
Summer City Harem

A young college student has just registered in this new university named Summer City University and his companion, a Succubus, by the name of Rhea tries to help her companion find love and start his own harem. The young man goes about his days and tries to create his dream harem along with Rhea. His main goal is to make women fall in love with him to start his harem. How will this student get his harem? How will Rhea help her human start his harem? Find out in Summer City Harem!

AncientShadow · Fantasy
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40 Chs

College Party (3)

{Time: 8:10 PM}

{Location: Pure Leaf Villas}

We all made it to the apartment where the party was being held. There were a lot of cars at the apartment and I noticed a few people who were outside were drunk and high. We got out of the car and made our way to Tyler's Apartment. There was loud music playing and the bass was immaculate.

There was a man outside the door checking people in. We were checked in and walked inside of the apartment. Immediately, I lost sight of Kofi, Adam, and Orlando. Chloe and Isabella stuck close to me as they didn't want to get lost in the sea of bodies.

"Ugh...The smell of alcohol and weed is pretty overbearing." Rhea said and transformed into a smaller version of herself and landed on my head. "Your Route Finder is going absolutely crazy, so for this time only I advise you to ignore every notification."

"Gotcha.." I said to myself and kept maneuvering around the crowd and finally found Kofi and the others.

"Aye! I'm glad you could make it man!" Brianna's brother said to Kofi then dapped him up.

"You already know I had to pull up to congratulate Tyler for getting picked for the Summer Hawks." Kofi chuckled. He looked back and noticed me squeezing by and smiled. "Aye have you met my homeboy, Kaden?"

The man looked at me and rose an eyebrow. "He actually came?"

"Why wouldn't he? Bro is the life of any party he comes in. Bro certainly makes the nights better each time." Kofi chuckled.

"Damn straight he does! Aye Kaden! Come meet Joshua!" Adam called out toward me.

I looked at Kofi, Adam, and Orlando who were with Joshua. I walked over to them and looked back to see if Chloe and Isabella were still behind me.

"It's a bit too crowded in here man." I said.

"Yeah I agree." Joshua said and held his hand out for a handshake.

I gave him a handshake and he pulled me closer.

"Brianna's here...Don't think you can use this chance to get at her. Tyler told me what you did...take this as a warning.." He said into my ear.

I looked at Joshua and smirked then pulled away from him. "Yeah man, I was thinking we could head outside to the pool area too."

"Shiiit! Y'all got a pool here?!" Kofi asked, getting pretty hype.

Joshua was confused at first which was what I was going for, but he went with it. "Yeah man, we got a pool here. It's less crowded so we should be able to move around."

"We gotta see it, man." Orlando chuckled.

Joshua nodded and began to lead us outside to the pool area Tyler had reserved for the party. There were women in the pool, there were a few people playing beer pong and a few people dancing to the music.

"Everyone put your hands in the air!" The DJ said while mixing the music.

The crowd of people dancing cheered and had their hands in the air while hopping up and down. They chanted "Hey!" to the music and danced to the song.

Joshua led us over to Tyler who was talking with his group of friends and Brianna, who didn't even seem interested in being in the party. Chloe found her group of friends and dragged Isabella with her.

"Oh! Uh— Bye Kaden!" Isabella waved at me while being dragged by Chloe.

"Why don't you girls join them." Kofi chuckled and stroked his date's chin.

The three women giggled and waved then went to join Chloe and Isabella.

"Yo!" Joshua said and walked over to Tyler.

Tyler looked up at Joshua and smiled then dapped him up. "Yo man. I see the Dream Team has come."

"With a plus one." Joshua said and gestured over to me. "He brought two baddies with him which I didn't think was possible."

Kofi chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "That's because my boy has game like that. When you look at this man and at his dates, you think this man has no game?"

Brianna looked up at me and smiled a bit. She subtly waved at me, mouthing a "hello". I subtly winked at her and looked at Tyler and Joshua.

