
Chapter 5: A Good Night (R-18+)

After eating dinner with Chelsea, She is giving me signals that I don't want to ignore. I lead her down the hall towards my bedroom, when we get there she shuts the door behind us, and then starts kissing me as I back up against my bed, the kisses escalate quickly from just little pecks, to full open mouth as our tongues battle for dominance. I feel her bring her hands down to the button on my pants and then she breaks the kiss as she gets on her knees, freeing my cock from its prison in my jeans, then with a skillful twist of her head she takes over half of me into her mouth, swirling the back of her tongue around the head and probing if she can go further, I feel my heart rate increasing as I enjoy her blowjob, that is until she goes back and then tries to take all of me, she gets almost there, but gags and has to come up for air, then she deepthroats back and forth a few more times, I decide to give her a hand by holding her hair up and out of her face, she does this for a few more minutes, before I have to bust, and then I lean down, and whisper "swallow it all," gently into her ear before I cum down her throat and she takes it like a champ, but it's too much, and she spills some down her chin, after I pull her face off my cock.

I help her up into the bed, and help take her pants down, noticing that she isn't wearing any panties, then I take a look at her smooth legs and perfectly shaved pussy, I then slowly run a line of kisses down her leg up to her glistening flower, then I begin to rub it with a finger at first, slowly adding the second one, before I bring my face down and begin eating her out, I just let my body do the work and am rewarded with a heavy orgasm as she climaxes on my face and hand. I look up after a few seconds as I can see she is in the mood to go all the way, so I pull off my shirt and throw it in the corner, when I look back at her she has done the same thing as well. I position myself at the entrance to her soaked pussy and then I tap the outside a few times with my cock before I push it into her slowly at first, then faster, she can't take all of it, but that doesn't stop us as we thrust our hips towards each other, we kiss and she nibbles at my neck, which prompts me to do the same, I bite a little hard, it draws some blood, but instead of her recoiling she just climaxes, which pushes me to follow soon after. We go for another half hour or so before we collapse and she cuddles up into my arms. I listen to her breaths as they become shallower and more relaxed, until I fall asleep.

I am woken up by the sound of my daily quest [Ding-dong daily quest updated. Perform 100 punches of gratitude, 100 kicks of faith, and of course run 10 km] then another notification rings out [da-da-duh-dah, host has successfully turned a human Chelsea Thalia into a werewolf(omega) you may choose to have her join your pack, or kill her.] Well now my day is made up, I look at the sleeping werewolf by my side and try to figure out how I turned her, then it comes back to me, while we were screwing I bit her, but why did it happen so fast [ding, the new wolf was created faster because of your strength, and the fact that she stayed by your side the whole night.] the system chimes in and a few minutes later Chelsea wakes up. 'how do I make her join the pack' I think to myself.

"Hey Ethan, thanks for everything last night." Chelsea says yawning and stretching [Ding if host wishes to have the new wolf in his pack he must defeat her in combat, and make her submit], "but I have to get to my karate class this morning."

"Well thank you too it was fun, Before you go would you like to have a spar with me?" I ask "I used to take a martial art when I was younger, and I'm thinking of joining the adventurers university and would like to see how I fare against someone else."

"sure but it can't take too long" she replies then gets into a stance, she's only wearing my shirt that she put on after we got done last night. I get into a loose stance and then she calls for the start, and we begin our spar, it doesn't take long for her to rush at me, I catch her punch and then turn her arm around pinning her then I hold pressure once she can't move, "get off me."

"Do you submit?" I ask applying a little more pressure

"Yes I submit, you're very good." she says [ding host has made the first member of his pack submit, but until the full moon you will not be able to claim these rewards] and I get off her and she leaves.