
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · Films
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80 Chs

8 Entrance ceremony

Minerva Mcgonagall: "Welcome to Hogwarts!"

Unlike Hagrid, when Professor Mcgonagall said this, the expression on her face was extremely serious, and there was no smile.

Sasuke watches as the young first year wizards were practically intimidated so they are now quiet and afraid to whisper.

Minerva Mcgonagall: Now in a moment they will come here to meet their classmates but before taking their seats they will be selected for their houses, they are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

Sasuke notes that several students had nodded in agreement when they named one of the four Hogwarst houses.

Minerva Mcgonagall: while they are here their house will be like their family, with their triumphs they will earn points, if they do not respect the rules they will lose them and at the end of the year the house with the most points will receive the house cup, the selection ceremony will begin in a instant.

Professor Mcgonagall withdrew from the hall, leaving only the students.

Student 1: It's true that Harry Potter is in Gryffindor.

Ginny: Yes, Harry Potter is in Gryffindor, that's the best house ever.

Several students started exchanging words about it.

Ginny: also thanks to the Gryffindor I won the house cup under the nose of Slytherin.

Student 2: You know what the selection ceremony is like.

Ginny: It's being kept a secret, but it'll be simple because there haven't been any rejected students.

The majority who chatted and listened to Ginny Weasley's words were muggle-borns.

On the other hand, the students of the pureblood family already knew what the selection of houses was like, since it was only about putting a hat on your head and this one decided to put all this on you at home thanks to their parents, brothers or cousins ​​who already studied at Hogwarts or who are in years older than them.

Sasuke decided not to talk to anyone, he didn't need to interact with others, his mind was concentrating on finding out how to return to his world.

From a wall in front of the students, ghosts began to appear, these ghosts were translucent, they crept through the hall and whispered to each other.

"Ah..." A few shy boys got scared and yelled.

"It's another first year!" The ghost of a chubby monk smiled at them and said: "I think, you are ready for the selection"

"now move forward"

A sharp voice came from the surrounding walls: "The ceremony is about to start."

Minerva Mcgonagall: Form up in a single line.

The students made a bit of noise as they lined up.

Under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, they ended up in a line.

Behind Sasuke, was Ginny Weasley... Sasuke decided not to look back.

The little wizards left the room one by one and walked down a narrow corridor to the great hall of Hogwarts.

The large dining room was such a magnificent room, on both sides there were four long tables placed next to each other where students older than them were sitting and in the back part in the middle was a long table with professors of all kinds.

The 'ceiling' showed the night sky, it was extremely realistic… Even Sasuke also had to sigh in shock at the bottom of his heart.

Professor McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of them...and then placed a pointed wizard's hat on the stool.

Sasuke in his mind that should be the famous sorter's hat.

Minerva Mcgonagall: Now, before we start, Professor Dumbledore will say a few words to you.

Dumbledore: I'd like to introduce your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher "Gilderoy Lockhart".

Gilderoy Lockhart rose from the teachers' table and waved to everyone present.

Dumbledore: good luck Professor, I would also like to say a few things to the new ones, you must remember that students must not enter the forbidden forest under any circumstances and our warden Mr. Filch asked me to remind you that it is forbidden to use magic in the corridors as well Zonko's use of joke items, the list of prohibited items will be posted on your office door, thank you.

Professor Dumbledore took a seat.

Then the selector's hat was opened, and with his hoarse voice, he began to sing:

"Perhaps a thousand years ago I was cut, brazed, and sewn.

There were then four famous magicians whose names are kept in memory:

The brave Gryffindor came from the wasteland; The beautiful Ravenclaw, of the glen; From the wide valley came Hufflepuff the gentle; and the cunning Slytherin, from the swamps.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream:

Together they devised a daring curriculum to educate young witches.

This is how Hogwarts, this school, was born.

Later, each of those four founders founded a different house for the different characters of their student body:

For Gryffindor courage was the best;

For Ravenclaw, intelligence

For Hufflepuff the greatest achievement of all was breaking his elbows.

The ambitious Slytherin coveted ambitious students.

While they were still alive, they were distributed to as many as came, but how to continue choosing when all four were dead and in the hole?

It was Gryffindor who found the way:

He lifted me off his head, and the four of me stuffed some of their brains into me so I could choose them my way to spring.

Now put me over the ears.

I'm never wrong:

I'll peek into your mind and tell you which house you're from!"

For Sasuke it was minutes of boredom, the hat finally finished singing.

Professor Mcgonagall took a few steps forward, a scroll in her hand.

Minerva Mcgonagall: when I say your name they will come closer, I will put the sorting hat on them and they will know which is their house.

Minerva McGonagall: Sean Avery

A student came over to the stool and sat on it, then Professor Mcgonagall proceeded to place the sorting hat on her head.

Hat: ha excellent, exact, "Slytherin"

The Slytherin table began to applaud their new member.

Some murmurs were heard among the freshmen waiting for their selection.

"only dark wizards go to Slytherin"

Minerva McGonagall: Teresa Baker

Hat: I already know "Ravenclaw"

The Ravenclaw table began to applaud their new member.

Minerva McGonagall: Marcus Belby

Hat: I already know "Ravenclaw"

The Ravenclaw table again applauded their new member.

Minerva McGonagall: Colin Creevey

Hat: "Gryffindor"

The Gryffindor table began to applaud their new member.


Minerva McGonagall: Astoria Greengrass

Hat: "Slytherin"

The Slytherin table began to applaud their new member.

Minerva McGonagall: Luna Lovegood

Hat: "Ravenclaw"

The Ravenclaw table began to applaud their new member.


Minerva McGonagall: Eloise Midgen

Hat: "Hufflepuff"

The Hufflepuff table began to applaud their new member.

Minerva McGonagall: Zacarias Smith

Hat: "Hufflepuff"

The Hufflepuff table again applauded their new member.

Minerva McGonagall: Sasuke Uchiha