
Lights, Camera, Scene Girl

{Time: 12:25 PM}

{Location: Ruby Square}

"I can't believe I'm actually going through with this shit. She BARELY even likes me. What makes you think she'll actually like...SHOW UP?" I asked and leaned against my car.

"Because she's a horny, desperate, gothic, emo girl who needs to get laid? I mean if I was struggling to get some wicked good dick, I'd be just like her too. A desperate Scene Girl who does nothing but smoke and drink her life away." Rhea said.

"You must not like her either because there was no reason for you to go in that hard on her. Listen, I know Elizabeth can be annoying.." I started.

"And she is, but the only reason I want this is because she's probably the easiest to get in bed with. Other than Janet, and you know how much I loooove Janet~" Rhea giggled and held her arms.

"Yeah I know." I chuckled. I checked my watch and sighed. "She's not showing up. Let's just go."

"Go where?" A voice said beside me.

I looked to my left and noticed Elizabeth walking up. "You actually showed up."

Elizabeth was wearing a graphic t-shirt with a picture of hello kitty on the front, a black skirt, and her usual fishnet stockings with a pair of converse shoes. She was certainly a true scene girl, no denying that..

"Yeah after debating Chloe on it for half an hour. I didn't want to show up, but Chloe insisted. I guess I'm stuck with you until this little date is over, dork." Elizabeth said and took a hit from her vape.

'Holy shit, I just remembered why I hate her now.' I thought to myself.

{Remember, be cool. If you play your cards correct on this date, you can get in between her legs. When you look at Elizabeth what do you see?}

"A sad...B Cup... firecracker who hasn't had a boyfriend since highschool and probably peaked in highschool." Rhea muttered.

{New Choices Available!}

[Tune Out Rhea (Save yourself the headache)]

I smiled at my phone and shook my head a bit. 'You're starting to have more sentience... It's kinda creepy and awesome at the same time..'

"So are we gonna go on this 'amazing' date or are we gonna stand outside all day and do jack shit?" Elizabeth asked.

I sighed and walked toward the mall. "Come on, Scene Girl."

Elizabeth watched me and smiled a bit. "Hey, you dork! Wait for me!"

Rhea watched and crossed her arms. She smiled and followed the two of us.

Elizabeth and I walked into the mall together, and began to stroll down the mall as I tried to look for a place that she liked to shop at.

"Let's go in there." Elizabeth said and pointed at a store.

I looked at the store and grunted. "What the fuck..? Adam and Eve's?!"

"Come on, don't be such a pussy." Elizabeth said and walked into the store.

I sighed and walked into the store with Elizabeth. I looked around and viewed all of the items they had on display. Vibrators, Fleshlights, Sex Dolls, Dildos, Lingerie, Lubricants....there were so much on display it was hard to even focus on Elizabeth. I walked around and looked at the merchandise on the shelves and walls.

"Hey, dork!" Elizabeth called out to me.

I looked over at Elizabeth and walked over to her. "What's up?"

Elizabeth held up two sets of lingerie. "Which one looks better on me?"

{New Choices Available!}

[Black Set (Likability Increase)]

[Red Set (Likability Increase)]

[No Answer (End Route Early)]

I looked at the two sets and a slight blush ran across my face. I cleared my throat and pointed at the black set of lingerie. "That one.."

{Elizabeth seems to like you more...}

Elizabeth looked at me and smirked. "Okay, I'm gonna go try them on."

I watched her walk to the dressing room and followed her. I waited outside and leaned against the wall. After a minute of waiting, Elizabeth opened the curtains and looked at me. I looked at her and stared at her. For someone so bitchy, she was incredibly hot.

"Come on...don't just stare at me..~ I need to know how I look..." Elizabeth said.

{New Choices Available!}

[Compliment her (Charisma Increase)]

[Stare at her more (Charisma Decrease)]

[No Answer (Charisma Decrease)]

"You look...hot.." I said and tried to cover my blush.

Elizabeth smirked and chuckled softly. "You get flustered easily huh..?~"

"No, it's...just hot in here.." I said and tried to control my hormones.

{Charisma Increase!}

Elizabeth chuckled and closed the curtains. She began to change back into her normal clothes and walked out of the dressing room and looked around for any staff members. She walked to me and grabbed my hand then hurried out of the store.

"Whoa why the rush?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it..." Elizabeth said and hurried down the mall and rushed into one of the public restrooms.