{Brianna's Friendship Increased: 300}

"Ahh, plus one is fitting for him though. I don't think he has game. I believe they just feel sorry for him, but hey what do I know." Tyler said and chuckled. He stood up and grunted softly. "How about we crack open a few white claws and get this party truly started. We're all boys here right?"

"Hell yeah man let's get it!" Kofi chuckled.

"Isn't that your date with those guys?" Elizabeth asked and hiccupped.

Chloe looked back at me and smiled. "Yeaaaah..~"

"Actually he's my date, but since he brought you too...I'll let it slide this time.." Isabella said and grunted when Chloe wrapped her arms around her.

"C'mon Bella~ We can share him right?~" Chloe giggled.

Isabella blushed and pushed Chloe's face away. "Back...off..!"

{Chloe and Isabella have grown closer..}

I looked at my phone then looked back at Chloe and Isabella then smiled. I looked back at the guys and took a sip out of my drink. We talked for a bit, well I was mainly talking to Adam and Orlando since Kofi was talking to Joshua and Tyler about this year's season.

After talking to Kofi for a bit, Tyler turned his attention onto me.

"So, how did you and Brianna meet?" Tyler asked as he poured himself another cup of alcohol.

I looked at Tyler and took another sip from my drink. "I was playing football with the guys. Nothing special. As you can see I'm not even focused on her, Chloe and Bella are my main focus."

"Mmm..." Tyler said and looked at me then took a sip out of his drink. "You probably wouldn't even have a chance with Brianna even if we weren't dating. When you look at Brianna, you see perfection."

I looked over at Brianna and noticed her talking to her friends. I looked back at Tyler and Joshua. "Okay?"

Adam leaned against the wall and watched us. Orlando gently elbowed Adam's side and passed him his joint. Adam took it and took a hit.

"I don't know about him.." Adam said to Orlando after blowing out his smoke and coughed a little. "Pressing my boy a little too hard.."

"Yeah, but Kaden's got it. Look at his face. He knows he can outwit Tyler and Joshua." Orlando chuckled.

"Aye come on bro, he didn't know she had a man." Kofi said and smiled. "I didn't know either and even I was thinking about spitting game."

I looked at Kofi and smiled a bit. He always had my back no matter the situation. "Like I said, I'm not even talking to her anymore. No bad blood."

"Mhm.." Tyler said and finished his drink then poured another cup. "Alright bro."

I pat Kofi's back. "I'm gonna go find the bathroom. Don't party too hard without me."

Kofi chuckled and nodded. "Gotchu bro."

I set my cup down and walked off to find somewhere I could talk to Rhea to alone. Brianna noticed I was going back inside and watched me. She looked over at Tyler and Joshua, noticing they were busy with playing beer pong with Kofi and the others.

"I'll be right back." Brianna said.

"Girl, we know you got eyes for that guy who walked back inside. If you go after him...Tyler will go crazy.." Brianna's friend warned.

Brianna rolled her eyes and got out the pool. "I'm just gonna go talk to him."

"Mmm yeah alright. Be careful, Bree." Her other friend said.

{Time: 9:25 PM}

I stood on the balcony where there was no one in sight. I sighed softly and held my head a little. "I don't know how much longer I can hold back the effects. My head is throbbing.."

"Just a little longer, Kaden~ You can make it through.." Rhea said and gently messaged my head. She sensed Brianna's energy and turned invisible.

I looked back and noticed Brianna walking outside onto the balcony.

"Finally found you..~" Brianna said and walked up next to me.

"So you were actively looking for me..? Pretty brave of you while your boyfriend and brother is here.." I chuckled softly and leaned against the rails of the balcony.

"I didn't see you all day on campus...I was starting to think you were avoiding me." Brianna said softly.

I smiled and looked out at the sky. "As if I would avoid someone as beautiful as you are..."

