
Chapter 4: Getting Some Exp

This morning I wake up to the new daily quest [ding-dong new daily quest has been updated: 100 forward lunges, 100 side lunges, 100 burpees, 100 mountain climbers, 10km run. today is going to mostly be stretching and working the lower body with some moderate cardio] I read the new daily quest and groan, I like training, but like any sane person burpees are a nightmare. After I finish with my at home part of the workout, and then as I set out for my run I give Leon a call to wake him up for training, then after that I call my mom. as I begin to run. "Hey sweetie," I hear as she picks up the phone "did you hear about those murders, it looks like they were right down the road from your apartment?"

"Yes mom, I did hear about them Leo wouldn't shut up about it. Before you ask yes I am okay, the cops said it looks like a drug deal gone sideways." I reply and then immediately try to calm her down "hey I'm on my way to Leon's I finally convinced him to go to the gym with me, so we're going to start training today, I'm actually almost to his house love you mom!"

"I love you too sweetie be safe and tell Leon I said hi." she replies

"I will tell him mom says hi and again love you lots mom, bye!" then I hang up before we start to have the 'I love you more' argument that sometimes ensues when we try to end a phone call. Right then I come around the corner to Leon's house and he's just standing thereon his porch still half asleep. "Hey Leon, good morning, also mom says hi."

"What are we doing for training today, so I can go back to bed when it's done." he replies not even trying to stifle the yawn

"Well first, we are going to the gym to see where your baseline is, and then we are coming back here to draw up your meal plan as well as to see what foods and beverages you'll have to cut out or cut back on, then we'll go to the grocery store so we can make your grocery list and put in your order for the next few weeks." I reply

"Am I going to have to cut out soda?" he looks like he's about to cry, it makes me smile just a little, because my best friend Richard Leonhart has been addicted to soda since we were little kids now he's almost 25 and still worried about soda.

"Not right away, but eventually yes, besides you won't want it after we start training." I tell him as we begin to walk towards the gym I have a membership for and get ready for the dam to break.

"Not want soda? seriously I've seen smokers give up their habit easier than I can go a day without my sweet sugary nectar."

"You'll see, after you get all nice and sweaty working out, the syrupy feeling of soda going down your throat won't feel good or be able to quench your thirst, plus it doesn't cool you down, the only reason I'm still doing it is because even though you eat like a trash panda, you stay skinny so after the workout you'll need carbs for energy, and while soda isn't good carbs it'll do for now." we get to the gym, and I have Leon try something for every weight group, showing him how to do it as well as my own baseline and where I'm at now, then after determining his baseline which is pretty low as he can only do about half a plate for each isolation exercise, and a plate and a half for full body stuff, as well as 10 reps of each for the 'anime basics' superset not including the pull ups he can only do 5 of those, but its a start, and from what I can tell he's a hard gainer, but that's a good thing as it means that with enough protein we can build muscle quickly, as we leave he texts his girlfriend to pick us up because he can't walk decent. As we wait for her to arrive, I check a message the system gave me, [Host has unlocked a secret pack quest line... inspect >quest< panel to see more, so I navigate to the >quest< panel then look at pack quests

Pack Quest 1: turn 10 people into pack members. Reward: these first 10 pack members will turn with 100% success and 30% for a rare subtype

Pack quest 2(SECRET): Turn Richard Leonhart after training him for at least 2 weeks. The man Nicknamed Leon is your best friend, and you want to turn him, but he'd be too weak to survive the change unless you had a 100% success rate, but if you trained him for a time he'll not only survive but may unlock a subtype available to him alone. Reward(s): if trained for one week; increase in stats to that of a normal wolf. if trained for 2 weeks; rare wolf subtype. if trained for 3 weeks; rare wolf subtype+ stats on par with your own. if trained for 4 weeks or longer; Legendary personal subtype+ alignment to Lunasa.

I take my eyes off of the panel and return to the world outside my system, to see Leon's girlfriend pull up I help my friend into the car, then she brings us back to his house where I go through his cabinets and get rid of most of his junk food. "hey man, I want to know if I suggested training longer than two weeks would you get mad."

"Why do you ask bro, if you have a good reason I'll listen to it before I get mad." he replies currently out of it from the runner's high

"Well to be honest you're pretty weak, even a 12-year old has more strength than you currently, and with two weeks we aren't going to make that much progress, if you train for a whole month, though I have a good feeling about what will happen, I also know that by then you will have double your current strength." I reply as I write out the grocery list

"You have a good point, sure I'll try to tough it out until then." we then ask his girlfriend for a ride to the store, and she obliges. after we get back I help him put it away, then I bow out gracefully as I have to get ready for work.

A few hours later I'm back at the deli working the evening shift there are quite a few people who want their sandwiches, so I do my best. I look up because the room went quiet, too quiet, then I see why there are two men holding up the waitress telling her to get the cash out of the register. I don't even have time to think, I just walk up to the first guy and before he can react I punch him in the jaw. He drops and his friend looks at me in shock so I kick him in the side aiming for a liver shot, he drops like a sack potatoes, then I check if everyone else is unharmed, and have the waitress call the authorities, we give our statements, and the officers haul the two trouble makers away. [ding host has received 25 exp for sneak attack on store bandit 1, and 20 exp for defeating bandit 2 exp for lvl 4 is 95/400] The officers leave soon after, and the rest of the night goes smoothly, I take home a few extra sandwiches piled high with extra meat and lock up, making my way home fast so I can eat my dinner in peace. I am about to sit down and eat when the buzzer for my door goes off, I hit the button and ask who it is, it's the waitress, she wants to talk. I buzz her in and she comes and thanks me telling me about how scared she was, I can see that this is going to get me laid, and I knew she had a thing for me, mainly because I could see her staring at me whenever I was at the gym.