
Momentary peace. (1)

"Arrrrghhh" C-17 and C-18 could no longer stand, they tried as best they could to get up but they simply couldn't. It wasn't due to fatigue because it is well known that androids have infinite endurance. This was simply due to the damage they had suffered.

17 managed to slightly raise his head and turned his gaze towards Trunks and Gohan who were approaching, "Goh...Gohan, do you think this over ?"

Gohan was about to reply but Trunks interjected, and replied instead of him " Yes, this isn't over !" Trunks said with a very angry tone.

Trunks is originally not from this earth, you could think he is reacting a bit too emotionally, he is letting his emotions take over where he should have no attachments to this reality, but in fact it was normal. 

True, he had a loving family and was ready to sacrifice himself for them, their loss impacted him a lot for a long time since he came here but overtime he learned to let it go, life still continued. But moreover, he had not been abandoned, he had a very lovely mom. He had a dad too though he was not a good dad and was dead just a few months after his birth.

But as time passed he learned to love them, to love this reality of his, and appreciate it.

The fact that his mom and all the people on earth had to live in fear made him mad. He knew dr. Gero abducted two children but those androids because of the early death of Son Goku had nothing to do, no purpose but what he couldn't understand is why they would inflict such chaos to people who did nothing to them, it wasn't like the androids had no human emotion left as demonstrated by the other 18, wife of krill or even 17 who had a wife and children.

Here they were simply, disgusting, ugly, evil. Trunks once thought of sparing them and help them get a normal life but that thought evaporated the moment he saw them laughed while killing people. 

Trunks was a normal human before, seeing those massacres made him want to puke, no mercy could ever emerge for those 17 and 18. As time passed those feelings slowly but steady grew to a strong envy of making them suffer for their acts.

But what he didn't know was that his saiyan blood made him a bit more sensitive to anger.

"I'm going to make you two suffer before sending you hell !" Trunks walked towards 17 very slowly. Then Gohan held his shoulder "Trunks, I feel the same but you mustn't do that, let's just eliminate them."

"NO !", Trunks took off Gohan's hand of his shoulder and grabbed 17 arm. Gohan wanted to stop him but something didn't feel right, so he decided to see what he would do.

Androids could not feel a lot of pain but still felt it, Trunks then ripped 17 arm off, he took his time and took of his other limbs. He was about to do the same to 18. 

Gohan was too preoccupied with what Trunks had done that he no longer payed attention to 17, Trunks was too caught in his rage too, and that was the mistake they had done.

17 even with all his limbs ripped off could still fly and he did just that, and in a span of a second appeared behind trunks " If we are going to die, we should go together !"

"What ???" Trunks was more than surprised to see 17 behind him and he knew what he meant,17 would blow up so they will die together. He had no time to react and 17 was already about to blow up.

"TRUNKS !!!!", Gohan then flew towards Trunks and grabbed his arm then threw him far from here "TRUNKS, HURRY? GO AWAY FROM HERE, HE IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE !"

"GOHAN !" Trunks looked very worried and he felt guilty as he knew what Gohan did implied. HE knew what he did just now was more than stupid and thought he was better than that. 


A light started emitting from 17. He really was about to blow up. Gohan then charged a ki blast towards Trunks to get him to move far away.

"Trunks, tell my mom Chichi that I'm sorry !"Gohan smiled before a mighty explosion took the whole area.

Trunks started fleeing as the explosion was expanding. His eyes were teary "Gohan... I'm sorry I'm such an idiot..."

After a while Trunks got back to Capsule corp., he got inside and his mom was waiting for him, as if she knew what had happened and took her son in her arms.

She started patting his back as Trunks began crying a lot.


2 weeks later,

The androids no longer roamed the earth as two persons had eliminated them, only a few people knew who those two persons were, the earth was now peaceful as reconstruction began people still doubted if the androids were really gone but they still came back into cities.

Capsule Corp. plays a big role into the reconstruction, It still is the richest company in the world. 

On the other hand, 

Knock* Knock* Knock*

"Trunks, are you still not going over it ?" Bulma was knocking at Trunks door.

'It has been 2 weeks since he fought the androids with Gohan, Gohan died there. Trunks says it's his fault and locked himself in his room, of course I could break the door but it would be better if he came out himself.'

"Come eat, I cooked your favorite meal !"

After a bit of noise in his room, he came out, he became a bit thinner, and his room was a mess.

Once at the table, trunks ate a lot, and this an understatement of what he did.

Trunks then finished his meal and posed a bowl on a pile of other plates and turned to his mom "Mom, I'm going out a bit."

