
We are in the same class

• Well then, I'm Ms.Corin and there is no need for you to feel scared. We will go to your class now and you will do a self presentation.

Erin just nodded. She started to feel nervous And that catched Ms.Corin eyes. She looked at Erin and told her "Everything will be fine". Somehow Erin's tension flew away.

The teachers office was on the third floor and Erin's class was in the second floor at the end of the hall. It didn't take much and they arrived in front at the door. Then her teacher whispered :

• Are you ready to go in ?

• Yes - Erin responded shyly.

• Ok let's go ! - and she opened the door.

• Okay class settle down - Ms.Corin said walking towards her table. Erin followed her. Everyone was seated and they were all looking at her.

• Today we have a new student. Her name is Tsukimi Erin and she will be a part of our class so treat her nice. Go ahead and present yourself. - The class was quiet and then a sweet voice said :

• Hello everyone, I'm Tsukimi Erin 6 years old. I just came to this town and hope we could all become friends. - after saying all this in one breath she stopped. Her eyes recognized someone familiar at the end of the row by the window. And then with a huge smile she ended saying :

• It's nice meeting you all !

The girl that was speaking had a really nice and sweet voice. Her hair was wavy blonde and she had a small braid in the right side of her hair. Big blue eyes and red cheeks from the nervousness and her smile was absolutely the best. Her dress was a light blue with a big bow in front and she was really small. It wasn't only the teacher that thought she was really cute but the entire class.

Erin was looking in only one direction but then a hand waving cought her interest. It was Hana and next to her was also Mio and Aoi. She waved back at them.

• Ah Erin you know someone of this class already? Would you like to seat with Hana then?

• No it's alright - she responded.

• I would like to seat in the end by the window.

Erin liked Hana but she already had a desk friend. In fact that wasn't the issue. She just wanted to seat with someone she liked more.

• At the end by the window you say ? Ah.. that's a little.. - the teacher was saying in a low voice.

But Erin was already going towards that desk...