
Restarted again

To have a soul doesn't alone qualify you as a conscious being, but more importantly confirms the ability to yearn for something greater, to hold hope, to desire. Never deny this ability. Sunrua inhabited a secluded broken realm, devoid of knowledge about the outside world, yet his unwavering yearning for it persisted. Despite embracing a tranquil existence and recognizing the futility of his dreams, his determination surged. He, a seemingly insignificant entity amidst a world of far greater forces, defied his restricted but peaceful life when a mere hint of the wider reality of the world ignited an unquenchable ambition to change the world. Embarking on a worldwide odyssey, he traversed ethereal landscapes previously confined to solely his imagination. Along the way, he forged connections with allies, companions, and adversaries, although unveiling a reality less idyllic than he had envisioned. Sunrua confronted trials, battles, sorrows, and heartaches in pursuit of an unattainable goal, clutching onto his idiotic idealism as the harsh truths of the world gradually unveiled, stretching beyond mortal understanding.

Emmanuelboss36_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Mia Walking down the desolate hallway from the cafeteria both Xen and Sunrua to her right walking silently imitating the atmosphere, she turned to them and asked, "So how does it work?" in a colourless voice, in an attempt to break the silence.

Sunrua still fiddling with the device, rotating and tilting it in all directions, up, down, left and right before his eyes, despite portraying his movements harbouring intent, he had no idea what exactly he was looking for, other than showing that he was indeed looking for something, responded blatantly "No idea."

Although both knowing this was the most probable situation it still managed to shock both Xen and Mia causing them to jump back slightly for a moment, simultaneously questioning "What?!" Sunrua kept walking as the other two stopped for a moment, once Sunrua realised the steps following behind him had suddenly halted he turned around with a puzzled look "Hm?"

"What so you're telling me that device you were so happy about, you aren't even sure it is what you think it is?!" Xen snapped, rushing up towards Sunrua fuelled by nothing other than utter disbelief.

Not grasping the origins of all the fuss Sunrua replied, "Nope."

"Stop giving such casual responses!"

"C'mon Xen you're meant to be smart, it's the only thing you have. They were holding it while chasing me, what else could it be."

"That could seriously be anything, could've been a brick to smash your face in for all we know. Have you ever planned further than five seconds into the future before?" Xen frantically defended, evidently offended. And with an irritated 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 demanded, "Just hand it over before you end up blowing up the entire school."

Before Sunrua even considered a response Xen snatched the device from Sunrua's hands holding no regard, even almost dropping it as he underestimated its weight. Although Sunrua had made zero headway on the purpose of the device other than it's shape and origins, Sunrua was still visibly pissed at Xen's rudeness, and it annoyed him even more that he failed to do anything about it.

Xen immediately began inspecting it, however seeming a lot more precise than Sunrua had been doing, pissing him off all the more as they all continue walking once again.

On closer inspection of the device, it wasn't just a mere brick as much as it looked like it, it had a small horizontal rectangular screen across the top section of the device, and under it, it had 3 abnormally big buttons about half the size of his palm. A blue one, a green one, and a red one forming a triangular shape.

Scratching his head with his left hand and looking down at the remote Xen asked with a hint yet an evident bit of concern in his tone "You said the device could emit a powerful light and could also track you?"

Sunrua now walking with both his hands interlocking behind his neck replied with a nonchalant "Mhm."

"So, if that's the case, those are two of this device's mechanics, so what does the third one do?"

A few moments after the three reach Xen's depressing-looking mangled locker that now had more in common with a steel curtain than a locker door. "Oh god, what happened here?" Mia asked using her right hand to shield her shocked mouth.

"I'm more surprised you even have to guess after knowing this guy for more than two minutes." Xen scorned staring intently in Sunrua's direction.

"I told you don't worry I'll pay you back already, I promise." Sunrua tutted, disgruntledly rolling his eyes to the ceiling.

"𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩, sure you will whatever. We have to be careful not to press the wrong button, cause we have no idea what it can actually do."

"Here give it," Sunrua says stretching out his right hand towards Xen's. "Hm, do you have an idea?" Xen questioned genuinely surprised however that feeling was instantly swept away as the moment the device was adjusted in Sunrua's hand he pressed the big red button in the centre, void of hesitation or a second thought.