Bulma was a bit stunned but then smiled "Okay, don't get back too late !" She then kissed him on the cheek and bid him farewell.

Trunks was heading to the Main shelter located near Orange city.

Videl was the head of the shelters. 

Trunks located the hidden doors and in the forest and put a card in a hole of a tree then a door appeared and opened.

"HOOORAAAH, THE HERO IS BACK !" There was a swarm of people coming towards trunks and they lifted him as a hero.

Trunks seemed a bit troubled as he did not think of himself as a hero because he let Gohan die.

"Oi, all of you calm down, we need to speak in private." There was a stunning woman with long black hair. It was Videl. 

"OH, not cool, we were just celebratin'." a few persons said but they let Trunks go, and Videl and him headed towards her office.

"So we've seen your fight but we didn't get to see it till the end your fight was too fierce, our cameras all got destroyed, but I assume you have defeated the androids."

"Not really." Trunks said with a weird look.

'how did mother know how Gohan died if the news turned off before the end ?'

"What ?! The androids are still alive then !" Videl was agitated but Trunks stopped her.

"No, I'm sure they are dead, 17 exploded and he killed my mentor and 18 at the same time."

"What, that ho-, I mean nice guy died ?" Videl seemed genuinely concerned, which Trunks replied by explaining what happened.

"I understand why you look down now..., but" Videl then hit trunks on his head the continued "it is not that deep, yeah you made a mistake, everybody make mistakes, you are no different."

"But.." Videl then quickly interrupted him " no buts, it's over, and aren't you the one who said that the androids aren't the only threat, what are you doing here ?"

"AHHH, How could I have forgot ? Thank you for today, I really need to go"

Trunks remembered That cell was still here and he needed to go to dr Gero's laboratory, he remembered that the laboratory was in the north in the manga, he knows approximatively where is it but not exactly.

2 hours later, Trunks still found nothing, but after a while noticed a round thing on the peak of the mountain, he then know that was the entry of the laboratory, he quickly entered to find almost everything destroyed with lots of paper on the ground and empty tubes large enough for people to be able to enter.

He then found the underground room where cell was supposed to be in. 

'Is cell still here, I hope so because if not it will become a problem...'

Expected, he was already out but since the androids are no longer here, he can't grow too strong. And it should take him at least four years to attain a form capable of intellect, that's when I will be able to easily locate him.

I should still destroy this laboratory, 16 isn't here which is very strange. 17 and 18 must have killed him while killing Gero. As for why I don't know.

I got out and started blasting. After destroying the laboratory, I should go back home.

It was night when I came back and as I entered mom called

"Trunks come here, I need to show something to you !"

"I'm coming mom !" Trunks made his way towards his mom lab and she was wearing a yellow suit with a hat.

"What did you want to show me ?" Trunks Seemed to know what his mom wanted to show him but pretended not to know.

She then pulled a blue sheet that was hiding something.

"TA-DAH !" A yellow machine was in the corner of the room, it was finished.

'How could that be, she normally finishes it when Trunks is 17 years old !'

"What's that supposed to be ?" Bulma had a grin on her face.


After that, Bulma explained how she had this idea and explained that it was easier to create a Time Machine than looking for a planet in this infinite universe. 

"I thought I couldn't finish it in another four years but you managed to beat the androids, it has become much easier looking for the materials !"

"Hmm, I see, so when will I be able to use it ?" Trunks asked

"You will be able to use it in 2 years, there materials that cannot be extracted easily, so in this time you should enjoy the peace."

"Okay, I will be in my room if you search for me."

Trunks then headed to his room. He did not known what to do now, Cell should still be indectectable as of now and shin appearance is still far into the future, what should he do ?

Train of course but is that the only thing he must do, now that Gohan is dead, he has no training partner, Jaco won't come to earth too so he has no way to locate the yardratz planet. 

He thought of what he should then he remembered he must go announce the death of Gohan to his mother and grandfather. After see if Mr Popo is still on Kami's Island, Because of the androids I couldn't go there, and of course karin's tower. 


The next day,

"Mom, I'm going to see Gohan's mom, I'm off."

"Okay, be back at night." 


Author note : Thank you for reading this chapter. I will post a chapter Tuesday. 

Maybe I will write movies storyline, maybe not, well if you really want the next chapter leave a review, I will finally have a real rating, pls, It will boost the books and give me motivation to write.

Give me advice on what I did not write good and I will try to improve it. 

I still try to write longer chapters but it takes a lot of energy out of me so leave reviews pls

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