
Restarted again

To have a soul doesn't alone qualify you as a conscious being, but more importantly confirms the ability to yearn for something greater, to hold hope, to desire. Never deny this ability. Sunrua inhabited a secluded broken realm, devoid of knowledge about the outside world, yet his unwavering yearning for it persisted. Despite embracing a tranquil existence and recognizing the futility of his dreams, his determination surged. He, a seemingly insignificant entity amidst a world of far greater forces, defied his restricted but peaceful life when a mere hint of the wider reality of the world ignited an unquenchable ambition to change the world. Embarking on a worldwide odyssey, he traversed ethereal landscapes previously confined to solely his imagination. Along the way, he forged connections with allies, companions, and adversaries, although unveiling a reality less idyllic than he had envisioned. Sunrua confronted trials, battles, sorrows, and heartaches in pursuit of an unattainable goal, clutching onto his idiotic idealism as the harsh truths of the world gradually unveiled, stretching beyond mortal understanding.

Emmanuelboss36_ · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

One job

"You guys going to head back to class yet? The sugen elixir should've begun taking effect, shouldn't it?" Olga stated pleadingly yet attempting to maintain his calm and collected outlook as he had previously shown.

Taking the hint Mia hopped off Sunrua's bed and dusted off her skirt, despite again being immaculately clean, "yeah we should be going about now, I cannot lie we really have overstayed our welcome thank you very much, Olga," she thanked softly, "You said you were really overwhelmed as well; I'm beginning to feel bad." she continued.

"Yeah, I've been so lucky and unlucky at the same time it's amazing ha-ha," Olga chuckled scratching the back of his head awkwardly with his eyes shut.

"Oh, what is it, Olga," Xen asked intrigued, Olga's words having piqued his interest.

"That's something I can't discuss with students even if it is you Xen."

"That just gave the entire thing away haha, doc did get very-- lucky." Sunrua unravelled playfully.

"Well, there isn't a point hiding it no more, yes I did. Meant to be meeting her after this shift but the paperwork just keeps piling up with the abnormal number of students coming in all at once, which also made it harder to tend to all of them one after another with only 5 beds and limited resources."

"Wow, and you're the only person here," Mia said stretching forward her sympathy vocally.

Sunrua guided his eyes away to anywhere Olga wasn't, attempting to hide the guilt that inevitably seeped out just from his change in posture and act, "Oh... I see." Sunrua stated attempting to fill the silence. It was him that had caused all that chaos in the cafeteria filled with masses of people, that only encouraged violence, it was him that had drowned Olga in work, and it was him that would be the cause of Olga not meeting with that date, and honestly, he can't have that many options.

Finally overwhelmed by the silent guilt Sunrua turned to the confused Olga and remorsefully whispered "Yeah... that was my bad."

"Hmmm? What do you mean by 'your-bad' " Olga questioned more seriously.

"Kinda caused that student free for all and everything, but I swear I'll do anything I can to help you, anything." Sunrua elaborated with a genuine glint in his eye, over a sorrowful face of resoluteness.

Taking a deep 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 Olga concluded, "Well nothing we can do about it now, and it's not like I expect you to be even somewhat qualified to help, you've already apologised, I think I could get it done if I just persevere, thanks anyway."

Still overrun with guilt Sunrua leapt from the bed to his feet, with a sort of commitment and single-mindedness in his movements, he stamped towards the desk decorated with different files and papers in the centre of the room.

"Hey Sunrua, what're you doing?" Xen asked in a mix of concern and anxiousness, of whatever foolish uncalculated decision Sunrua could take next.

"None of that would matter if-." Not turning around for a second Sunrua explained passively as he stretched out his arms as far as he could and tossed his body over the desk, accumulating as many papers as his arms could carry "Some mischievous little brat decided to dispose of all the paperwork."

"Wait Sunrua it's not that easy!" Olga cried as he leapt for Sunrua who was less than a few feet away from the window opposite the entrance of the room.

"Don't worry I'm fine just blame it on me," Sunrua reassured with a warm smile on his face, wholeheartedly ready to shoulder any punishment waiting for him in the future, as long as his previous negligence didn't affect Olga. Within that moment countless thin pure white pieces of paper, riddled with thousands of jumbled lost words and letters fluttered in the wind as they swiftly departed without a single glance back.

"All good," Sunrua said dusting off his hands with a proud smile.

"No, you don't understand he's going to get in trouble regardless of that!" Xen exclaimed in a fit of indescribable anger.

"Oh god, it could take me till the end of the entire day to finish now! Not to talk about if I lose something I may even get fired," Olga yelled, gripping his head with both hands at a loss for what to do, as he stared out of the window.

Sunrua's gleeful face suddenly dropped alongside his arms after his sudden realisation of his rash actions.

However, his fear soon morphed into confusion, as he gawked at the countless papers, he had just watched flee out of the window carried by the wind remain airborne not fleeing more than a few feet away from the window, enveloped in a blue and grey aura.

Just like in the cafeteria, Mia had her entire arm extended outside of the window, her torso leaning over the sill just enough that she didn't fall from the window, the floating papers surrounded her as she pulled her body inside as if attached by a rope all the papers followed submissively, and gently glided to the desk where they had been previously.

The words lodged in his throat for a moment Olga uttered a simplistic yet almost silent "Thank- thank you."

"My bad ha-ha-ha is there anything else I can do?" Sunrua chuckled scratching the back of his head trying to soothe his incompetent shame.

"Nothing else can help me more than if the three of you just went-back-to-class." Olga voiced out as if mouthing out the words to a child, as he paced closer and closer to Sunrua with each syllable.

Not willing to carry out another one of his ideas most likely to end in failure Sunrua surrendered, fixing his eyes on the ground in shame, and dragged up his bag from beside his bed and slumped it over his shoulder. "Alright, my bad." He said once more before leaving the room, both Xen and Mia followed behind him.

Olga took a deep breath, and stated, "Okay, there's something you can do for me."

"Sunrua's ear twitched as he stormed straight back into the infirmary. "What, what." He repeated enthusiastically.

"Just don't get injured for the rest of the day, and make sure no one else does either,"

"Count on me can't be that hard, there's barely fifty minutes left!"

"Yeah right, you were in the school for two minutes and managed to start a school rumble, sounds like a pretty decent amount of difficulty for you." Xen reminded scornfully peeking out from beside the door.

"Yeah-yeah keep talking wimp."

The three continued back down the hallway, Sunrua a lot less solemnly.

"You seemed to know Olga pretty well, more like a friend, what's your relationship with him anyway Xen?" Mia asked turning her curious face towards him engrossed in anticipation.

"Um well... of course you know I get bullied quite a lot, so got to know the school's infirmary doctor pretty well ha-ha." Xen chuckled painfully, looking back to the aching memories that re-emerged in his mind, of a plethora of different titans and even humans teasing and maltreating him for their enjoyment.

"They wouldn't tease you so much if you weren't such an easy wimp," Sunrua stated blatantly.

"Hey!" Xen yelled driven by more embarrassment than anger, as he knew within himself that Sunrua was clearly correct, but what could he do about it?

Suddenly their conversation was cut short by the harsh demand, of aformidable chilling aura gradually curling around all three of them, enveloping them in a thick unknown dread. "Tell me, what are three of you doing here. Speak."