
Princely Matters

"Oh please explain?" Lyra said in amusement.

"Well if I'm not mistaken, this seems to be an induction into being a prince. I obviously have the power for such a position." I said keeping a polite tone the entire time I spoke. It wouldn't do to show any emotion here. There's been talks of someone being brought here to become a prince and leaving with no memory of what happened here. A lot of those times grace injuries were inflicted on them and they were made outcasts of the house until they either dropped out or in a few cases killed themselves, though some think that even that wasn't what it seemed.

"Close, but not quite. You see we are a very close-knit group. It wouldn't do for someone to claim such a position in our under circle if he wasn't compatible with us and some of our views." Lyra said in a light tone. My face fell at this, I have no plans to even pretend to follow Pureblood propaganda.

My brain started turning a mile a minute as every eye in the room stared intensely at me. I kept my emotions under control but underneath panic was rising in my chest, "And what views are those?" I drawl making it perfectly clear I know exactly what views were and what I thought of them.

"The same views as your Father for one. We also aren't a fan of the riffraff you hang around in Gryffindor." Lyra said the same happy tone she's used the whole time, except their was an undertone of steel in her voice. "You see when we bring someone into our inner sanctum, plans are put into place to ensure that nothing untoward can happen to us in case we have to take unpleasant actions." She said emphasizing the last two words. "And before you start we already have someone with orders that if your friend Blaise makes a move towards a teacher he'll give him a real Slytherin lesson. So you see theirs no choice but to submit."

I look shocked at that, I have really come to view Blaise as a close friend, for him to be in danger because of my oversight is disheartening. Of course their are plans in place to make sure the higher powers of Slytherin stay loyal to their cause. I say nothing as Lyra looks excited at my compliance, "We see great promise in you Ares, so great in fact that I would personally teach you all you could ever know in the dark arts. All you have to do is swear an unbreakable vow that you will serve the Dark Lord. Do so and your time in Slytherin will prove to be most profitable."

I think over my options and realize that theirs really only one option. "Ok, but can I speak with someone before I swear this oath?"

"Are they in this room?" Lyra asked laughing as she said it. Of course they had no intention for anyone to learn of this. They all laughed as I smiled.

"Oh yes," Their heads jerked to me, "in fact he's been here this whole time. DOBBY!"


A house elf appeared and before they could say anything I said, "Release the files unless I tell you exactly where my lockbox is buried."


And just like that silence reigned in the room. I burst out laughing. "It's all just too funny, you actually believe I wouldn't be expecting something like this to happen, that I didn't have plans in place, FOOLS!" I yelled cackling like mad.

Lyra's expression drops for the first time since the meeting, "And just what files are you talking about?" She said in her sickeningly sweet voice.

"September 12th, 1989, June 1st, 1990, August 23rd, 1990, and September 17th, 1991. Those dates might have meaning to most of you here, I suppose on each of those dates one or both of your parents were out of the house?" I said laughter dying down to chuckles. The way the older ones face paled as the younger ones remained confused had me burst out laughing once again. Lyra stood up madness radiation in her eyes, "YOU HAVE NO PROOF!"

"Oh, don't I? You all forget yourselves, no matter how much he or I wishes it weren't so I am the son of Lucius Malfoy. Blackmailing is our blood, you really think that the great manipulator wouldn't have excellent proof of all his 'business associates' late night activities. I've even got transaction statements on every single payment made to that fool Fudge. All the great pureblood Lords, shuttled off to Azkaban so sad… so sad." I fake a tear down my face. "Of course the children of such degenerates would be in ruin, a stain on their reputation for all days." I say in a concerned voice that grates on them, as the younger years shout and cry at such a situation that they've found themselves in.

"It just feels sooo good to win." I say a wistful sigh escaping at the end just to infuriate them more. They all raise their wands which makes me chuckle even more, "Don't even try it Lucius dishes out more than you could possibly stomach, and Dobby is trained to spot the Imperius Curse, wouldn't do for daddy dearest to be 'Imperiused' again."

They all sit there no doubt thinking of some way out of this. Lyra once again proves to be the smartest in the room and yells, "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!"

She takes several deep breaths, and looks at me fury doesn't describe the amount of hate radiating from her eyes, "What do you want?" The other Slytherins looked at her in surprise, no doubt not many had gotten the better of her and for a first-year to do it is unheard of.

