
Finishing the War

Galaxy Past, the guild leader of Star Alliance, inmediatly ordered to attack the mountaintop where Zero Wing was attacking from.

With the mountain's vantage point, Zero Wing could fire that energy pulse anywhere on the battlefield they wanted. If they could evict Zero Wing quickly, then the threat of mass destruction would lessen.

Hence, it was imperative that they remove Zero Wing from the mountain. As for Zero Wing's elite army, it was no longer important.

Because of this, the Flower of Seven Sins finally moved too.

Glorious Echo felt his heart bleed, he only hoped that Sensations didn't take part on the war, or else the price to hire the experts from the assasin organization would be huge.

However, this was a war that has to be won, on the other hand, it was the money from the OSC corporation anyway.

As more than 20,000 elites from Star Alliance rushed, a Tier 3 demon greeted them.

They tried to trap it with barrier magic arrays but the demon just ran and attacked somewhere else.

When they were focused on the demon, dozens of raven knights and wolves attacked.

Altough they would be killed in direct confrontation, they still killed more than a thousand players with their surprise attack.

Not bothering with the demon anymore, the Star Alliance charged to the top of the mountain.

The Flower of Seven Sins has sent 100 players over.

Some of them attacked Ye Feng's team while Leroy simply waited foe his enemies to arrive.

The players were full of expectations for the battle

Looking at the people in front, Leroy smiled and summomed the knights and wolves.

"That won't be enough!" Pleiades said and took out a summoning scroll.

A great lord was summoned again.

At such a close range, Zero Wing wouldn't dare to use that weapon unless they wanted tl kill themselves.

Leroy smile didn't left his face.

His three personal guards were summoned and sent to attack.

On the other hand, the rest of the Dream Chaser Team has also started their battle against more than 50 experts.

'Dark Hostage'

At this point, Leroy's body disappeared from sight at the same time that an assasin was about to attack his back.

That was Skyhawk, the commander lf the Sin of Wrath.

"You are still not at my level" Leroy smiled ad him as he launched a huge dark fireball.

Skyhawk did his best to evade but just as he tought of attacking again, dark vines rose from the ground along the flames of the Hellfire spell.

Left with no choice, the used a life saving skll and jumped back, only to end up impaled in a meter and half long bone spike.

His body inmedialty stopped moving, it just stood there for a second, enough for everyone to see it.

The bone spike vanished and his body fell to the ground along two pieces of equipment.

The sight of the Sin of Wrath commander, one of the seven factions of the assasin organization dying like this left people speechless.

"Impossible, how can he cast so many spells?!" Ink Hunter shouted in disbelief.

Altough they were experts, so was the Dream Chaser Team, but the team had better equipment, Tier 3 Gemstones, hidden classes and many skills.

Their only hope was that Skyhawk managed tl kill his enemy quickly so that they didn't take a loss.

However that was gone just like that.

"Can't even last 3 seconds" Leroy looted the two items and said displeased.

There was an epic rank boots and some Tier 2 Scrolls. At least Mark could use the boots.

Those who expected an epic battle had an ugly look on their faces.

Specially Galaxy Past, the Flower of Seven Sins was his trump card.

But compared to Glorious Echo who seemed more dead than alive, that was nothing.

With their commander killed, the organization started to retreat, even while retreating, they lost most of their members. Only ten managed to escape.

The Dream Chaser team was happy to fight these experts, they learned quite a bit and perfected their combat techniques a bit more, even Katakuri fought.

Once again, Leroy summoned his creatures amd sent them to attack the remaining players.

This time, nothing stopped them from killing his enemies.

The Star Alliance and the other guilds were only sheeps waiting to be slaughtered.

However, they had already taken a huge loss today, staying now would only increase that loss.

But even when retreating, they still lost thousands of members, just less than ten people has killed most of them.

Leroy simply used his sumlons and aoe spells, no player dared to get near him.

While the rest of the team was unstoppable among the enemy lines.

Trafford's support skill shined, he always moved his team mates between different places. Not a single attack landed on them.

Because he was staying at the back, Leroy was quite a distance away from the Star Alliance's Guild Master.

Trafford used a spatial spell and a portal appeared on the ground in front of Leroy, he jumped on it.

