
Chapter 2532

Meng Qiu Zhen had crossed the last remaining gap and entered the Peaceful Soil Heavy Fortress Mountain. 

At the same time, outside the Peaceful Soil Heavy Fortress, 



Red Lotus and Giant Sun were quick to spit out the sand that was swept into their mouths.

"Star Constellation, what happened-" the pair stop dead in their tracks upon noticing Limitless.


Limitless smiled in response, "It's good to see you too," 

"Good my ass!" Giant Sun responded, "If it wasn't for your crazed demon cave, that psychopath Thieving Heaven wouldn't have had an opportunity to nearly wipe out the entire Gu World!" 

"Ha ha ha," Limitless chuckled, "If it weren't for my Crazed Demon Cave, you would have had to find another way to regain your Venerable status." 


What Limitless had said was true, because of the results that were derived from the Crazed Demon Cave, Giant Sun was able to gain access to Primordial Domain, allowing him to reach his Venerable status much earlier than planned. 

Suddenly, a blast occurred nearby, 

"Where is he!" the voice of a man and a woman sounded in unison. 

It was Heaven and Earth, still fused. 

"You!" they pointed at Limitless, "What ploy have you invoked this time? Was causing the near destruction of the Gu World twice not enough?" 

Limitless sighed, "This again? I've had this conversation with the others already, I'm here to help, believing it or not is not my problem, I'm only paying back a debt." 

"Now, there's about half the time left before Fang Yuan competes his ascension and my debt is settled. So," Limitless brushed the dust off him, "Don't get in my way." 

With a wave of his hand, Limitless tore a hole in spacetime.


Everyone was shocked by his brazenness, it was one thing to tear a hole in space to cross large distances, and another thing to tear a hole in time to peer into the past or future. 

But to tear apart spacetime led to only one thing…the Void!

Instantly, Chaos began flooding into the Gu World. 

"LIMITLESS!" Heaven and Earth shouted, they reached their hand out to close the hole, "How dare you! Are you insane!? Do you wish for the world to end by your own hands?!" 

You see tearing a hole in spacetime was much easier than fixing it, so if one were too reckless with the number of holes created, they would eventually reach a point of no return, one that Heaven and Earth couldn't fix. 

But to their horror, the hole wasn't mending! 

"Who dares!?" the pair shouted in disbelief, although descending into the mortal world severely limited their powers, there is an in-built safety that allows them to override the limitations should the natural order of things be completely compromised.

For example, a hole that allows the Chaos outside to flood in is something that would be normally considered high enough to use their powers. 

Whereas someone who was born through the natural cause and effects of the world, like Fang Yuan, does not count. 

Should they break these rules, the casualty and free will of all their creation would begin to cease, and there would be no more endless creativity and inspiration. 

They would have to start from scratch. 

Thus, for them to not be able to overpower Limtiless's control over the Spacetime hole only meant one thing; 

"The Heavenly Dao has its sentience!" they thought to themselves. 

Indeed, the Heavenly Dao gave the definition and discretion on what counts as a natural threat and an external threat, determined their threat levels, and counteracted with the appropriate force. 

It was supposed to be an independent entity that would be objective and reasonable at all times.

"How did it develop sentience?" Heaven and Earth began debating internally, 

"Does it though? What if it just doesn't believe this is a high enough threat level?" Earth tried being positive.

"And that's exactly why it doesn't make sense," Heaven retorted, "If the Heavenly Dao doesn't deem this hole a large enough threat, then it wouldn't have sent Limitless as a Calamity against Wu Shuai, there is no way it sees Wu Shuai as a bigger threat than Chaos!" 

The Heavenly Dao's purpose was to objectively determine the threat levels of individual events, it shouldn't be linking Fang Yuan to Wu Shuai, that can only happen if it's-"

Earth finished the thought, "...sentient…but if it gains or has gained sentience, how has it evaded us for all these years?" 

Heaven pondered, "Maybe. It developed sentience in our absence?" 

"Are you saying that in the time we spent fighting against each other and Fang Yuan in the mortal world, the Heavenly Dao gained sentience?!?!" Earth said, with disbelief, she was highly doubtful over such prospects after all to cosmic entities such as themselves, a couple of thousand years was nothing, let alone a few months.

For a being on their level to gain the conscience required to operate beings as complex as them so fast was impossible! 

"It's possible that its sentience was born out of necessity," Heaven scratched his chin, "During our inactivity, there must have been decisions that were too difficult for its rigid thinking to handle, and thus, it decided to create a conscience for itself!" 

"But how would it remain impartial in that sense? And where would it get the amount of intelligence and wisdom required to maintain sentience, understanding and manage everything in the Gu World?" 

Heaven and Earth both put their collective brain power into deciphering this puzzle and it dawned on them; 

"The Grand Dream Realm!"