
Rise of Android

The story follows a transmigrated individual who has no knowledge of the Dragonball world. He will be an Android with a slight twist. He is mostly neutral toward all the main cast and villains. This a DBZ/DBS AU because I’m bound to mess up with the story. P.S. I don’t own any DB characters or stories other than the OC.

Zeroskii · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 19: The Road Ahead

"I plan to become a bounty hunter and make a name for myself across the universe" Says Enzo.

Turles hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. But as he looked into Enzo's determined gaze, he knew that he couldn't refuse. "Alright," he said, with a nod. "I'm in."

Enzo showed a feral smile. "Great" he said. "Now tell me all about your spaceship and how to get you healed. You're no use to me paralyzed." Says Enzo knowing full well Turles will be receiving a huge Zenkai boost.


<3rd P.O.V>

Just as Turles is about to explain Enzo stops him.

"Let me get rid of this Tree first.." says Enzo.

(A/N ♫Rumble - Skrillex♫)

Enzo starts walking towards the tree as he starts gathering an insane amount of energy and channels it into his hands creating a black energy orb.

*WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* The black orb starts humming intensely.

*Gulp* Turles realised Enzo had never really fought him seriously, His attack now seems to be 3 to 4 times more powerful.

Enzo continued to concentrate as the energy grew more and more intense until finally, it condensed into a tiny but incredibly dense ball of pure power.


Enzo hurled the ball towards the Tree with a shout, watching as it streaked through the air with incredible speed.


While the ball approached the target it began to pull in everything around it, creating a massive vortex that grew stronger and stronger with each passing moment. The ground shook, and rocks and roots were torn from the earth, sucked towards the swirling mass of energy.


The ball collided with its target in a blinding flash, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion that lit up the sky.


Enzo starts supplying even more energy to his attack creating a small black hole and drawing everything within a certain radius towards it with a screeching noise.


Turles watches in horror as the black hole continued to grow, drawing in Tree of Might and all the trees, rocks, and even the ground itself surrounding it.


Within seconds Tree of Might was consumed by the gravitational pull of the black hole, all that was left in the place of the Tree was a gigantic crater to remember it by.

Enzo just flicks his hand and the attack dissipates in silence leaving Turles lost for words and baffled at what he just saw.

*Step* *Step*

Enzo casually turns off his Ikari mode and starts walking towards Turles.

*Sigh* Turles sighs as his mind starts concocting any way to get away from this monster.

"Now where were we...Yes...do you know any place or organization that is looking for bounty hunters? Preferable search and destroy missions you feel me?" Says Enzo as he looks at Turles now with a completely stoic expression.

"Yes...There are many organizations like that...with jobs ranging from assassinations across the universe to straight-up Genocide of whole planets..." Seeing Enzo frowning and contemplating his answer Turles continues.

Turles looked up at Enzo his eyes focused and intense. "The Galactic Patrol..*Sigh* It is an elite organization dedicated to protecting the universe from threats both internal and external."

He went on to explain the history and purpose of the organization, detailing its various missions and achievements. "The Galactic Patrol has been around for centuries," he said. "And they've faced some of the toughest challenges the universe has ever seen."

Turles paused for a moment, taking a breath before continuing. "Their mission is simple: to uphold justice and maintain order throughout the cosmos," he said. "And they take that mission very seriously."

As he spoke, Turles' passion for the Galactic Patrol became increasingly evident. "They have the most advanced technology and training available," he continued. "And their agents are some of the most skilled and dedicated individuals in the universe."

"These are the best of the best," he said. "They're trained to handle any situation, no matter how dangerous or difficult. And they're not afraid to make tough choices in order to protect innocent lives."

"Heh...if it's so great why haven't you joined them yet?" Asks Enzo

"Yeah...well that's the thing... us Saiyans...we don't really have the best reputation that screams justice. Circumstances put us where we are...just like dogs we are forced to listen to tyrants and do their dirty work for them or die trying..." Says Turles with Intense malice dripping in his voice.

"The Seed for Tree of Might was my ticket out of this cycle...*Sigh* hoping to break the chains that restrain me...from Tyrants such as Cooler...Frieza...and Slug.." says Turles in a somber tone.

"I am all for working "with" you and trying out this new partnership...but I will no longer work under anyone...I'd rather die than be chained again. I would also only hold you back due to my race's reputation at Galactic Patrol...Saiyans are after all villains in this story hahaha" Turles mutters the last words lightly as he just stares into the sky.