The sharp click of the button was quickly absorbed by the violent eruption of Xen's locker, irradiating a blinding white flash and sending papers, pens books, clothing, and other personal items from the corresponding lockers. Both Xen and Mia jumped back their blind tear-filled faces completely immersed in a stunned numbness of utter disillusion.

After a few moments passed, the smoke began to clear, the three got up and gawked at the obliterated former wall housing a multitude of lockers, that were now reduced to empty metal boxes most ripped from the wall in silence. Suddenly The last locker door that remained gently swung to a halt before collapsing to the ground instantaneously joining its brethren and breaking the silence.

A sequence of raspy coughs and audible swaying came from the other side of the wall and was steadily approaching them. "Hey, what the hell who's there?"

"My-my locker..." Xen stuttered depressingly, as he weakly raised his hand to where his locker originally had been.

Sunrua quickly realising the situation gradually approaching, grabbed both Mia and Xen by the wrist and continued running down the hallway for a few metres before taking his first left, Xen continued to mumble to himself flatly, in a ghostly tone.

"Hey, you brats get the hell back here!" The voice uselessly commanded once again, however, by this time the three had turned another corner and had begun catching their breath. Xen continued staring into the ceiling blindly still dumbstruck by the shock of his loss.

"Phew that was close," Sunrua panted.

"Close?! You blew up a whole wall, everyone knows never to press the big red button?!" Xen clamoured throwing both his hands in front of Sunrua frustratingly creating a claw shape with his tensed fingers, fighting himself against attacking him.

"Can you chronically only act on impulse?" Mia giggled, failing to hold in showing off more laughter than she was already, as it continued to spill out. "Is there ever seriously a dull moment with you guys ha-ha?" She continued.

"This is school property, isn't it? It'll come straight out of your family's pocket." Xen said pivoting his head towards Mia with a worried look leaking from his face.

"Don't worry, I didn't see who caused the explosion in all that smoke and light," Mia replied sarcastically with her index finger vertically over her lips.

"wow you're blind-" Before Sunrua could finish his naive statement Xen threw his fist into the back of Sunrua's head finally satisfying his urges.

"Wow, really thanks!" Sunrua gratified with a short hug. "I honestly have no idea why people go running from you ha-ha you're such a good person, but honestly I'll pay you guys back." He continued. Mia remained silent for a moment. "This was who you were afraid of Xen, maybe Kent isn't that big a deal?" Sunrua mocked, but suddenly his body was forced away from Mia.

Thinking that the push had somehow been a manoeuvre of objection to his brash form of gratitude, Sunrua apologised "Hm, not a touchy person? Sorry,"

"No that's not it, it's just you were getting blood all over my tights and shoes haha." Mia chucked forcefully, as both Xen and Sunrua turned their heads down to Mia's black school shoes, drenched in blood as a trail dripped down from just above her ankle.

"Your makeshift bandage is gone but I'm not sure how much longer it would've held out anyway, and honestly it's beginning to smell, we should probably go to the infirmary." She continued softly, trying her hardest to avoid offence.

"Wait what?!" Sunrua yelped as his eyes became engrossed in finding the bandage, if whoever saw them was to find the bandage all they'd have to do was find someone with an injured leg-

"Whose bandage is this?!" roared a familiar voice from earlier.

"Yep-yep, let's go, now-now-now," Xen repeated hastily as he pushed both Mia and Sunrua forwards in the opposing direction of the voice.

Not long after the three steadily approached a double-doored room Xen and Mia leading Sunrua, with student after student slowly flowing out of it, including a very noticeable Blake. "That's the infirmary, pretty popular, isn't it?" Sunrua asked. Mia and Xen looked at each other and continued walking. Till they finally stood before the room.

The room was ravaged with stray papers and files all over the ground and tables, wherever there wasn't one of the five beds in the room. The majority of the documents predominantly on a brown wooden desk in the centre of the infirmary.