I smile and speak in a cheerful, mocking voice, quite like the one she used earlier, "Oh I want quite a lot, from you though? Only my justly earned position as prince, and any decisions I make to be backed by this council."

Lyra looks like she'd rather marry a muggle, but she grits out, "Fine, your a prince. Is that all?"

"Well I sure hope so, but just to show you how serious I am, I'll be sending a copy of the plans to attack muggles to the DMLE. That shouldn't get anyone in Azkaban, but it might make future nightly endeavors… suicidal. Have fun!" I finish with a bloodthirsty grin. They all pale at that and I walk out hearing them run for the owl coop to send letters out to their parents warning them not to do anymore attacks.

I meet up with Blaise and mouth 'ROR', he nods and waits for 10 minutes before heading their. When he arrives I'm sitting on a couch with my hands on my head cursing every deity in existence. I hold up a hand and say, "Dobby!"


"Yes Master Ares?" Dobby said.

"Give me the remaining files, my lockbox is buried in the gardens." Dobby pops away and returns in a second files in hand. I dismiss him and he pops away again. I can't trust Lucius not to hear about this so Dobby can't know where I've hidden this. I grab the files and sigh not knowing what to do with them.

"What happened, I thought this is what you wanted? Did they deny you the position?"Blaise asked worried that the plans fell through. I chuckle in a dead tone, "Oh Blaise, if only my worry had to do with some stupid Slytherin position."

He looks at me confused waiting on me to continue and I sighed, "I may or may not have just put a target the size of Europe on my back, not only for all the Slytherins, but most of the Noble Lords of Slytherin as well."

Blaise went white as a sheet, "HOW IN THE FUCK DID YOU MANAGE THAT!," he shouted in panic. "What could you possibly have said that could have caused the Noble Lords to target you! Are you insane? People who piss off the Lords are usually dead within the week! Assassins have been sent for pissing off one Noble house, and you've managed to piss off every one of them in Slytherin?"

"Most of them, but yeah." I say chuckling trying to fight down the war of emotions I'm feeling.

"Oh well that makes it better." Blaise snarks back. "Ares, what did you say to them?"

"I threatened to expose their donations to Fudge that just so happen to coincidence with dates that muggles have been getting kidnapped." I say tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Oh fuck.."


"That'll do it."


"Anyway to take it back?"


Soon Blaise joins me on the couch and I give him the rundown of what happened. "What am I going to do Blaise? I'm in too deep, I'll be lucky to see the second-year!"

"The only thing that can save you now is round the clock Auror watch, and even then it's not certain one of your guards wouldn't be an assassin, so unless you become dumbledore level strong in a week I've run out of ideas." He said. "Well it has been a nice existence. They mentioned me by name at the meeting, they'll assume I'm with you no matter what now."

"I'm sorry Blaise." I said genuinely. I never meant to get him involved in this, I'd have never asked him to help if I knew this would happen.

"No it's fine, I knew this could happen as soon as I signed up for Slytherin. We're not like Gryffindor, every action we take could have deadly consequences. I knew that I could die when I accepted you offer in the beginning of the year. Maybe not this soon, but hey, it could be worse."

I look at him like he's crazy, he looks at me with a ghost of a smile and says, "I could be in Azkaban, that's an experience multiple people have said is worse than death."

I look at him for a second, and suddenly laugh, "I can't believe it, Blaise your brilliant."

Blaise looks at me like I'd already lost it, "Thanks?"

"I think I've figured out a way to give us a chance." I say smiling ear to ear. Blaise jumps up off the couch.

"Don't joke about this, are you serious?" He said in a no-nonsense tone.

"What would you say to me having the means and the evidence to free Sirius Black? Not only can I free him, I can capture the real criminal that perpetrated his crimes!" I said feeling hope ruse in my chest.

"I'd say that'd be enough for an auror detail for at least until the end of the school year." Blaise says with a hopeful tone. "But it's still not enough, they will wait for the Aurors to leave. We would be in the same situation as soon as the school year ends."

"But it gives us hope and time. And if the Sirius Black situation doesn't last the whole year I have one more matter the Aurors might be interested in that'll keep them here for longer. God created the Earth in 6 days, I can find a solution to this within these months." I said with a smile on my face. It would take some work but I refuse to die.

A/N: Please support me on Pateón:
