
Star Wars: Son of Palpatine

A man is reborn as the very intentionally created son of Palpatine in the legends continuity. After the Emperor’s death he does his damndest to pull a shattered galaxy back together in the places he can. Very, very quick start.

caden_finch · Films
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5 Chs

A Shifted Perspective


Varryn had been clearing fields for a month. He had eventually stopped returning to his home, many of the citizens more than happy to let him stay the night in a guest bedroom or a barn if it meant clearing their crop faster. Varryn had also been granting a bit of energy to the now uninfected crops, hoping to let them catch up to their soon-to-be harvested brethren.

His capacity expanded fairly rapidly, his work was fairly single minded, all he needed was more time. There was a week until the harvest festival, he figured he'd just make it. Cracking his back as he rose from a bed of hay, Varryn got back to work.



'Clearly', Armand thought to himself, 'Sable's judgement must never be trusted again.'

When Varryn Palpatine-god wasn't that name terrifying- had landed to become their lord, Sable had informed Armand that he was a vain man, who spoke little and mostly stayed in his chambers with the exception of meals. She had said he felt evil, that she wasn't comfortable working under him, but was concerned about what would happen should she have left. She said he didn't know the servants names, or her name, just issued short commands like they were always the least important thing in the room.

Armand now knew that most of her distaste for the lord likely came from the gifts she inherited from her mother. Marriage to a former Jedi had always made life interesting for Armand, but Ellara was dead now, and it was not good to dwell on the past.

He was so confused by his daughters reaction, as the young man he was currently observing hadn't slept in three days making sure a bunch of crops were saved for people he hadn't met nor had any true reason to help. When he did eventually become to damned fatigued to continue, he had willingly slept in barns. Hell, the boy had gone above and beyond saving the crops, he had made them fucking grow.

The servants had never known his daughter's suspicions. They knew he'd been a bit intimidating, a bit rude, but he hadn't been cruel and unlike his daughter, they had never been used to having their names remembered; it wasn't their place to be remembered. Varryn had very quickly become something of a folk hero to the people, scaring the beetles away with his presence and singing to the plants to make them grow. Hell, come to find out, he's had a valid reason for ignoring everyone for 4 months. Research wasn't an excuse to be an ass to his staff but it was certainly an explanation of potential bad behavior, the young man was scarcely 18.

There was a lingering suspicion, though. A man only worked like the way his lord had for three reasons: He had something to love, something to prove, or something to feel guilty about. Varryn had nothing to prove to the people, as far as Armand could tell, and he certainly didn't love them, so the only feasible answer was guilt. He was no Jedi but he knew enough that a force user shouldn't be powered by guilt. Armand could only hope he was wrong.



She wasn't sure if she'd ever trust her own judgement again. Her mother had always warned her about sinking into the force, that a user so untrained as herself couldn't always be trusted to interpret the messages it told her. But Palpatine had landed and all his actions seemed to affirm her thoughts. She *knew* he had touched the dark, that wasn't a misjudgment on her part, but he clearly hadn't been completely gone. She once again longed for her mother's presence, so she might have some guidance, but the woman had been on borrowed time long before sable was born. It was a miracle her mother made it to the age she had, relying only on the force to keep her alive.

But her mother wasn't here and she had no guidance. She decided to rely on other instincts now, she would see what the new lord would do and would evaluate him on actions alone.



Short chapter, just giving y'all some external perspective on Varryn. These two likely won't remain hugely important for very long.