
Star Wars: Son of Palpatine

A man is reborn as the very intentionally created son of Palpatine in the legends continuity. After the Emperor’s death he does his damndest to pull a shattered galaxy back together in the places he can. Very, very quick start.

caden_finch · Films
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5 Chs

A Meeting

So this has gotten more attention than I thought it would. Before the inevitable comments come, I'm sticking with the legends view of how the force works( The force is naturally balanced, and using the dark side unbalanced it. There is no light and dark, really, there's just using it as it is or corrupting it.)

The second thing is that no, the Empire is not in any way, shape, or form, good, while Palpatine is alive. My character isn't strictly a hero but he values responsibility above all else.


Varryn knew three things regarding his future in the galaxy.

He needed to control the empire, for a more peaceful…adoption, of the Alliance and eventual formation of the New Republic. He also needed the political weight to insure that the fledgling republic wasn't so weak as it was in another world.

He needed to increase the number and power of known force users in the galaxy, preferably keeping as many as possible on the light side of it, and he needed them to be allied or loyal to him.

And lastly, Grand Admiral Thrawn needed to be alive for the Vong invasion.

The Empire wasn't a sustainable system of government but it did represent a heavily militarized force ready for what was to come. The Tarkin doctrine had caused irreparable damage to the galaxy, which was not ideal, but there was little he could do about it at present.

I'm the mean time, he would do his best to assist the world entrusted to him. The planet gave him a short term goal, he could use the planet to prove his 'competence'. He also felt guilty about the host's lack of effort regarding responsibility.

Thinking on that responsibility, he walked outside to a small garden he found near the front entrance, sitting down in front of it. He has no idea how he was going to make this work but once you knew something *can* be done with the tools at hand, you can usually achieve it.

Varryn reached out with his mind, feeling the life around him. At first he could only feel that there *was* life, just a miasmic cloud of energy enveloping him, unperturbed by his reaching. When he focused more, he could detect movement, little disturbances in the otherwise still energy. The words "disturbance in the force" made a great deal more sense than it used to now, as he began to pick out individual servants moving about. Surprisingly, he could only detect contentedness and light streams of minor emotion when the people either saw him or a friend. These people were just…in their natural state of being, doing their job, existing at their own pace…being so immersed in the force gave Varryn a new insight into the people around him. Knowing he had come with an objective, despite the addictiveness of just reveling in his staff's content, he tried to pin down the life right in front of him.

Plants gave off a calm that Varryn didn't think possible in any other life, it was equally as addictive as the content feeling of the staff. The trees in the forest felt old, so old, but not weary. The grass was young and joyous, growing strong. The small plants in front of him were timid, flowery bushes that only gently responded to his caress in the force. He had to dance around the flowers, giving them a small bit of his energy so that they might accept more. Ever so slowly he gained their "trust", and the bush allowed him to flood its roots and petals with the force, rapidly accelerating all of its functions while it could rely on his energy I stead of its own.

The bush started at half bloom, maybe 30 centimeters tall, but when he was done it had doubled in height and with, and it's flowers were in a wonderful full bloom despite being in the fall season.

Varryn was brought out of his deep trance by a man he could feel behind him, one of few presences that wasn't disturbed by him. The man's aura was one of strength and wise age, like the trees in the forest. Though Varryn couldn't see him physically, he knew the man was smiling just by his presence. Knowing he was being impolite, though, Varryn pulled away from the force and got up to greet him.

"Good morning."

"Morning young man. I ain't got a clue what you just did but I ain't ever seen that species in bloom this time o'year and I've been working that garden for 50 damn years."

Varryn laughed, "I don't imagine you would. All the skill in the world and you couldn't pull that off, though I admit I have a bit of an unfair advantage." Varryn grabbed his saber and let it spin in his hand with the force.

The man's eyes scrunched, "You one of them Jedi folk? I been hearing that they had all died. Shows what the townsfolk know."

Varryn laughed again, though it was tinged with sadness, he would have liked to meet men like Mace Windu and Kit Fisto. "No, I am no Jedi, but we're fundamentally similar. But I've been improper, Varryn Palpatine at your service."

The man's eyebrows rose, though he wasn't truly shocked, "The you g lord himself. I had found it odd I Amit seen ya in the four months you've been livin'ere."

"That would be my fault. I was assigned at a bad time, midway through some research for my superior. I suppose you'll be seeing a lot more of me now."

"Ah well, I s'pose I can't blame ya for a boss who ain't understand what hard work is like. I'm Raymond, your Gardner", Raymond hefted a muscled hand out for Varryn to shake.

Varryn took the offered hand with his own and gave a strong shake. "I'm glad to have you, this is a beautiful property, even if I haven't been able to appreciate it much."

The man smiled at him more jovially than before, a smile that spoke of a very long and developed pride in his work. Varryn could only hope he could have a smile like that one day.

"That it is. Ya'know, the late Lady Clara planted those bushes, them type you just did'ya magic thing on, they're from Chandrilla. If ya like 'em I'd be happy to plant some more for the spring, it would add some nice variety."

Varryn observed the timid little bush, now grown and proud. It was a happy little thing, he didn't thing he'd mind some more at all.

"Will you? If you have anything else you do think would fit from off-world, tell me, budget is no issue and I like this little guy. It'd be neat to see what else there is."

Raymond's eyes twinkled, "I think I'm gonna like you just fine, young man. I best get working though, I'll send you some items over the next few days, see if ya like em and whatnot."

"Have a good rest of your day Raymond", Varryn said as the older man started to walk away.

"You too, young man."

Varryn kept his smile as he sat back down and continued his work.