We hid in the bathroom and I looked at Elizabeth. She smiled and took her vape out of her purse. I crossed my arms and looked at Elizabeth as she took a hit from her vape and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Did you steal from that store?" I asked.

"Yeah? I always do~" Elizabeth smiled. She reached into her purse and showed a dildo and a few condoms with a few other sex items. "You think I have the money to buy their expensive ass shit?"

I sighed and shook my head. "Why? And why did you steal condoms? That's such a random pick."

Elizabeth smirked at me and put everything away. "No reason~"

"She's got an idea up her sleeve...You can capitalize off her behavior. Use that noggin of yours. You can get laid off her even if it's casual sex. Girls like Elizabeth are always the most horny, desperate, and outright know exactly what they want." Rhea said.

I looked at Elizabeth and sighed softly then smiled. "Let's go, you little thief."

Elizabeth smiled at me and followed me out of the restroom. She followed me down the mall and noticed me turn into a GameStop. She followed me and looked around.

"I'm here for a few things. I think you'll like it as well." I said and looked back at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth followed me and noticed me picking out a few games. "Pokemon? You play Pokemon too?"

"Yeah, I do." I chuckled and looked at Elizabeth.

{Elizabeth seems to like you more...}

Elizabeth stood beside me and held my shoulder and peeked around me. She stood on her tippy toes and watched me. I looked back at Elizabeth and looked back at the games I picked.

"Alright. With these, I can complete my collection. I just needed X and Y, Black 2 and White 2 and Rumble." I said and made my way to the counter.

The worker scanned the games and I used my store credits to pay for the games. He bagged up the games and handed me the bag with the receipt. We left out of the store and began our way to the next store.

"Hot Topic?" I asked.

{Elizabeth has become more infatuated with you...}

{Elizabeth's Friendship Drastically Increased!}

"Wait...you're offering to take me to Hot Topic?" Elizabeth asked in awe.

"Why not? I shop there from time to time. Where do you think I got this Slipknot shirt from? I can't really find this shit anywhere else." I chuckled.

Elizabeth latched onto my arm and blushed. "Take me there.."

I chuckled and noticed Elizabeth's real personality was showing a bit. She began to slowly grow more comfortable. I took her to Hot Topic and heard my phone beeping.

{Route Progression Possible!}

{Notice: Choices are critical now!}

I put my phone away and led Elizabeth over to the shirt section. We began browsing for shirts that we liked. Elizabeth immediately found a shirt she liked and showed me.

"Look at this one~ It says Rawr!~" Elizabeth smiled at me.

I looked at the shirt and noticed it had a picture of a cute dinosaur saying "Rawr~<3". I chuckled softly and looked at Elizabeth. "Do you want it?"

Elizabeth nodded and smiled at me. "I do want it."

I took the shirt from her hands then held it for her. We began to look for more clothes and Elizabeth was picking some clothes that also fit her Emo Persona since she did still have a bit of emo within her. She was pretty much a true emo and scene girl from her choice of clothes and her personality.

I bought the items she wanted and carried the bags for Elizabeth. We soon left the mall and went back to my car then put her things in the back of my car. We got into the car and I started it.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"I don't care." Elizabeth said and put on her seatbelt.

{New Choices Available!}

[Nightclub (Route Progression Possible)]

[Ruby Park (Kinda Lame)]

[A Random Concert (Neither of you know any of those bands.)]

"I got a place in mind." I said and smiled.

"Alright, let's see it then, dork." Elizabeth said.

{Time: 1:45 PM}

{New Location Registered!}

{Location: Infinity Nightclub}

I parked my car and Elizabeth looked up from her phone then noticed we were at a nightclub. She gasped and her eyes widened.

{Elizabeth likes you...}

{Elizabeth's Friendship Increased!}

"Infinity Nightclub?!" Elizabeth asked in awe.

I turned the car off and smiled. "That's the place. Come on, today they're playing techno shit and things of that genre."

{Elizabeth likes you more...}

We got out of the car and headed toward the building. The security outside the building checked our IDs then let us in. We walked into the main area of the nightclub where there were people dancing to techno music. Neon lights were flashing and the crowd was cheering loudly.

Elizabeth dragged me to the dancefloor and smiled at me. I followed her and got on the dancefloor with her. The next song played and it was one Elizabeth liked a lot. Elizabeth began dancing to the music and looked genuinely happy dancing to the music. Elizabeth got me to dance with her and looked at me happily. We danced to a few songs together and heard the song transitioning to a new one.

