
Chapter 3: Daily Quest and Friends?

After reading through the system's >Quests< panel I decide to start the daily quest while mulling over the other three, to survive the full moon, and then reach level 10 as the first main quest. I remember playing video games as a child and I know that to reach level 10 should be easy so long as I can gain experience points, but surviving the full moon, it shouldn't be that hard unless there's a chance I could die during the transformation, or in a fight afterward. then there is the pack quest, where I have to turn a certain number of people into werewolves, it said I would have a 100% success rate for the first ten transformations, which I think may mean that It's not guaranteed to work out every time, also it had a quip about turning one of my friends that is weaker and wouldn't normally survive the change. I can't help but think that turning him would be a bad idea, as going off the normal stats that a human generally has he's even weaker, and the sudden increase in strength could be bad for me, as he or they could go berserk. That brings me to the 4th quest the one about territory, now in the 45th century the earth has undergone changes, including the expansion of the planet's size, the emergence of monsters outside of what is now known as the human territory, as well as the outbreak of guilds who fight the monsters, and the rise of organized criminal groups, or as they were called in the past, gangs. the territory quest sounds like I would have to become the leader of either a guild or gang, with a blurred moral line standing in the way. Well one good thing came from me getting this system, I now have an ability as that's what I was working towards originally. I had been working at the deli saving what I could to enroll in the Adventurers' university and get an ability to fight the monsters, although I had no intention of starting my own guild, now it looks like the natural thing to do.

All of these thoughts are Interrupted by the system giving me an alert that the only part of my daily quest that I had left to do was the run 6.3 miles or 10 kilometers as is the conversion, so I put on my running shoes and head out for my run, I am already used to this as it is what I had been training for the past two years working up to the level I am at now for enrolling in the university. 'Ring-ring-ring-ring' it's my phone this time, I press the button on my headphones to answer it, as there are only two people that would call me on my day off, especially during my morning run. It's my best friend, Richard Leonhart "Hey asshole, I thought I asked you not to call me on my run!" I say jokingly into the receiver

"Yeah, dickbag I'm sure you've said that before, but did you get to look at the news this morning?" the man on the other end of the line replies in his usual confident tone

"You know the answer to that question, I don't watch television before my workout is done, and before you ask no I don't read the news or any other current events media outlet either, maybe the weather report to know if I'm running outside or on the treadmill, but what is the news you wanted to tell me?" I reply quickly as I slow down for a second

"Well there was a murder last night between the deli and your apartment, apparently there were three victims looks like two enforcers and a quack scientist." he says then I can hear him take a pull on what sounds like a soda "and that's why I thought you may have seen it happen or something."

"I'll be to your place in a few minutes, make sure you have the stuff for my protein shake out, there's something I have to tell you." Then I hang up, and adjust my route, so that I will finish at his house. It takes another 20 minutes for me to finish my run and be in front of his house, I climb the steps, [ding-dong host has completed daily quest nicknamed 'anime basics' your physique has improved from 25% body fat to 24%] I just shake my head as I reach the door, before I can knock Richard opens the door, holding a glass full of a thick brown liquid he holds it as if it was radioactive. I accept the glass and begin to drink it down as I walk into his house.

"So what's the big secret that you had to come in person and on your day off no less?" he asks while I chug down the drink.

"I probably killed those guys." I reply flatly then retell what happened, leaving out the parts about the system, and only vaguely guessing that I may be a werewolf, saying that I have a craving for meat, preferably raw but not human and not for the blood either.

"Well first congrats for accidentally getting an ability, second if you are indeed a werewolf but don't crave human meat, especially the heart that's a good sign."

"Wait why would wanting to eat human hearts be bad?" I ask interrupting him

"Well if your ability is that of a true werewolf you'll have a few other things that most ability users won't, such as the power to turn others, possibly even more stuff, but throughout all werewolf lore there are few things that remain nearly consistent and the biggest one is that all weres or shifters, will fall under the protection of one of the two were-creature gods, the benevolent moon goddess, or the malevolent Beast god, most commonly called Selene, or Lunasa, and the evil King Lycian. also before you interrupted me I was going to ask you to turn me."

"I had hoped you weren't going to ask that."

"Why not I thought we were friends, I even let you keep that nasty protein shake stuff here even though we're not roommates anymore!"

"I want to turn you."

"I sense a But coming."

"I don't know if I'll survive my first true shift on the night of the full moon."

"There's more I can feel it."

"You might not be strong enough to survive the turning, and you would get stronger than you ever were before, I think of you as my brother, but I know your tendency towards revenge and you were bullied mercilessly up until we got out of high school and even sometimes you still get bullied at work, I just don't want you killing someone who you'll regret later."

"But you killed somebody last night."

"I don't remember it I think I had a forced transformation to save my life and when I woke up I was dreading if I'd see a bunch of kids or women on the news, I almost fell over when you said it was just the three who turned me and then tried to kill me."

"You got revenge."

"On people who tried to kill me legitimately, not Bill Jenkins swirly from hell, they never tried to go so far as to kill you and now he's a desk jockey doing accounting wishing he was dead rather than bored out of his mind."

"Ok, I need to be more mature, but if I can do that will you turn me."

"Yes, but like I said you have to gain some strength before I will try to turn you, so how about until the full moon you train with me every day, that's two weeks." I say and then we shake hands "good to know you have my back in this, brother."

"If I didn't who else would? asshole" he replies, then we spend the rest of the day hanging out, until his current girlfriend arrives and he shoos me away so they can have some time alone. I go back home and think about what's going to happen the next day.

Hey guys Author here, I hope you enjoy this story so far, I will try to post at least a chapter daily, but I have a full time job so it might not happen.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ethan_Birlingcreators' thoughts