
Chapter 9: Packhouse and First Meeting

After leaving Alice's safehouse we travel to Spriggann's mansion, the trip doesn't take that long. Once we arrive I stop to just admire the building, it is massive, with a 12 foot(4 meter) tall fence surrounding the property. After we open the gate and walk through I can see the the house properly, it has at least three stories, and just from the front I can see that it's at least 150 yards wide, and I can't see how far back it goes. "Hey Spriggann how big is this house, measurement-wise?" Chelsea asks before I get the chance

"This mansion is 450 feet by 450 feet on the exterior, with three stories aboveground, and a full basement underneath it there is also a garden with a pool and barbeque in the back yard, and a rooftop patio that spans 150 by 150 in the center of the roof." he replies then takes another breath to continue his explanation "On the first floor there is a parlor, den, and living room, as well as a kitchen and 2 dining room's, one of which could be considered a small banquet hall there are two full bath rooms and two toilets off the banquet hall clearly marked men and women. On the second floor there are nine bedrooms, three office type rooms, four bathrooms, two of which are communal shower type rooms, and a multi story room that the previous owner had used as a library, and arts or antiques gallery. On the third floor there are the second half of the library, six bedrooms, with one being the master, six bedrooms each with its own bathroom, a small kitchen and dining area, and a theatre room. The basement is divided into three unequal parts, with half of it being a swimming pool with hot tub and two locker/shower rooms, the second part is a game room with a pool table ping-pong and table soccer there is a movie and game corner, as well as a few arcade machines, in the third part is a gym, with some martial arts accommodations." I look at him and see that he looks proud

"That's good and all but, I've gotta ask do you keep all of this up on your own?" I ask

"No, I have some live in staff they have a few smaller houses on the outskirts of the property, they do the maintenance work to keep the house in working order. after you take legal control of my assets which include the businesses that I started with the money from fights you'll see what I have going and if you want to change it then you probably can, but for now let's just head inside." He replies then tosses me the house key, I open the door and am blown away by the majesty and grandeur of this place. We take a walk around and see one of the live in workers who had been told that Seth was dead, we clear it up stating that he was legally dead, but just wanted out of the queen's guard, as it was getting too deep into the gang life for him, we also ask that they go and collect the others, so we can break the news to all of them about their official change in employer. after we explain what happened we off to let any who did not wish to remain working to resign, but none of the 12 did.

"Well now that that's settled, we should probably have our first official Pack meeting." I state

"About what?" Chelsea asks

"Well while I am your alpha, I don't want to be a tyrant, so I'd like to discuss some things." I reply

"May I ask you to go into more detail?" Spriggann asks

"Well for starters, our current financial situation, as well as any future endeavors, personal goals and how those may effect the pack, pack goals and how they effect individuals, territory under our control, and expansion if warranted, Potential new candidates for the turning, training and issues within the pack, just the basics for now." I reply

"I agree, but do we want to have this conversation in the living room?" Chelsea asks

"No we should go to on of the offices on the second floor or maybe the library office on the third." Spriggann suggests.

"I like the library idea." Chelsea says speaking up, I think we all like the library idea so we head to the second story stair case, then Spriggann leads us to the library, and up its staircase to the study on the third floor, there we find it already packed with books and files and documents, all organized neatly on the shelves.

I grab the seat behind the desk, and then the other two sit in one of the many open chairs running down the table, "Well here we are the first meeting of our little pack, and as I suggested the meeting I will open up the discussion. First off I would like to have a look at our current financial situation, but I think that can wait unless you have a rough opening number for us Spriggann."

"We have roughly $8 million in funds that we can access at almost any given time, anything over a quarter million does take a day or two."

"Ok so that's the number I have no real plans for future financial endeavors, because of my personal goals, and the goals, that while I would not overtly force them on you I would think they have a large benefit for the pack; going to the Adventurers University, and it leads into the goals I have for the pack, which is to get the number of wolves in the pack to 10 within the next year or two, there are you two here now, and I have a third member who I am currently training so he makes the transition successfully as there is no guarantee that people turned will come out successfully or not, you all felt the pain during your transformation with the moon last night, not all people will make it. as a tracker I have a skill that allows me to see if the person has a good chance or not, but there's no guarantee. The next article of inspection is territory under our control, as well as expansion, I am okay with what we have currently as I want to wait until we have gone through University before I try to claim too much territory, as we may have to move in the future, closer to the beast lands so we can go for missions and as such we can then stake our territory out there. And last Potential new candidate for turning, I have my friend that I am training so he gets stronger, but do either of you have somebody that you would like to see join us?"

"I agree with everything you just said, and no I don't know anyone I would like to see turned, my friends currently are too shallow, and I myself will probably find it difficult to adjust, but I do want to go to the Adventurers Academy." Chelsea says agreeing

"I personally find no fault in your logic or reasoning, but we may have to make small business purchases, to keep ourselves strong while we attend the academy. I also have no one I would like to see turned... maybe my little sister if she has a high aptitude, but not for a few years, and I would like to see her through the academy as well." Spriggann says and then we close the pack meeting after I go through some of the minor details with them about being wolves, like the raw meat craving being ok, the mind link, as well as some of the details about their job class.

A few hours have passed since we closed the meeting, and I am rubbing my eyes, Spriggann and I were going through the process of me inheriting his assets, which were may, he buys properties and either rents them out or flips them to sell at a steep profit. I am just getting hungry when my phone rings, and it's Leon "Hey man I take it you are still alive?" he jokes

"No, I'm dead and you are talking to a ghost... what's up man." I reply

"Well I just wanted to call you and see if you made the shift, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, and then my girl just punched your number in and now we're talking."

"Good, hey man come to this address it's the Packhouse for a while," I give him the address "and bring only the essential for right now."