At the moment he fell into the portal, he jumped from a portal somewhere else, just five meters from Galaxy Past.

When Galaxy Past looked at his side, his entire body trembled.

Leroy drawed an horizontal line and silver dark mana exploded forth.

Waves of mana constantly assaulted Galaxy Past and his team, even tought they managed to use damage mitigation spells and the healers tried their best, the players around Galaxy Past, including him, died inmediatly.

Leroy took the loot before thousands of players focused their attention on him, but just as they started attacking, he disappeared again.

"Spatial Switch"

Trafford switched Leroy's position with a member of the Star Alliance's.

That poor guy didn't have time to react before not even his ashes remained.

Trafford's range was ridiculous, even his short range spells easily reached more than 350 meters.

This was because he focused on obtaining equipment that increased his range and mana. This type of equipment was rare so he still didn't have many pieces with those attributes.

Still, that wasn't the end of his abilities, he had many crowd control spells. The Star Alliance movement speed was just too low, while the Zero Wing main force speed only increased.

At the end, Red Feather, the Star Alliance commander, also died miserably to Aeden's hands.

During this time, Ye Feng killed Sky and the assasin organization, that claimed to never have failed a job before, have failed.

Even one of their faction commanders was killed without a chance to react, when one considered the class advantage that Skyhawk had and that he had the surprise factor, the gap between him and Leroy seemed like an abyss.

At this point, in front of Yuan Tiexin, a dark raven flew close to him and looked at his eyes.

Yuan Tiexin, member of the Secret Pavilion looked at the raven with interest for a moment before continuing to watch the battle.

That was until the raven released a monstruos aura that almost made him fell ons his knees.

He looked at the bird in fear and surprise.

Even with no special combat capabilities, the raven summoned by Leroy was still a Tier 3 Creature.

The raven then flew over and Yuan Tiexin didn't lose his sight.

He saw the raven arrive at the shoulder of a young man that he was familiar with, or that is what he tought.

As the raven landed on his shoulder, Leroy looked at the Secret Pavilion direction and smiled.

"A warning!" Yuan Tiexin felt the cold sweat of his body as he realized that he was incapable of understanding Sensation's capabilities even now.

Leroy knew of the Secret Pavilion and their predatory nature, but even as a trascendent power that even Super Guilds didn't want to offend, it was different when so much power rested in a single person.

One could kill and destroy a guild, but if a player of that guild was strong enough that you couldn't stopp it, it was no worth offending.

The Heavenly Dragon Pavilion was a smilar example, altough it was unknown why that player was hunting down their members on sight, it had constantly affected their development, almost forcing to give up on Black Dragon Empire.

Yuan Tiexin inmediatly understood the warning, he also understold that the raven was nothing more than an utility for Sensations, but it was enough to treathen him.

He was sure that this wasn't the limit lf Sensation's summoned creatures.

All players wondered how he could be so strong, not only his individual power was huge but he could summon so many knights and wolves. Furthermore, his team members were simply monsters in the eyes of the average player.

It was acceptable if they defeated a member of the Flower of Seven Sins but Accurate Nine, Pleiades, Ink Hunter, Ridiculous and many more died even with the advantage in numbers.

Even a First rate guild experts would turn their back and run when in front of them, the Dream Chaser team, defeating them was too shocking.

The events of the war would shock all players.

The Star Alliance and company, with more than 150,000 players, were defeated, this was the war involving most people in the game so far.

Also, the Flower of Seven Sins failed miserably at their job.

Galaxy Past was killed while sorrounded of experts, and they didn't even stop his killer from leaving.

Glorious Echo who came full of arrogance also died without resistance.

The retrearing 50,000 Star Alliance players were killed, only less than 100 survived.

That space magic has sent the magic class players in a frenzy.

Ye Feng couldn't stop asking himself where did these people came from.

But he still happily took all the dropped items.

After the war ended, Zero Wing profited greatly, and large amount of players flooded the trial towers in hopes of archieving the sixth floor and enter the guild, specially the Dream Chaser team.

The Secret Pavilion, the power that issued the player rankings had ranked Sensations on the second position, this caused an uproar because the name of that player was very familiar to them, just that it has disappeared for a while.

The pavilion has also given him a title...

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