
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Livres et littérature
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233 Chs

Chapter 2533

"The Grand Dream Realm!"

As its name implied, the Grand Dream Realm was a collection of the Dreams of every single individual from past to present, all stored up for Heaven's plan to turn the Gu World into what could only be best described as a matrix-like environment. 

The inhabitants would continue to produce new Paths endlessly, and innovative ideas for the Heavenly Dao and by extension Heaven, while not gaining real strength, they would never again be a threat to his power, like the Venerables or worst the Emperors. 

But this plan was foiled through a mix of Fang Yuan, Earth and Great Dream Heavenly Venerable. 

Earth berated Heaven, "It was your stupid Grand Dream Realm! Since you merged all the Dreams from over 3 Billion Years' worth of living sentient creatures into 1 massive Dream Realm, the Heavenly Dao gained sentience!" 

"This…" Heaven was shocked for once, he had no choice but to admit that it was his fault, but of course, he would never take criticism nor blame, "It was your fault, to begin with!" 

"MY FAULT!?!?!?!"

Heaven doubled down, "Indeed, if you had gone along with my plan to just harvest the benefits of the Mortals without giving them power, we wouldn't be in a mess where 2 Mortals have reached the half-step to becoming like us, and I wouldn't have needed to derive this Grand Dream Realm to keep them in place." 


Heaven and Earth began to internally bicker and immediately, their form began to glow, and in an instant, they were separated once again. 

"Hmph!" the two snorted and turned their backs toward one another. 

Black lightning cackled all around Limitless as he pulled out bits of Chaos.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Giant Sun asked, "The last time a hole opened up, we had to use the body of Otherworldly Venerable to mend it." 

He was of course referencing the time that Thieveing Heaven used the weak point in the Crazed Demon Cave to nearly wipe out the entire Gu World. 

"Positive." Limitless nodded, not taking his focus off the min tear, slowly and steadily drawing bits of Chaos out. 

"What are you going to use it for?" Red Lotus wasn't interested in dealing with the marital problems of beings older than time itself so he grew curious over Limitless's situation instead. 

"Technically, I'm creating a Chaos Secluded Domain Of Heaven And Earth." 


Never had such bold and shocking words been uttered with such lackadaisical interest and mundanity to them. 

"What do you mean you're making a Chao Secluded Domain Of Heaven And Earth!" this time even Heaven and Earth's attention was piqued. 

The combined gasped of awe was so loud that Limitless lost focus for a tiny second…

Instantly, the clump of Chaos crackled and burst forth with awesome furry, black lightning shot out in all directions scorching the earth asunder, wherever the lightning struck, ___ was all that was left. 

No Dao Marks, No physical matter, nothing absolute ___. 

Of course, this lapse was only for a split second and Limitless quickly regained control of the situation so the overall damage was tiny. 

But the effect was still a devastating sight to behold.

"If you all are going to jump in shock every time I say something I'm not going to explain anything." Limitless was now sweating slightly, when he hadn't had to before, the lapse in judgement cost him dearly. 

"Now let me explain my plan…"

The others tunned in closely, 

"This is the first Chaos Secluded Domain Of Heaven I'm ever creating, I call it Chaos Spear. It is a one-use item, but it will tear through anything, even Reverse Flow River." 


Very few things could bypass the Laws surrounding the principle of Reverse Flow River, though they suspected it, to hear Limitless confirm it was still awe-inducing.

"The only problem is that the Chaos Spear is well…made of not just pure, but concentrated Chaos, any mortal that touches it would be destroyed from the inside out." 

Heaven thumped his chest, "That's why I will wield it."

"Hmph! You wish I let you take this from me," Earth cut in, the two starred daggers at each other, sparks flew and before they could argue,

"Neither of you is going to wield this Spear." 

"What!" Heaven and Earth's head snapped, "But we're the only Immortals here, there's no one," 

Limitless cut them off again, "One, your two aren't currently in Immortal bodies, even your minds are a fraction of what they once were as you did not comprehend what I have just explained to you." 


"Second, I already have a wielder for this Spear, it's someone from my lineage of Northern Tribes Men, and I have been preparing this for them for millenniums." 

Everyone turned to Giant Sun,

"Well…I'm flattered you would," 

"Not you, you idiot!" Star Constelaltion and Limitless chided, "Hei Lou Lan!" 


Sorry for the lack of chapters guys, I have been both busy and sick these past two weeks.

But I'm finally better so I'll try to catch up with the chapters.

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