
First day at school

It was almost 7 am when Erin's mom came to her bed and gave her a wake up kiss. She opened her eyes directly while saying :

• What time is it? Am I late for school? - she asked panicked.

• No sweetie it's just the right time - Maylin said calmly.

• How are you feeling today? - while putting her hand in Erin's face. She did give in to her daughter's request but she still was uncertain. She was scared that something might happen to Erin ... But while she was having her mind run wild Erin putted her tiny hand in her mothers and said :

• Mama everything will be alright! I'm fine - and then she smiled.

• Maylins heart squeezed by that warm feeling that Erin gave her.

• Alright missy , let's get you dressed.

After being prepared she went down to eat breakfast and her dad was waiting for her. He gave her a kiss and then they ate together. Then Erin proposed to take a family photo as to comemerade her first day at school. In the house there were no pictures because all her life she was in the hospital. Erin was determined so they took the picture.

Then her mother sent her to school. It was a little bit far almost 20 minutes by car. By the window she saw a lot of other students and that made her feel so happy. She finally had the chance to experience a normal day as a 6 years old. The school was so big even bigger than the hospital. They entered. Erin went for the first time at her locker and it was number 144. Her favorite number was 4 so she was quite happy to see 144. Inside were her indoor shoes. Ah, what a smile she has ^^.

Then along with her mother she headed to the teachers office. The hallway was noisy filled with laughs and small talks between the students. In a few minutes they arrived and the teacher was waiting for them in front of the door. She had short black hair, dressed with pants and a normal shirt. She looked like a sports person.

• Good morning Ms.Tsukimi, Erin.

• Good morning - we said.

• Madam as we talked before there is nothing to worry about , leave her in my care. She will be fine - she said nicely with a serious tone.

After kissing Erin, Maylin said goodbye and went ahead, towards the exit of the building.

Now it was my turn !