
Save Me... From Myself

On a fine morning, Francesca is sent to be sacrificed. She meets six boys, who are supposed to prepare her for the sacrifice. Due to the turn of the incidents, Francesca is now forced to live with these six boys. She is also forced to find out the secret of her birth and her dysfunctional family while embarking on journeys that will open both her eyes and her mind. She is also forced to face the darkness within herself and to know the destructive traits hidden under her demure and innocent face. Join Francesca in her adventures, and her relationship with the six boys, who make her whole. Warning: My sweet, little Francesca is involved with six boys romantically. Readers who are not comfortable with polyamorous relationships may choose to skip this story.

ShadowRose19 · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

Romeo under my window


I yell at myself this time. It has been three hours after my last making-out session with Felix and Art, and my mind is yet struggling with the memory of their touch. It is excruciating, to find a balance between this new thrill and everything happening around me. They have been around me, as usual, but not really close. 

"Maintaining real, physical distance is helpful for us too," Art yells behind me. 

"Not that we have to force ourselves to do it," Felix says. 

We are walking down the shortcut to home. It was my idea. I needed some air, and walking always helped me unwind. They threw a tantrum obviously, about my safety and how we should spend time doing something more interesting. "Like continuing what we were doing back there," Felix had stated reluctantly. I dismissed it.