In accordance with the room's devastated outlook, a tall slim cyclopes man with a single shut-eye in the centre of his forehead above his two other human-like eyes, frantically paced up and down the surrounding area ruffling his straight brown hair and only creating more of a mess in the process.

"Hey Olga," Xen greeted with a wave.

However, in a lot less friendly manner than Xen, as soon as Olga acknowledged their existence, he slapped his face with his right hand covering all three of his eyes in dismay, and whined "Oh god..."

The pain from Olga's disappointed words, released the moment he laid eyes on Sunrua felt pierced so deep he completely forgot about that on his leg "Hey what type of greeting was that!" Sunrua retorted, clenching his fist, looking as if he could pounce at any moment.

"It was A greeting, what do you have a problem with it-" Olga responded spitefully before his tongue was caught by the sight of Mia standing beside Sunrua and Xen. "Oh miss-miss Mia, my apologies I didn't notice you, are you okay? What can I help you with?"

"No, no really I'm fine, I'm only here for my friend." Haha, Mia chuckled waving both her hands before her in hasty clarification.

"Friend...?" Olga mumbled caught off guard, as obviously everyone knows Heartfelt's daughter doesn't keep any friends.

The key word continuously rang in his absent mind as he slowly pivoted his head to the aggravated lively strange-looking brown boy and the wimpy nerd looking guy beside him. "Friends!" Olga blurted out impulsively.

"Ah I see, I'm sorry just a bit overwhelmed right now, just you're just one of many that had come here on such a bad day for me aswell," Olga apologised clearing up a bed, against the left wall of the room, with a few papers tucked under his left arm.

Not exactly wanting to accept the apology Sunrua instead accepted the bed offered up to him, and lied face up. "You not gonna take off your blazer, and whatever that red hood thing is under it? aren't you hot?" Olga questioned pulling out a white bandage roll and some green liquid in a dark brown bottle that was to the right side of it in a white cupboard opposite Sunrua's bed.

"No, I'm fine," Sunrua replied swiftly without a moment of consideration. Mia and Xen proceeded to sit on either side of the bed. "Wanted to ask what is that thing, anyway, is it even a part of the dress code?" Xen asked.

Olga looked at them drawing the bandage roll in the process he asked "Wait, aren't you two meant to be going back to class already-" Once bringing Mia back into consideration and the impossible fact that she had made friends he decided it'd be okay if he allowed it just this once, and proceeded to pull up Sunrua's right trouser leg revealing the cut.

Sunrua clutched the red hood with his right hand and smiled, "It's just a cloak, it keeps me warm."

"Warm? Surprised you're not melting wearing that constantly, especially in summer." Mia added. The three continued to converse and laugh as Olga disinfected and properly bandaged Sunrua's leg.

"Okay all done, you can go back-" Olga's declaration was abruptly interrupted by the coarse grumbling emitting from Sunrua's stomach.

"Oh, come on." Olga sulked.

Come to think of it, it was well-passed lunch time and Sunrua hadn't even touched any sort of sustenance, making his rage-induced stomach understandable.

"Oh, I think I have some bento in my bag, I always get given way too much, didn't know if I was gonna eat it at all," Mia explains as she reaches into the bag, she had placed under Sunrua's bed, pulling out a small pink square-shaped box, which she outstretched towards Sunrua.

The moment the lid was pulled away a powerful, yet soft heavenly aroma gushed from the box, invading the nose of everyone in the room, immediately causing Xen's stomach to rumble equally as loud as Sunrua's had previously.

"It's fine, let's just share it." Sunrua resolves promptly placing the box between them. "Um-thanks." Xen stammered quickly caught off guard by Sunrua's quick selfless response, as the two begin picking out of the box.

"Hm? Mia go on then, it is yours after all ha-ha," Sunrua chuckles welcoming her to take from the box.

"No, no I've already eaten, really I'm fine." Mia objected slightly pushing away the box

"Did we ask? you'd just feel like a third party otherwise." Once again caught in shock Mia's face pauses for a moment, as she takes a gulp then turns to look at both Xen and Sunrua's welcoming smiles.

They spent the next few timeless minutes enjoying the shared bento box but even more so each other's presence, something none of them had ever truly experienced before.

I want bento.

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