
Summer City Harem

A young college student has just registered in this new university named Summer City University and his companion, a Succubus, by the name of Rhea tries to help her companion find love and start his own harem. The young man goes about his days and tries to create his dream harem along with Rhea. His main goal is to make women fall in love with him to start his harem. How will this student get his harem? How will Rhea help her human start his harem? Find out in Summer City Harem!

AncientShadow · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

To Be or Not To Be

{Day: Saturday}

{Time: 8:30 AM}

{Location: Home}

I groaned as the sound of my alarm went off. I rolled over on my side and pressed stop on my phone to turn the alarm off. I rolled over on my back and placed my arm over my eyes. I had the worst case of a hangover ever...

"Who set that alarm..?" I asked.

"I did~" Rhea smiled as she rolled over on her side to look at me. "It's Saturday and you know what that means~"

"A day full of dates and shit?" I asked.

"Correct~ You want these women to be your girlfriend right?~ You've gotta work for it!" Rhea said and sat up, covering herself with the covers.

I grunted softly and sat up then moved my hair from my eyes. "This shit is pretty tiring.."

"Well yeah. It is a harem. You've got all of these fine ladies to look after and manage. It isn't like their panties are gonna drop at your command. Not yet anyway." Rhea smiled.

"Yours do." I said.

"Because I'm a Succubus~ I'll do anything for sex, only for you though~" Rhea giggled. "However, I'm already your companion so anytime you want to have sex with me, I'll be ready. For now, I'm not the main focus. Saturday is the best day to go out there and get some bitches on your dick."

I smiled and got out of bed. "You are the biggest worst influence I've ever met in my life, but I like your unhinged methods of motivating me.."

Rhea smiled and watched me go into the bathroom. "Don't take to long!~ The ladies are awaiting!~"

"Yeah yeah!" I called out from the bathroom.

Rhea smiled and laid back down then sighed softly.

{Time: 9:35 AM}

I walked downstairs after getting ready for the day and grabbed my keys. "Are you ready yet, Rhea?"

"Yep!~" Rhea said and hurried over to me from the kitchen. "Where are we going, boss?"

"No idea, but I was wondering if there's anyway to know if a woman is busy on this thing." I said.

"Mhm!~ The BLS offers a tracking system for women that have been registered and for women you've already met who aren't registered. Try it out!~" Rhea answered.

I nodded and noticed a new notification.

{Tracking Feature has been unlocked!}


{Tracking Complete!}

[Isabella (Registered) - Asleep]

[Chloe (Registered) - Asleep]

[Brianna (Registered) - Summer City Gym]

[Elizabeth (Unregistered) - Asleep]

[Janet (Unregistered) - Ruby Park]

"Only two women awake...which isn't too shocking. I'm shocked Brianna is awake, but let's give her some time. Sooo~ We go to Ruby Park!" Rhea said.

"Alright, Ruby Park it is." I smiled and made my way out the door.

Rhea quickly followed and smiled. "Let's go!~"

{Time: 9:55 AM}

{New Location Registered!}

{Location: Ruby Park}

I parked my car at the park and got out. Rhea got out the car with me and turned invisible then followed me into the park. I walked around for a bit and spotted Janet sitting on a bench, reading a book. She was wearing a red shirt under her black sweater and black high waisted leggings with white shoes.

"There she is...~ The sexy ass English Professor... She's alone and this could be your one chance to spit game at her. Go get 'er, Romeo~" Rhea giggled.

I smiled and walked over to the bench Janet was sitting on. I sat beside her and stretched a bit.

{New Choices Available!}

[Say something random (Charisma: Funniness Increase)]

[Normal Greeting (Charisma: Bland Increase)]

[Say nothing (Why would you pick this?)]

"Man it's hot as hell out here." I said.

{Janet has noticed you..}

Janet didn't respond, but she was curious on what else I had to say.

"I'm so glad it's the weekend though, I ain't gotta sit through these stupid ass classes no more." I said.

{Janet has become more curious...}

"Not to say your classes are stupid, but I do find myself distracted easily." I smiled.

{Charisma: Funniness Increase!}

Janet smiled and looked at me. "So this is your attempt at flirting with me..? Don't you have enough women in your roster?"

I chuckled softly and rested my arm against the back of the bench. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm not dating anyone at the moment.."

"Mmm, alright then Lover Boy. What are you doing here anyway?" Janet asked and closed her book then put it in her bag.

"Ahh you know, just in the area. Soaking up some of the sun y'know." I smiled.

Janet rolled her eyes and smiled. "Yeah right...We both know you're full of shit."

I chuckled and closed my eyes after feeling the gentle breeze. "It is a nice day out today..."

"Yeah. This is where I come to every weekend to get some relaxing in for the morning. Ruby Park is my favorite place to go to after any type of day I've had." Janet said.

{Janet's Favorite Place Registered!}

"Really huh? I've got a question, what were you reading earlier?" I asked.

Janet blushed and closed her eyes. "Mmm...nothing important."

"C'mon, Miss Magnolia... It's just me. I can keep a secret." I smiled.

"Fine, fine...but you better not tell anyone and I mean ANYONE or else I'll fail you on the first term." Janet said.

"I cross my heart." I smiled.

Janet pulled her book out of her bag and showed me the cover. "I...I was reading Sonic Archie Comics.."

"Come on, Janet. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Archie Comics are awesome." I chuckled.

"Yeah, but women my age shouldn't be reading things like this..." Janet said.

"Says who?" I asked.

"Society..?" Janet said and looked up at me.

"Please, don't listen to society. If you wanna read Sonic go crazy in Mobius, go ahead. I'm not gonna judge you for that...besides I like them too. I've read them since I was a kid.." I smiled.