{Brianna liked that a lot..}

{Brianna's Friendship Increased: 390}

"You're such a flirt..~ You winking at me was more bold than me looking for you..~ Don't you know if Tyler would've seen that, he would've killed you?" Brianna asked and looked at me.

"It doesn't even matter anymore..~ He knows I flirted with you yesterday. Everything's in the air now.." I smiled.

Brianna sighed and smiled. "I guess..~"

{New Choices Available!}

[Flirt with her a lot more (60% Success Rate)]

[Ask her to dance (No Effect)]

[Ask her to drink with you (Charisma Increase)]

I closed my eyes and got a little closer to Brianna. She looked at me and felt me playfully bump my hip against hers. She giggled softly and bumped me back. I reached over and took her hand.

"You know that one Michael Jackson song...Butterflies?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite songs.." Brianna said and blushed a bit as she held my hand.

"It's how I'm feeling with you right now...~" I said softly.

Brianna blushed even more and smiled. "Everything is telling me to just not do this...but I just can't help myself anymore...I just don't know what to do.."

{New Choices Available!}

[More Flirting (70% Success Rate)]

[Back off (Charisma Drastically Decrease/End Route for Tonight)]

"In a moment like this...listening to your head or heart doesn't work. Listen to your desires.." I said softly and pulled Brianna to me gently.

{Brianna is becoming aroused...}

"My desires..?" Brianna whispered and looked into my eyes.

{New Choices Available!}

[Add more pressure! (80% Success Rate)]

[Turn back now...! (All Traits Lowered/End Route Early)]

I held her hip and brushed her hair from her face gently then tucked it behind her ear. "Yeah...your desires.."

Brianna bit her lip and her breathing began to deepen. "You know I want to...but.."

{New Choices Available!}

[No Turning Back! (100% Success Rate/Route Progression Possible!)]

I leaned forward and gently pressed my forehead against hers. "But what..?"

Brianna stared deeply into my eyes and brought her face closer. "Kaden..."

Our lips nearly touched and she finally gave in then kissed my lips. I kissed back then felt her slowly pull away. She looked down and a blush formed on her face.

"What's wrong..?" I asked.

"I feel guilty...and yet I want more of you...My head is telling me to just get away from you, but my heart wants you...ever since that first day.." Brianna said softly and placed her hands on my chest. "I don't know what to do..."

{Important Choice Available!}

[Convince Her (85% Possible)]

[Back off (No Effect)]

"There you are!" Joshua said as he opened the balcony door.

Brianna and I looked over at Joshua quickly. Brianna had the most scared expression on her face.

"No! Now wasn't the time!" Rhea yelled. "We were THIS fucking close!"

"I should've known you only came here to fucking hit on my sister...and you...you fucking slut. I should've known you would cheat on Tyler. You've always been a dirty slut." Joshua said. "I can't defend you this time."

"J-Joshua, I—"

"No save it! We're getting out of here and I'm beating your ass, white boy!" Joshua said.

{New Choices Available!}

[Defend Brianna (Strength Increase)]

[Run away with Brianna (45% Success Rate)]

I noticed Joshua reaching for Brianna then pushed him back. He looked at me in disbelief. Brianna also looked at me like I was crazy.

"She can't help who she falls in love with. For you to call her a slut and all this shit is WRONG as a brother." I said.

"Oh it's wrong when I tell the truth to my sister about her cheating problem? And who the fuck are you supposed to be? Mr. Save A Hoe is here I guess." Joshua said.

I glared at Joshua, grabbed Brianna's hand and pushed my way through Joshua then hurried away from the balcony. Joshua chased after us and a few people watched us and moved out the way.

"Yo stop that bitch!" Joshua yelled.

I pushed my way outside and bumped into Tyler. I stumbled back and looked at him. I looked back and noticed Joshua.

"Whoa! Whoa! What's going on?!" Kofi asked and walked toward us. He noticed Brianna holding onto me and wanted to smile badly but knew it was a serious situation.

"Yoooo..." Adam said and got off the wall. "Bro is kinda badass for that..."

