
Return to Hogwarts

I awoke with the familiar feeling of something being different that I've come to associate with rituals. It's not a bad different, just unfamiliarity with my own body. I stand up and notice I'm taller, not drastically but at least a good 2-3 inches. As I walk over to the mirror, I'm amazed by myself, not to sound narcissistic, but I look incredibly more handsome. My hair grow a little with my height, my cheekbones are more defined, and my eyes are a more deeper blue than before. I lifted my shirt and see that my abs that we're just starting to come in are now well defined, along with some of my other muscles.

It's a good thing I've grown up wearing long robes as I wouldn't be able to hide my body changing so much if i had been seen in more form fitting clothes. Luckily as I come down to eat breakfast, Lucius doesn't so much as glance my way, Mother looks at me for a couple of seconds but doesn't let anything show as she goes back to eating. Growing up in a family as dark as the Blacks must have made her able to recognize exactly what I've done and from the look in her eyes she doesn't seem upset by me doing so.

Yule passes far too slowly for my tastes, as I busy myself with constant reading and practicing drawing my wand. Now more than ever I've come to appreciate being able to draw my wand on the fly, with my reflexes and improved body, I've never been deadlier. I've considered joining the U-17 circuit for dueling but decided to wait until my second major magical growth.

We all leave to board the train and me and Draco board the train he darts off to find his goons as I look for Blaise. As I'm looking, I pass by the devil twins that haunt the Slytherins with a passion. They've gotten me twice with their pranks, one where my hair changed to bright Gryffindor red for a day, and another were they made a genius use of magic and potioned all of the Slytherins to change into anthropomorphic animals. Mine wasn't so bad as I turned into a human like lion. An idea forms in my mind as I knock on the door.

I hear one of them say come in, and a predatory look comes to their face as they see me, "Forge, correct me if I'm wrong-

"You usually are Gred."

-but there seems to be an ickle Slytherin firstie in our cabin." They said in tandem, grinning like loons.

"Astute observation, Gred, was it? I'm here to offer a business opportunity." I said while sitting down opposite to them.

"Oi, I'm Gred!" One called.

"I thought I was Gred, Forge?" The other said.

"More importantly-

"What business do we have-

"-with a slimy Slytherin such as yourself." They said in their twin talk. I took a moment to admire their friendship. I only wished I was as close with Draco as they are with each other.

A surge of jealousy surged, but was quashed down with Occlumency, "Word around the school is you boys enjoy pranking, more specifically inventing pranks."

"An outrageous lie-

"We would never-

"But we do enjoy-

"-having a spot of fun." They said as they laughed.

"Making and researching such prank items must cost a fair bit, what would you say to making a 100 galleons?" I ask taking out my bottomless pouch that I got as gift from mother a couple years ago.


"On what we'd have to do-

"-to earn such a healthy sum?" They said eyeing me distrustfully.

"Nothing major I assure you, I'm in need of an unbreakable cage no bigger than to hold a squirrel. I haven't taken Ancient Runes yet, and any Impervious spells I place on it would have to be renewed constantly. I can make a vow saying I would never use it for anything other than with good intentions, as long as you make a vow to not disclose anything about this transaction. I can supply the cage as long as you can engrave the runes, and don't say you don't know how, your pranks betray you. You both are much smarter than you let on." I finish as I gaze at them expectantly.

They looked at each other an unspoken conversation playing between them. It eventually got more heated as, Forge?, said, "We need the money! Think about our dream."

That seemed to soften him up and eventually they looked at me, "You got yourself a deal little bad faith-

"-but we're gonna need that oath for sure."

Once the oaths were done, I pulled out the cage I packed for the rat. They got to work and finished it in admirable time. I took it set it on the ground and fired out a low-level, "Bombarda!"

The cage shot off the ground and bounced around the cabin eventually settling down without a scratch on it. I cast a Reparo on the damage to the floor, I turned around and the Twins had their wands pointed at me. I didn't mind and paid the them for their work, "Pleasure doing business with you gentlemen."

I went and found Blaise and settled into easy conversation. Soon the train pulled to the station and we made our way to Hogwarts for the second term of the year. A lot of planning needed to happen this term, I needed to convince Harry to help me with Sirius, train my new body, and keep myself away from the third floor.

In the Great Hall, I glanced over and noticed that the Slytherin upper-years kept sending me looks. Either someone put a hit out on me, or they were going to approach me about the Prince title. I finished dinner only half listening to Dumbledore's speech before he dismissed us to our rooms. As soon as we were back to the Common rooms, Andrian Pucey walked over and spoke to me looking disgusted the entire time, "You are requested to join the King in a meeting. Please follow me."

I left with him after whispering to Blaise that if I hadn't come back in an hour to find a teacher and tell them what happened. He nodded and sat down in the common room. I followed Adrian to a wall that was hidden from view. A few knocks on the bricks like they do at the Leaky Cauldron and the wall opens up and sitting their are the highest powers in all of Slytherin.

Lucas Rosier sat in a chair marked 2, he was one of the few second-years that attacked me with Draco earlier this year. Hatred could be seen on his face when he saw me enter, but just scoffed and looked away.

Castor Dolohov sat in the chair marked 3, he sat with a eerie grin that never left his face. He seems to be a real chip off the old insane block. He seemed quite interested in me.

Castiel Rowle sat in the chair marked 4, he wore a stony expression that gave away nothing.

Marcus Flint sat in the chair marked 5, he looked quite nervous but said nothing to my being there.

Adrian Pucey left my side and sat in the chair marked 7, which surprised me as that meant the new king had to be a sixth year. His disgusted expression from earlier never changed, it seems he finds it quite offensive that I would be chosen. Perhaps he hoped Draco would have been the prince instead.

That left a large throne sat at the head of the table with snakes bronze snakes framed at the sides. Inside sat Lyra Macnair, the only female in the room. She wore a kind face that seemed oh so similar to Dumbledore. I didn't trust that look at all, it made her seem as if she's looking at a bunch of monkeys playing in front of her.

"Ares Cassius Malfoy, do you know where you are and why you were called?" Lyra said in a soft but deadly voice. The Prince's looked really uncomfortable as soon as she started speaking. It sounded like Bellatrix Lestrange in the films.

"Oh, I have an idea." I said with a polite smile on my face.

A/N: Please support me on Patreón:


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