{Janet has taken a liking to you...}

{Janet's Friendship Increased!}

Janet chuckled softly and leaned back on the bench. "You're still a teen...of course you're gonna like them.."

"I'll be turning 20 on Tuesday..~ I'll be of the age where I shouldn't read comics either, but I'll still read them because they're awesome. Besides your an English Professor, who gives a shit what you read? You can read One Mouse, Two Mouse for all they care." I said.

Janet laughed softly. "Okay now, One Mouse Two Mouse is literally a kid's book made for toddlers. You won't catch me reading that shit unless I'm with my nephew or if I had a child of my own.."

I smiled at Janet and scooted closer. "Open that bad boy up and let's read together if that makes you feel any better..."

{Janet has become more interested in you...}

{Janet's Friendship Increased!}

Janet sighed and smiled. She opened the comic up and took her bookmark out of the comic. "You know...this is the first anyone's ever accepted my reading choices. People expect me to be the type of woman to actively read Shakespeare and fucking Harry Potter.."

"Nah, I can't do those long ass books. I'd rather watch the movie and get it over." I chuckled.

"Right? Even when I was younger, I never liked reading Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. I needed to see the action in front of my eyes...With comics like this...it's very entertaining.." Janet said.

"I agree. If my pops can watch freaking Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, and Wacky Racers...I'm sure you can read some IDW Comics." I said and flipped the page for her.

{Janet seems to like you...}

{Janet's Friendship Increased!}

Janet brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled. "For you being only 19, you're rather...well mannered."

"Meh...I do still get myself into trouble here and there." I chuckled.

Janet smiled and shook her head. "What's to be expected? You're still young with nothing going on in your life as of right now. You can afford to make stupid decisions unlike me, a 25 year old Professor."

"You look pretty fucking good for a 25 year old.." I said and smiled.

{Janet seemed to like that a lot..}

{Charisma Increase!}

"Nice one..~" Rhea smiled.

Janet chuckled softly and looked at me. "Such a flirt, and yet I like it a lot. Not many students would be bold enough to say such words to me.."

"Maybe because you walk around with a Resting Bitch Face..~ You don't necessarily look like the most welcoming Professor in the lands." I teased.

"When you've been in college for five years and barely made it through with your sanity intact, you'll have an RBF as well.." Janet chuckled and looked back at her comic book.

"I kinda like the look though...You look rather sexy with it. Only certain women can actually pull it off.." I chuckled softly.

{Charisma Increase!}

{Janet is into you...}

Janet laughed softly and looked at me. "Oh stop it..~ If I would've know you were this much of a flirt, I wouldn't have even entertained your bullshit to begin with..."

I looked at Janet and smiled. "But you do like it...that's why you're still here entertaining my bullshit.."

"I never said I didn't like it...It feels good to have someone flirt with me so freely from time to time..~ Gives me hope that there is a man out here who knows what they are doing..~" Janet chuckled and slightly leaned against me.

{New Choices Available!}

[Flirt a little more (55% Success Rate/Route Progression Possible)]

[Back off (Intelligence Drastically Decrease)]

I gently stroked her hair and stared into her eyes. She gazed right back into mine and smiled softly. I gently caressed her cheek and noticed her closing her book.

"Keep this up...and I might become too hot and bothered for you to handle..~" She whispered.

"Maybe I want that..~" I whispered back.

"Of course you'll want that...~ What student like you wouldn't fantasize about having sex with their hot teacher..?~ It's literally a category of porn...~" Janet said.

"Oh and you watch that kind of stuff..?~" I teased.

Janet chuckled and bit her bottom lip. "From time to time..~ It goes get me all aroused and dangerous..~ The many nights I spend alone in my room...desperately wanting someone to just take control of me..~ It drives me insane..~"

"God...why are all the women in their mid twenties so fucking hot..? Quick, please...and I mean please take advantage of this moment!" Rhea said.

{New Choices Available!}

[Smooth Response (Sexual Skills Increase)]

[No Response (All Stats reduced to 0)]

I needed to capitalize off this...If I was to not respond, I would have to be the biggest idiot ever.

"I could...take advantage of you tonight..~" I said softly and began to twirl a few strands of her hair around my finger.

Janet bit her lip and blushed. "Mmmn~ I wish, but we barely even know each other..~ I wanna give this some time..~ As an effort to get into my pants...give me your phone..~"

I took my phone out of my pocket and handed her my phone after unlocking it. Janet took my phone and began to put her number in. She gave my phone back and put her book in her bag.

"Call me sometime..~ Maybe we can get off together through the phone..~" Janet teased and stood up. She waved and walked off to her car.

{Janet has been Registered!}

[Janet's Information]

[Name: Janet Magnolia

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Birthday: ???

Friendship Points: 394

Favorite Gifts: ???

Favorite Location: Ruby Park

Favorite Trait: Intelligence

Least Favorite Trait: ???]

"Oh fuck...I'm so horny because of her now...I need you to fuck her soon. I can sense so much lust within her...I can't take it.." Rhea panted softly.

I watched Janet get in her car and smirked. "Trust me...I want to get between her legs as well...but I need to right timing. The way she talked, she needs some action and I'll be the one to deliver it to her.." I said.

{Janet's Route: 5% Cleared}

{Time: 10:45 AM}

{Location: Home}

I walked into my apartment then sat on the couch and sighed softly. I stretched and grunted softly. "I'm gonna take a little break. Everyone else is busy so I think I deserve a little nap after my performance today."

Rhea smiled and me and sat beside me. "You're not going to sleep without me~ That's the rule..~"

I chuckled and laid down and watched Rhea lay on top of me. "I know..~ Anyways sleep well..~"

"You too..~" Rhea smiled.

{Notice: To Be Continued!}