
Star Wars: The Balance, within

Marvin was a Ordinary person living a uneventful life, that all changed when he atempted to Save a teenage Boy from getting Hit by a Truck. Now he has to navigate through Life in a Galaxy Far far Away… I do Not own Star Wars, Disney does!

TheRollingAuthor · Films
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Chapter 5: Wake up to Reality!

Chapter 5: Wake up to reality.

"Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realise that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well."

—Madara Uchiha

[ Do you wish to start your new life as "Viyn, Mār"?]

[YES| NO?]

After I confirmed that I wanted to start my new life I expected something to happen and stiffened in anticipation, but to my disappointment nothing happened, waiting five minutes just to be sure. Still nothing happened, "is this thing broken or something" I thought in quiet discontent, just as I thought of letting the system know of my slowly growing frustration and confusion, something finally happened.

Pain, pure and unadulterate pain, my entire body felt like being thrown into a massive mixer, taken apart only to be reassembled into something else. followed by a blinding explosion of bright light and suddenly I knew no more.

When I returned to consciousness I found myself deep inside a forest, in a clearing that was surrounded by trees and had a small cave near the entrance. After getting my bearings and checking that I wasn't in any danger I tried to stand, key word being tried. I didn't get passed trying to get on my knees, when I fell over sideways.

"Strange " I said to myself, trying and failing to figure out why my body felt so different from what I am used to. I couldn't hold my balance, it was like I had forgotten how to walk or something, like my body wasn't used to moving around like that. Trying to stand up ones more I managed to atleast get to my feed all be it wobbly. When suddenly a breeze hits my, nearly toppling me over again. Trying to use my other foot to regain my balance and stop myself from falling, I suddenly found myself crashing heavily into one of the trees.

The Strange thing about that happening being that I was no where near one of the trees that surrounded me when I first tried to stand, so how did I end up crashing into one when the nearest one should be several hundred metres away from me?

"WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!? I cried out in confusion and frustration at my inability to move my body how I wanted. And at my sudden crash in the tree of course.

[ Explanation: Your new body is not used to movement and has not yet developed a good sense of balance. In other words you need to relearn how to move.]

[ You Have learned the skill "Force Enhancement": Player can use the force to enhance his physical abilities.] [LVL: 0]

"Well that sucks but at least I got a new skill and used the force too, cool" and just as I said that I got a searing feeling in my head like multiple knives got stuck into the back of it. Slowly my sense of awareness moved outward, I could feel and practically see everything surrounding me, the hole clearying and its inhabitants, like the squirrel like creature that was watching me from across the other side of the clearing, too even the birds flying in the sky. And my circle of awareness continued to grow even more engulfing the hole Forest, I could now feel even the settlements near by brimming with activity. Until my sense of awareness began to grow as large as the Planet I was on, I could feel the warmth and life, the light that was everything breathing to even the grass and the rocks, but with that warmth feeling also came slowly but steadily the cold, the darkness that lied underneath, death and decay. It was like a circle ever repeating Never ending.

[You have learned the ability "Force Sense": allows the player to Sense and interact with the world through the Force.] [LVL: 0]

I ignored the systems notification, to focused on what I was feeling. It was as if I was everywhere and everything was a part of my, I felt so much. Without me knowing tears started to stream down my cheeks, I began to see images of myself and also people I didn't know, all calling out to me in some way. I began to dive even deeper into what ever I was sensing not caring for anything but that incredible feeling of being part of everything.

[ WARNING: The Player is attempting to channel the cosmic Force, which will result in the player becoming one with the force, please stop or you will die.]

I was everything, I saw everything and it was breaking my mind, I couldn't stop, but I had to! Did I have to? Why? It was so beautiful, and terrifying at the same time, pain, unbearable pain, my body was falling apart from the strain of channeling the cosmic force into my body. But still I couldn't stop looking.

I was everything, I saw EVERYTHING, I walked away from the last great Sith wars, I marked the passing of the Je'daii. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained -NO TIME-, NO SPACE, JUST ME.

I walked in universes, where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man. And I watched Universes Freeze and creation burn. I have seen things nobody would believe. And I know things, secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that would make the most brilliant individuals cry in outrage at the absurdity of it all. I've SEEN IT ALL!

[Requesting Emergency override… Request granted, devising countermeasures… success… implementation: Activate skill "Gamers Mind"…Success.]

[Gamers Mind has been activated.]

My Mind suddenly slammed back into reality, no longer everywhere and free from what ever happened. My Emotions dulled and I felt sort of detached from the world as If everything my brain processed happened not to me but to a character I was controlling. As if I was experiencing everything with the help of a monitor. It was like watching the surrounding of a game you still found it beautiful and exciting, but it was lacking all the liveliness the real world had. It felt wrong. As if a part of me was missing.

With my mind back to where it belonged the Paine from earlier hit me full force and with a scream of Pure Pain and anguish I passed out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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