitution: 0.1 | Intelligence: 1 

Vitality: 0.005 | Wisdom: 0.7 

Agility: 0.005 | Spirit: 11 


{Novice Skills} 

[Appraise: 10%] | [Wither: 0%] | [Corrupt: 0%] 


Abel first focused on his skills. Starting with the Appraise skill. 



[A skill capable of seeing through all things within the Multiverse, currently able to see the health and mana value as well as the name of the person you are Appraising if they are not over 10 levels above your own level at the skills current level. Items will show the name and attribute they have; only common items can be appraised without an excessive expenditure of mana at its current level. Costs: 10mp] 


At first, Abel was underwhelmed by what he was seeing, as there wasn't much he could do with it other than look at item descriptions, so he asked Omi with confusion and disappointment laced within his voice, 'What is the purpose of this skill? Why does it seem so useless?' 

Omi had her mouth agape at such a question, wishing that she was able to use her powers still but instead decided on answering Abel after a long silence, "Master, this skill is definitely not as useless as you would think! 

Where it says items, it doesn't mean system items only; it means any items within the Multiverse. 

Let's say you need water to drink; this can help you see what water is contaminated, as there will be lots of areas with contaminated water now because of the Primordial Mist changing the composition, making radioactive materials harmless, and making certain bodies of water poisonous. Not that you need water yet with your current physiology. 

You could even find information that no one on your planet would know about, such as things like Labyrinths' and Sanctuaries' locations, which are normally extremely difficult to locate. 

Plus, you are the only being in the Multiverse capable of having this specific ability, including your other two abilities, as they come from the only Chimerical ranked object in existence. Don't be mistaken; there are other types of abilities similar to this one, but none that can boast of seeing through all things!" 

What Omi said made Abel stunned for what seemed to be a few seconds for him but was actually way longer thanks to his mental stats being so low, finally realizing how amazing this ability was. 

Excited at the prospect of his other abilities, Abel opened their descriptions one after the other. 



[A skill said to be the end of everything in existence through devouring everything, leaving behind an endless Abyss. Currently capable of draining the target if you are in contact with an open wound. At its current level, you may choose a single physical property of your enemy to drain and absorb if that property is lower than yours and the enemy's level is not over 10 levels above your own level. Costs: 50mp] 


[A skill that is said to have been the beginning of everything in the Multiverse but also the end for those that resisted. Currently, the skill is capable of exuding a weak mist with a radius of 2 meters that deals 2,5 corruption damage per second to enemies and allies. It is capable of being released in a concentrated form that corrupts and mutates the target to the most desirable outcome depending on how much mana you use and how much health you use. It is also able to use your stats to increase effectiveness, but it is not recommended. Costs: N/A] 


For some reason, Abel still couldn't find the skills that were so amazing, which puzzled him because he recalled that Omi said they came from the same source as Appraise, so going by comparison they should be quite amazing, yet he didn't really find them as such. 

Luckily, he had Omi, who could know his thought process through their link, unluckily for her, she had to deal with a damn man child after so many years of being locked in a fucking crystal. 

So, she quickly suggested to him, so that she resisted the urge to scream in his ear, "Master, please click on your race, that will explain everything to you." 

Abel quickly did as Omi suggested and clicked on his current race to see more information about it, and what he saw shocked him more and more as he read it carefully compared to his skills. 



[Since the dawn of time, there has never been a race such as this between Death and Life, but at the same time neither. Being sapped of all physical Life, their physical and mental stats are abysmal, only having the thought processing and strength of a human infant. 

Knowing this, one might think that they are easy targets for hunting and killing—even easier than a level 0 zombie, some might say—but they would be walking to their deaths if they carried those fanciful thoughts when going after one. 

They are the most adaptive creatures in existence, even more so than humans. The evolutionary capabilities of this race are something to be wary of. 

They have a Trait that can naturally integrate the strongest traits and characteristics of other races by absorbing their life force through different means, be it eating the flesh or drinking the blood of their targets. Through this, various transformational routes are opened up to them for their use. 

Beware because sticks and stones cannot break their bones, and words are useless against their teeth.] 


Changed Exp value to numerical values instead of percentages, just makes sense to me.

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