"Everybody put your hands in the air!" The DJ yelled and began mixing the music as the build up was happening.

The crowd began to separate and hop up and down in the air. Once the drop happened everyone cheered and began to form into one huge crowd again. Elizabeth got lost in the crowd and looked around for me. She grunted as she was getting pushed around in the mosh pit.

{Elizabeth is lost in the crowd! I've highlighted her for your convenience!}

I noticed a yellow silhouette and knew it was Elizabeth. I pushed my way through the crowd to get to her, but groaned when I was hit with a haymaker. I stumbled into someone else and dodged the next swing and the person hit someone else, knocking him out. I looked at the person who got knocked out and snickered a bit then continued my way through the waves of haymaker throwing people.

I finally noticed Elizabeth and hurried over to her and grabbed her arm. "Beth!"

Elizabeth looked at me and hurried over to me then held onto me. She began to follow me out of the crowd and followed me to a table away from the dancefloor. She noticed a bruise on my face.

"You were hit.." Elizabeth said and held my face to see how bad it was.

"It's nothing..." I said and smiled at her.

Elizabeth smiled at me and rubbed my cheeks with her thumbs. "Thank you..."

{Elizabeth likes you a lot more..}

{New Choices Available!}

[Have a few drinks with her (Charisma Increase)]

[Leave the nightclub (Intelligence Increase)]

"How about we...get out of here. If I take one more haymaker, I might just throw a few of my own." I chuckled softly.

"Yeah...I am kinda inexperienced at mosh pits now since I haven't been in one in a while.." Elizabeth said.

{Good call.}

{Intelligence Increase!}

I looked around for Rhea and she waved at me from the air. I nodded and began to leave the nightclub with Elizabeth. Rhea flew after us and wiped the nervous sweat from her forehead. We headed back to my car and got in.

"We were only there for 30 minutes. That certainly didn't last long..." Elizabeth giggled softly.

"Next time I want to have a dance with you...we should go to my apartment where mosh pits don't randomly happen." I chuckled.

"Speaking of your house...can we—"

Elizabeth's phone began ringing and she looked at it and noticed it was Chloe calling her. She answered the phone then grunted. "Holy shit! I'm sorry! I had completely forgotten about that! I didn't expect to be out with this dork for so long!"

I looked at Elizabeth and noticed her smiling and blushing. I smiled and shook my head.

"Okay, for sure! I'll be there shortly, see you soon bitch face~" Elizabeth smiled and hung up. "Okay, dork. We will have to finish this date another time..~ Take me home."

"Bitch Face. Yeah...you are true to your culture." I chuckled and began to take Elizabeth home.

{Time: 2:15 PM}

{Location: University Dormitory}

I stopped my car in front of the dorms and put it in park. "Alright, your destination.."

Elizabeth smiled and looked at me. "I guess I can see why Chloe and Isabella and Brianna likes you...You may be a dork in my eyes, but you're a dork I can learn to tolerate..~"

I smiled at Elizabeth and noticed her holding a piece of paper toward me. "What's that?"

"My number. I want you to take me on more dates..~ Maybe we can actually go to your apartment one day.." Elizabeth said.

I smiled at Elizabeth and took the paper. "I'll call you soon.."

"You better..~ I don't like having my time wasted." Elizabeth said then leaned forward and kissed my cheek. She reached in the back and grabbed her belongings then got out of the car. "Call me later alright?~"

I nodded and watched her walk off to the dorm building. I put my car in drive and drove off.

{Scanning Number...}

{Number Registered!}

{Elizabeth has been Registered!}

[Elizabeth's Information]

[Name: Elizabeth Rose

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthday: ???

Friendship Points: 400

Favorite Gifts: Scene, Emo, Colorful Aesthetic Gifts

Favorite Location: Infinity Nightclub

Favorite Trait: Charisma

Least Favorite Trait: ???]

{Elizabeth's Route: 8% Cleared!}

"Once again we were so close to getting you laid...but hey at least you got on her good side~ She seemed pretty down to fuck you..~" Rhea chuckled.

"Maybe she's not as annoying as she might really seem. I actually enjoy her more...happy and self controlled side. She's not as bad as her first impression made her look.." I said.

"Let's park the women here. You've got five women you can focus on for right now. Isabella, Chloe, Elizabeth, Brianna, and Janet. Seems like a great roster so far~ You're doing great so far. So just pace yourself a bit and get closer to these women!~" Rhea said excitedly.

"Right." I nodded and smiled.