
Star Wars: Youngling

Star Wars fanfic. A new character is taken in by the Jedi at the age of four. U can support me on Patreon. com/JediCO 20+ chapter ahead.

JediCo · Films
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41 Chs

Ashoka Tano

U can support me on Pa tre on. com/JediCO

16+ chapter ahead. -----------------------------------------------

Shake it off, Lex. There's nothing you can do objectively. You're the wrong age, the wrong power, the wrong influence. Nobody will listen to you, except maybe Palpatine. So buck up and get to work. You're going to need the skills you've learned here.

I reached the desk of sword handles and took the first one i could find, since they weren't much different from one another except the color of the blade. I put the helmet on my head, activated the droid, and went to the nearest dueling circle.

"Hmm, green," I thought, looking at the blade that had appeared. - "Well, let's get started."

I gave myself exactly two hours to practice. Half an hour to beat off shots, half an hour to practice swordsmanship, and an hour to practice absorbing energy. I didn't take into account the little brute looming behind me, though.

- Ha, any fool can do that," I heard a noise somewhere on my side.

Oh, come on. At the third level of speed? As far as I know, that's the level you go to when you're eight years old.

- Envy leads to the dark side of the Force," I told the girl, keeping my mind on my training.

- I'm not jealous! I didn't even think so," Ahsoka said and was silent. I was quiet too.

Just ... ...bullshit. The speed of the shots went up. Level Four? That's a small thing. It's worth noting, though, that switching the control on the droid with the Force isn't easy at her age. Aw, fuck me. My shot strength, as you may have realized, was also boosted. Only by me, and originally. Fucking... ouch. Shit, the concentration... ouch... gone. That's it, time to turn it off.

I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night. And started "pushing" on the girl.

- Oh, come on... I was only joking," she said. - It was a joke... was a joke. Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, are you happy? - I, of course, didn't say anything. - Sorry, huh? - The girl was all embarrassed. - I won't do it again.

And I kept thinking before - why do kids keep getting these words? Well, try not to be so nice. Not everyone is so nice, of course, but I'm not a parent either. Oh, it's a hard fate for me. What am I supposed to do with it now?

I reached out through the Force and activated another droid, pulling it toward us.

- Work," I said to the Tograta. - And don't interfere with the others. - Then I drew the helmet and tossed it to Ahsoka.

I'm beginning to understand why the canon mentors weren't fond of her. If my bloated memory isn't confused. Sighing, I was about to switch the speed level back to level three, but I thought it was time to really switch to level four. Just to reduce the force of the shot.

I ended up missing my allotted time to practice my Shi-Cho moves. I got carried away. I woke up only when Ahsoka called me uncertainly. I glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Hmm, forty minutes to go.

- What do you want? - Turned his attention to the girl.

- Why don't we do something else? - She made a pitiful little face. - Like farting.

- Are you kidding me? I just started training.

- Well....

- We could spar, of course," I said thoughtfully. - But I wouldn't have the stomach for it.

- What? You think I'm some kind of weakling? I'm gonna... I'm gonna... - she gasped in indignation.

- That's not what I meant. It's just that you're.... - You look too nice. - Oh,never mind. I don't want to fight you.

- You're just a coward!

- Well, if that's the way you want it.

- Huh?" She obviously didn't expect that answer. - Coward," she said uncertainly.

- Yes, yes, yes. I don't want to fight her, I don't want to fence her. - I don't want to fight her, and there's no point in fencing with her-though she knows more, but there's no guarantee that her movements will be correct, even though I'll fuck up enough to do that. Though. Yeah, I guess I could. I'll try myself. I'll see what my battle anticipation can do. I do know a few punches and blocks, after all. - All right, you're on. Let's go to the dueling circle. Let's go fencing.

- Ha! I'll show you.

This duel reminded me once again why I don't like Shi-Cho. He's too predictable. The room for improvisation there is reduced to a minimum. Direct attacks, predictable blocks. And though Ahsoka knew more tricks than I did, the common style with hand-to-hand combat was very clear. Side kick left to the legs, right hook to the body, left hook to the head. The standard combination. Same with the sword. Left leg, right side, left temple. If at first I still relied on the anticipation of blows, after ten minutes I didn't even need it. I understand that the girl isn't much of a master, either, but I was just starting to learn fencing, too. To wear her out, three blocks and two blows were enough for me to learn and practice.

- That's enough, Ahsoka," I said, pulling aside her blow and turning off the sword. - Enough of this.... Fuck! What are you doing, stupid?

Ahsoka didn't stop. She seemed so carried away that she did not pay attention to my words, and after I turned off the sword, rushed at me, as if sensing the escaped prey, and struck a hard blow in the neck. And I, though I felt the impending ambush, just did not have time to dodge.

A side note. I'm going to need to know about body enhancement and speed increase. Oh, and pain relief, if you have it.

- R-Rayne? - said the girl frightened.

- Are you deaf? - I asked, rubbing my neck. - Or maybe you're knocked on the head?

- I'm sorry," she grimaced. - I was just... - I got carried away," she said quietly. I... sorry.

- I got carried away," I grimaced, twisting my neck. - Mother, that hurts so much.

Nah, that was really the first time I'd ever been stabbed like that with a training sword. It felt like a club, and it burned.

- I'm sorry...

- Don't cry, Ahsoka. - Fucking crying babies. - Ahsoka, I patted her on the shoulder. - Stop crying already. It doesn't hurt that much. It's just unexpected. - At that she sobbed and cried even harder. - Well, enough already, enough, - I hugged her. - It does not hurt me. It's all gone now. Well, do not cry. It's my fault. It's not your fault. Calm down. Don't cry.

The right tone and the pat on the head did the trick. After another five minutes of crying, she started to calm down. Bummer. And I'm, physically, a year younger than her. And she knows it. I'll probably never understand these kids, especially females.

The rest of the time I had allotted to practice was wasted. She had calmed down, but she continued to sob for about ten minutes, what kind of training was that? And the time itself had come to an end. So, taking the girl under the elbow, went to escort her to her room. Well, at least I found out where Ahsoka Tano lived. Nothing remarkable, by the way. I did not go into the girl's room, but, apparently, it was no different from our room. She apologized again just before the door, bowed quickly, and scurried off to her room. I finally headed toward my room, thinking about children of different races and genders.