
Chapter 8: Full Moon Night

After locking Chelsea into her panic room I go into my own, and get ready for my shift. I lock the door and set the timer, then look around the room, I take my clothes off and check my system panel.

{Shifter King System}

>Personal stats<

Name: Ethan Ray

Age: 24 years

State: Human (first shift in progress)

Rank: Pre-Alpha

Level: 9

Exp: 10,333/12,800

Health: 120/120

Energy: 120/120

Strength: 25

Dexterity: 22

Endurance: 30

Alignment: None (Reach Level 10 to unlock)

Unused Stat Points: 8

[Close system tabs]

Then I close the system tabs and look around, I can feel the moon rising. At first there is just an itch somewhere on my body just out of reach of scratching, then it intensifies until its a burning sensation that can't be ignored. I feel, my bones begin to break next, then they repair themselves. I then look down at my skin, only to watch it be overcome with fur after stretching and tearing, I expected there to be blood on the floor, but there isn't any, then I hear the screams they are coming from the shared air vent and I can only hope that the pain Chelsea goes through isn't unbearable, with the fact that she has a 100% chance of successfully transforming, then the pain redoubles again for me and I find myself on all fours trying to hold on as my jaws elongate and my teeth lengthen, becoming razor sharp. The agonized screams end for Chelsea, but there is another sound, scratching repeatedly, it's as if she's trying to claw her way through the wall, In my new wolf form, I turn and decide to try clawing my way through the wall to her as well. We spend the majority of the time transformed trying to reach each other but then the wall gives and as soon as she sees me she vaults through the hole in the wall and starts rubbing against me, I growl at her, chastising, but she just lays down in the corner, by where I tossed my clothes after taking them off.

We have been sitting in the panic room for a few hours, when I hear some noises, from outside. "Are you sure he's here, The boss said that once we kill him we'll be able to take the ability."

"Yeah I'm sure, the info we got from that lady's driver said that there would be two panic rooms, and one of them would have the guy's girlfriend, so after we kill him think we can have some fun with the girl?" another man says

I've heard enough, I'm ready to kill these guys [Ding! host finds himself under attack by unknown forces defeat them. Reward: Instant level up] I look over at Chelsea who is staring at the door and then, I motion for her to get over by the hole, she looks confused, but does as I motion 'when do I get the mind link, Leon was talking about' of course the guys open the door to the panic room on the first try. I am hiding behind the door and I wait for them to get all the way in, before I push the door shut, this scares the shit out of the guys, there are three of them. "What the hell, it's a wolf why's there a wolf is this a trap?" the first guy shouts in terror, but I don't give them a chance to gather their senses, I jump on the first guy and tear His head off by clamping around his neck, and shaking until his head snaps off, then I rake open the second guy's chest with my claws and look up to see Chelsea tearing away at the third guy's back with her claws pinning him down, I finish the third guy by raking my claw across his carotid artery, before I go to help Chelsea, I clamp down on his neck with my jaws and then I give him a violent shake, breaking his neck, and killing him instantly, then I look at my energy, I had noticed that it was draining the whole time I had been transformed, but it had stopped when the blood touched my tongue. I look at Chelsea, and motion for her to eat. she looks a little disgusted at first, but then, she does it and I can see her body growing visibly.

[Ding-dong! host has completed a Quest; survive your first shift, and reach level 10. Reward: Choose your first class and werewolf alignment.

Distributing rewards; choose Alignment

Option 1: Selene's child; As a child of the moon goddess, you will gain the ability 'mind link' as well as the Quest line To find your Mate(s). You will lose the ability to gain stats from eating slain humans. Certain subtypes of shifter will be opened as well as closed to you. Description: as a Child of the moon goddess and protector of this world, you and your pack will be charged with slaying the monsters that have taken control of this world both the ones of beastly appearances, and those who wear human skin taking advantage of those weaker than them, the moon goddess also sees your potential and has deigned to give you multiple mates, of course you must find them along your path.

Option 2: Lycian's descendant: You will gain the ability 'Lykan hunger' as well as the quest line, 'To become Lycian's avatar. You will lose the ability to take full wolf form. Certain, Shifter subtypes, will now be opened and closed to you. Description, as a descendant of Lycian, a king who once tried to feed his own children to a god he was cursed with godhood but as a result those who follow him must eat the flesh of humans to grow stronger, you may choose to forge a path of blood or be a savior to the world, but you will know what it is you've done.

{I choose to devote my life to the glory of Selene, as her child.} I think as I make my selection.

Choose your class;

Werewolf scout; even though you are an alpha you aren't above scouting missions, even more is that you'll be even better at it. Dexterity abilities will increase faster

Werewolf warrior: As the alpha you will be a frontline general fighting to protect your pack, allies, and the world. Strength abilities will advance faster

Werewolf tactician: as the alpha it is your duty to strategize and lead the battle through planning and making use of preparations, as well as staying up for days on end to double and triple check plans and reports. Endurance abilities will advance faster

Bonus class has been unlocked; Werewolf Tracker: You are the alpha and you have your ten free transformation slots, but if you want to have a chance at growing your pack you don't want to be worrying about people not surviving and because you aren't a power hungry Lykan you will be looking for more than just muscle, so this class will give you the ability 'Talent tracker' which will allow you to see the chance of someone surviving the transformation as well as improve it through a new stat called luck. Unlocks the 'luck' stat which just means more good stuff will happen the higher it stands.

I choose the tracker, as I believe it will make life better. A few minutes later the sun rises and I change back followed by Chelsea, she looks tired, so I let her rest. Alice stops by a half hour later and sees the mess, she doesn't ask questions. I pick Chelsea up carefully and carry her out to the hover car, Alice drives us herself as I guess that she knows her driver's betrayal and probably killed them. She unlocks the door to this newer safehouse, where I had Seth on ice for his hibernation sleep, and starts to explain how to absorb the ability, I just look at her and say that it won't be necessary. We walk to the room where he was being kept and see him standing up flexing his muscles as he puts on his pants, then when he sees me he bows. "Master I am awakened, and ready to serve, what do you need of me?"

I look at him and smile, "Good morning Seth, no I think we'll change your name. From today onward, you are Spriggann. As for what I need, I need a place for us to call our own, as much as I like Alice as a friend, I would like to have a place to call my own, We'll need at least 10 bedrooms and 4 full bathrooms, can you do that?"

"Of course I can, as Seth is deceased legally all of his assets are yours. I suspect Alice was going to explain that once you absorbed my ability, but I still have it, so I guess it's compatible with my job as a scout."

Alice then explains how I had inherited all of Seth's assets, and tries to ask about why the guy is still alive after I tore his throat out, then I transform and show her that my ability is like an infection but it makes people stronger, I even offer to turn her, which she turns down. We then prepare to leave for the new house as Seth lives in a mansion. our new pack house awaits us.

Hey guys, sorry if some of this chapter is confusing, it will be ironed out in the next few chaps I just didn't want to leave a whole chapter of just stats, I also have to iron out a few finer details of the current wolves abilities and work out Lion heart's first shift.

Ethan_Birlingcreators' thoughts