"Yeah but now he faces the consequences...but if they jump him, we jump in." Orlando said.

"So you're sneaking around with my girl at MY party, at MY house? You're so bold for that one, Lover Boy." Tyler said.

I looked at Tyler and closed my eyes. Everyone was watching now. Chloe, Elizabeth, and Isabella were concerned and watched us.

{New Choices Available!}

[No Running! (40% Win Rate)]

'So I can't run from this huh..? I guess I have to use what Rhea taught me.' I thought to myself and opened my eyes to look at Tyler. I let go of Brianna's hand then gently pushed her to the side.

"Oh? You're actually getting serious? You really believe you're tough now? Flirting with Janet on the first day. Flirting with my girl? You seriously believe you're top shit huh?" Tyler asked.

"It ain't my fault Brianna likes me more than she likes you." I said.

{Tyler is now enraged.}

{Chances of winning lowered to 35%}

I looked at Tyler's body language and braced myself.

"You want to say that again, punk?" Tyler asked and stepped closer.

I watched Tyler. "Brianna...likes me...more than you.."

{Brace yourself.}

Tyler threw the first punch and noticed I dodged it. I moved around him and avoided his back swing by ducking. He went for a kick, but I blocked it and pushed his leg down then grunted when he caught me off guard with a jab to my face then hit me with a right hook, making me fall to the ground.

A crowd began to form and watched the fight. The noticed me slowly getting up.

"Where's all that confidence now?! You know you've fucked up now!" Tyler yelled.

I wiped my mouth and looked at Tyler. He was stronger than me, but my only edge against him was my reflexes.

"I haven't even started yet.." I said and got into my fighting stance.

Tyler smirked at me and put his fists up. He charged at me with a jab, but I blocked it and stepped backwards. He went for a right hook, but I ducked under it and stepped backwards.

"He isn't fighting back?" Orlando asked.

"Weird isn't it? What's up with him?" Adam asked.

"What's wrong? Can't hit me?" I asked and dodged another one of his punches.

"It ain't like you're making an effort!" Tyler yelled and went for another punch.

I grunted as his strength broke through my block, popping my shoulder slightly. I groaned as he struck my stomach then he followed it with a left hook. I stumbled back toward the pool and grunted. Tyler ran toward me and yelled. I noticed and evaded him and tripped him making him fall in the pool.

The crowd cheered and recorded the fight. Some were quite impressed with my placements in fights.

"Yes...use your environments. You have to keep a level head..! Fight with intelligence and not emotion." Rhea said as she watched.

Kofi smiled and crossed his arms as he watched me. "He's pretty fucking good at fighting. He's all up in his head not gonna lie."

Tyler crawled out of the pool and glared at me. He ran toward me and grappled onto me. I tried to get him off, but he struck my stomach with a knee. I coughed a bit and groaned when he uppercut me. I stumbled back then panted. I parried his next punch by swiping his hand away then struck his stomach with an open palm attack. He grunted and got on one knee after I kicked his leg. He caught my fist and pushed me away.

Joshua charged toward me, but Adam was already ahead of him. Adam punched his cheek and made him fall to the ground. Brianna looked surprised and walked back from the fight.

I looked at Adam. "Good looks."

"As if we'll let someone jump your dumbass." Adam said.

"Oh you want some too?" Tyler asked, still enraged.

"Nah, but I'm gonna let my boy get the faith of a one on one! None of that jumping shit here!" Adam said.

Tyler looked at me. "Having your boyfriends save you now?"

I smirked and fixed my hair. "I know I'm not gonna win this fight...but I do know that I'm not an easy person to beat."

"Aim for his shoulder!" A person in the crowd yelled.

Tyler looked at the person and looked back at me. "Your shoulder's fucked?"

"Yeah, but I ain't gonna let that shit stop me from defending myself." I said and got back into my fighting stance.

