
Star Wars: Son of Palpatine

A man is reborn as the very intentionally created son of Palpatine in the legends continuity. After the Emperor’s death he does his damndest to pull a shattered galaxy back together in the places he can. Very, very quick start.

caden_finch · Films
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Over the course of a week, Varryn practiced with his ability to nurture organic life until he felt he could adequately help the farmers. It took a lot from him, but with practice he became better at it, and could use less energy for a better result. He also learned to draw from the force to grow the plants, rather than himself, which worked slower but didn't tire him as quickly.

He had almost finished sifting through his own memory regarding his training in the force. It was made easier, he found, because force users could naturally create a mind palace to organize their minds, which was how mental shielding worked and why Jedi could have such a large base of knowledge. The force heightened mental capacity naturally but a basic knowledge of psychology had allowed force users to take it further. The force did not follow most laws of science but science was still of *heavy* use regarding its understanding.

He cataloged what could be attributed to general training regarding the force and training in the darker parts of it. General training included the following-

-Healing Trances

-Shields(combat and mental)

-Saber Combat Basics


-Basic Energy Manipulation

-Enhanced Movement

-Mental Enhancement


-Battle Meditation(Force Organization)

Then there were the darker parts of training which included-

-Force Lightning

-Force Screaming

-Battle Meditation(Demoralization)


He hadn't been taught a great deal about the dark side and he could guess why. To Sheev, the dark side meant power, power he already possessed and power he didn't want his "vessel" to use against him. So the Emperor had taught his vessel what was needed to increase his own connection to the force, not what was possible to gain power. It would have been intelligent if the man had realized Varryn lurked in the depths of the Host's mind; and had eliminated him.

This also meant that the host had more time immersed in the force as opposed to practicing dark abilities, fracturing his soul for virtually no gain.

Varryn later analyzed and categorized information regarding the empire into the categories of useful and not useful. Most of it was useless, besides three major pieces of information.

He knew that the empire would fall. He knew where Mara Jade was at the time of its fall. And greatest of all, he had an acute knowledge of notable Imperial personnel and, crucially, what made them tick.


Today would be the first day Varryn would attempt to assist the farmers. Armand had found a man who had lost almost his entire crop, as Varryn decided he would work on a person by person basis. The man's greeted both of them as they approached, clearly nervous and not expecting the visit.

" 'Ello Mr Councilman, and his friend. What can I do ya for?", the man took off his hat, a frail arm holding it against his chest.

"Hello, Desen. This here is lord Varryn, he thinks he can help your crop."

The man looked stricken at that, "Milord, I mean no 'ffense but I ain't e'er seen a bug this bad. My crop is very far beyond savin' with some fancy offworlder tech-", Varryn cut the man off by suspending his hat in the air between them.

"There won't be much technology involved. Even this might not work either but it sure is worth a shot, don't you think."

"Y-yeah…right this was sirs."

Without further complaint, he lead them to his fields. Varryn could feel the death, the sheer amount of loss in the field. The feeling wasn't like the dark side, death is a natural thing, but it didn't feel good either.

"Okay….give me a couple hours. Armand, don't suppose you could grab me some water? I'm going to need it after this."

"I can do that, milord. Desen! Let's leave the young man be", and true to his word he walked away.

Cracking his knuckles, Varryn sat down and got to work. The first thing he noticed was that he could feel a new presence, one not within his gardens or the people around him. As he felt out with the force, he realized that the strange presence was native to the infected grass.

"Oh…maybe…", Varryn reached out with the force, farther than he ever had, and gripped onto as much of the presence as he could. When he could grab no more, he ripped it all towards him. Thousands of beetle-like bugs can flying at him against their will, crushed together in a ball of insects held together by the force alone. There would be many, many more beetles than this, but Telekinesis was something that came more naturally to him, and required much, much less energy.

Not really knowing what to do with them, Varryn dug a hole in the ground, shoved the mass of beetles into it, and crushed them with the dirt and force. He didn't want to crush the actual beetles with the force as that seemed a bit too close to the edge. He unburied the beetles, then scattered the corpses to fertilize the fields.

Looking out at how much he had to finish, Varryn sighed and got to work.