*Sigh* Turles let out a deep sigh as he reflected on his past. For the first time in his life, he felt a twinge of guilt for his past actions. He realized that he had been selfish and had hurt countless innocent people in his pursuit of power and freedom. He began to question the path he had chosen as a pirate and whether it was worth it.

"Reach...out into my pocket and grab the remote and press 6895" says Turles to Enzo who does exactly as requested.


Soon enough within a few seconds, a massive round spaceship that looks like a bigger version of the Saiyan pod lands in front of them.

Turles gestures towards the sleek, black vessel behind him as he begins to explain its features.

"This is my ship," he says, a sly grin spreading across his face. "It's the finest in the galaxy, capable of reaching speeds beyond imagination."

"The ship is equipped with powerful engines that allow it to travel faster than the speed of light, making it perfect for evading pursuit or chasing down targets. It's also equipped with advanced weapons systems, including laser cannons, plasma torpedoes, and energy shields, making it a formidable opponent in combat."

He pauses for a moment to look at Enzo, a satisfied smirk on his face. "But that's not all," he continues. "The ship is also equipped with advanced sensors and communications equipment, allowing us to stay one step ahead of the authorities and track down our targets with ease."

"This ship is also equipped with state-of-the-art combat rooms and medical systems all controlled by yours truly."

He grins widely, clearly proud of his creation. "With this ship, we can swoop in, take what we want, and be gone before anyone even knows we were there."

Turles turns to Enzo once more. "In short, my spaceship is the ultimate tool for any aspiring space pirate. With it, I can travel the galaxy and take whatever I want, whenever I want." He chuckles to himself, clearly pleased with his impressive vessel and his own cunning abilities as a space pirate.

"Well we can discuss...the rest later how about taking me to the Medbay and putting me in one of our healing pods..?" Asks Turles.

Enzo doesn't say anything but quickly picks up Turles and puts him on his shoulder like a sack of potato bags.

"Aughhh...ugh" Turles grunts in pain as he is carried to a healing pod, his injuries from a recent battle still fresh and raw. He struggles to stay conscious, his breathing shallow and ragged as he succumbs and passes out.

Enzo walks into the Spaceship and quickly makes his way to Medbay to see a few healing pods.

With careful precision, Enzo lifts Turles onto the platform of the healing pod and straps him in securely. He then activates the pod, and a soft blue light begins to glow from within.


As the healing process begins, Turles' body is enveloped in a soothing energy field. The pod hums softly as it works to repair the damage done to his body, healing his wounds and rejuvenating his strength.

Turles begins to stir, his eyes slowly opening as he regains consciousness. He feels a warm sensation spreading throughout his body. The pain in his wounds begins to fade, replaced by a soothing feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation. The liquid in the pod begins to pulse with a gentle rhythm, working to repair the damage to his body at a cellular level.

Turles closes his eyes, allowing himself to be completely absorbed in the healing process.

Watching Turles get himself settled in the healing pod Enzo starts walking out of the spaceship.

He scans the area trying to find Krillin's energy signature, his gaze sharp and focused.

Enzo's enhanced senses pick up the faint sound of footsteps in the distance. Without hesitation, he begins to move towards the source of the sound, his body moving with fluid grace as he approaches his target.

'Heh found you' smirks Enzo.

<Scene Break>

<3rd P.O.V>

*Huff* *Huff*

Krillin sets Gohan down and sits on a large rock to take a break while deep in thought.

Enzo approaches him silently, his movements almost imperceptible as he closes the distance between them.


Krillin jumps in surprise as he senses the android's presence, but relaxes when he sees that it is Enzo. *Phew* "Hey, what brings you here?" he asks, surprised and a bit suspicious to see his former foe.

Getting no reply from Enzo Krillin frowns.

*Huuuup* Krillin takes a deep breath calming his voice and nerves. "We need your help in the upcoming battle against our enemies. Your skills and experience will be invaluable in this upcoming fight on Namek." asks Krillin trying to change the subject.

As Krillin stared into Enzo's eyes, He could feel his knees shaking, and his hands trembled with fear.


At that moment, Krillin realized that fear was not a weakness, but a natural response to danger as he noticed Enzo's eyes move to Gohan.

Krillin's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to muster the courage to attack Enzo.


Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

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