Tyler scoffed and walked forward then went for a straight punch, but I dodged it and blocked his next strike. I grunted softly as his punch was stronger than my guard. I stepped back and felt my shoulder was in a bit of pain. He ran toward me and went for a right hook, but it was a feint for his left hook to land a clean strike on me.

The crowd exclaimed as the noticed me fall to the ground once more. My stamina was pretty low and I could barely get up. I panted softly and grunted as I slowly got up.

"Yo bro, stay down. You've proved enough already." Kofi said and walked toward me.

Tyler walked toward me and kicked my shoulder. I groaned loudly and held my shoulders.

"Yo what the fuck?!" Kofi yelled and pushed Tyler back. "That shits cheap as fuck! He couldn't even get up!"

"Ain't shit foul around here other than him sneaking around with my bitch." Tyler said and pushed Kofi to the side.

"Tyler stop it!" Brianna yelled.

Tyler looked at Brianna. "So the cheater decides to speak up? Shut the fuck up. You don't have any rights to speak to me after what you did."

"Yes I cheated okay, but he's already down..! You've won already!" Brianna argued.

"Geez...I told this girl not to fool around with that guy.." One of Brianna's friends sighed.

Tyler scoffed and got on the ground and gripped my shirt. "He shouldn't have even spoken to you. Now I'm gonna put him out for a while.."

He prepared to deal the final blow to me then groaned when I struck him with a sneak punch to his face. He let me go and fell back. He looked at me and watched me stand up again.

I held my shoulder and spit out a bit of blood from my mouth. I looked at Tyler and closed my eyes.

{Strength Increased!}

"Let's go." I said and walked off.

"Uh- I'll catch you girls later!" Isabella said and hurried after me.

"Yeah I came here with him! See you later, Beth!" Chloe said and hurried after me.

Elizabeth watched and crossed her arms. She took a sip out of her drink and smirked. "That was pretty hardcore.."

{Elizabeth has grown more interested in you...}

Kofi, Adam, and Orlando followed me.

{Time: 10:30 PM}

I walked to my car and grunted softly holding my shoulder. That fight with Tyler had caused extreme pain to my shoulder. The pain usually goes away on its own, but I didn't know if I would be okay to drive.

"Yo!" Kofi said and hurried over to me. "Yo Kaden!"

I looked back and noticed Kofi and the others approaching me. I smiled at them and kept holding my shoulder. "Yo."

"That's my fucking dawg! Aye usually I don't promote shit like this but that was badass as FUCK! You smashed his girl and basically beat Tyler as well? Nah you're a demon!" Kofi laughed and dapped me up.

"I've got some bad influences around me, but I appreciate it." I chuckled. "But we didn't have sex or anything. We were basically mostly talking on the balcony and we kissed...granted we were pretty drunk."

"Nah I saw the way she ran after you...She definitely wanted you bro." Adam chuckled.

"Kaden!" Isabella called out and hurried to me. "Are you alright? Is everything okay with you?"

"I'll be able to heal..." I said and smiled at Isabella.

"Okay THAT was hardcore! I didn't expect you to fight him! The way you tripped him in the pool! I was laughing my ass off so hard I ended up sobering up!" Chloe said and smiled at me.

I smiled at Chloe and heard my name being called. I noticed Brianna hurrying over to me and watched her stop in front of me. "Brianna.."

Brianna looked down and looked a bit sad. "I'm sorry for all this trouble...I shouldn't...I shouldn't have even gotten all flustered by you. I got you beaten up and Tyler broke up with me...my brother straight up hates me and—"

I placed my finger on her lips and made her look up at me by holding her chin. "I don't care...I've always lived on the edge. This was nothing to me..~ I pretty much got myself in this situation. You aren't to blame in my eyes."

{Brianna liked that..}

Brianna smiled a bit and looked down. "I don't know what else to say other than thank you..."

I smiled at Brianna. "Come on, I'll take you home.."

Brianna nodded. "Okay.."

{Brianna's Route: 10% Cleared}