
Restarted again

To have a soul doesn't alone qualify you as a conscious being, but more importantly confirms the ability to yearn for something greater, to hold hope, to desire. Never deny this ability. Sunrua inhabited a secluded broken realm, devoid of knowledge about the outside world, yet his unwavering yearning for it persisted. Despite embracing a tranquil existence and recognizing the futility of his dreams, his determination surged. He, a seemingly insignificant entity amidst a world of far greater forces, defied his restricted but peaceful life when a mere hint of the wider reality of the world ignited an unquenchable ambition to change the world. Embarking on a worldwide odyssey, he traversed ethereal landscapes previously confined to solely his imagination. Along the way, he forged connections with allies, companions, and adversaries, although unveiling a reality less idyllic than he had envisioned. Sunrua confronted trials, battles, sorrows, and heartaches in pursuit of an unattainable goal, clutching onto his idiotic idealism as the harsh truths of the world gradually unveiled, stretching beyond mortal understanding.

Emmanuelboss36_ · Fantasy
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18 Chs

"In The Beginning Only Chaos"

Sunrua was still yet to see the man's face, the origin of this unexplainable fear, however, the ignorance only increased this unwavering sense of danger and dread, his mind constantly tugging at him to evade the area immediately "Answer," The sharp voice commanded once again abruptly slashing through Sunrua's swivelling mind turning in turmoil.

Sunrua couldn't pinpoint a reason why he feared this man so much, just that he did.

He proceeded to open his mouth to let out an answer he was yet to think of himself, and alas nothing came out. "We're just coming from the infirmary," Mia blurted out, in order to diverge the attention from Sunrua to herself. The only one of the three that was capable of speaking at all.

"Pretty long time spent at the infirmary, for all three of you as well which I see no injuries except on one."

Still unable to form a response, especially to the man's logical comeback, Sunrua gradually forced his shaking eyes up to witness the devil above him. He was evidently a titan, but his outlook was quite ordinary, he wasn't nearly as built as Kent and even the other members of the big four, but the inexplainable ominous aura he released made him far scarier than any of those he had seen previously.

He wore a maroon suit and pants with a white and blue striped shirt, with the school's tie over it. His face which emitted only a shared emotion of constant disgust and domination glared down at them, a finely brushed moustache just above his lip that curved up sharply at both ends.

Mia taking no time in considering a comeback blurted out again hurriedly "The infirmary was quite full today sir, you must've heard."

Since Sunrua had met Mia, everyone that they came across so far was on edge whenever they saw her, it was strange now that it was the other way round, the man standing before them didn't seem phased at all by her presence, and instead, it was the other way round.

"That would be a valid explanation if everyone didn't leave the infirmary almost an hour ago, and there is still the fact I don't see any injuries over any of you except that black one." The man replied once again just as calmly, in sharp contrast with the rest of them.

"And isn't it funny, I suppose to of caught wind of three truanting students that even managed to destroy an entire wall, and the fact they were also the most likely source of this afternoon's disturbance."

This voice of the man before Sunrua was completely different from the frantic voice he had heard chasing them earlier when the wall had exploded, this one had a certain malice to it, but regardless of that fact, he shouldn't have seen the exact number of students that were involved, how did this man have any idea, there was no way.

"Would you three happen to know anything about it?" The man uttered as if already knowing the answer, throwing a powerful gaze to Sunrua that pierced through his soul, restricting all movements physically and mentally.

"I'll take it as your loss of words is a subtle forfeit." He dictated, his gaze not faltering for a moment, burning the top of Sunrua's skull.

"Mia, I'm sure your father won't be happy about the people you're keeping company with, I'll let it slide, but make sure I don't catch you with... people like this again." The man continued, almost as if he hesitated to refer to Sunrua and Xen as people.

Mia bit her lip and muttered a shallow "Yes," before she continued walking past the man.

"As for the two of you, come with me." He commanded as he grasped Sunrua and Xen's shoulders, Sunrua with his right and Xen with his left, as if about to drag a dog by its leash. Both Xen and even Sunrua failed to reject his touch, remaining still divulged in anguish.

Suddenly a gracefully warm voice sang out of nowhere "I don't think the school will appreciate you laying your hands on students."

Turning his head upwards, behind the man stood a calm centaur with her arms crossed under her breasts, her entire body from the torso down being that of a horse. Her skin was white but her fur was brown, with short tied-back brown hair and wearing a red polka-dotted top.

"And why would that be any of your business." The man replied pausing his motions for a moment, his tone becoming increasingly irritated.

"Well, they are meant to be in my history class, so at this time they are my students, isn't that sufficient reason for me to be the one to deal with them Mr Gryant?" She continued powerfully as she clacked towards them, releasing Sunrua and Xen from their deep depths of fear as well as Mr Gryant's grip.

"I'll still punish them accordingly, but I believe that should be my verdict,"

Mr Gryant cursed under his breath and with one last vile glare he put his hands in his pockets and continued down where the three had just left.

Once Mr Gryant was finally out of sight Xen turned towards the centaur with teary eyes and whimpered "Thank- thank you, Miss Williams."

"Yes, yes just head back to class, and don't think I was just joking when I said I'd punish you accordingly all of you." She clarified as she began down the hallway where a door sat on the right side wall, propped open by Mia, she had obviously been the one that informed Miss Williams, notifying them of that with a crooked smile.

They all entered the classroom, Miss Williams heading directly to the front of the classroom and facing the classroom, whilst Sunrua found an empty seat between Mia and Xen.

The room was pretty normal, a normal size, a normal setup, normal decorations on the wall with different quotes from historians and pictures, alongside some books and random objects linked to some aspect of history he didn't know.

However, Miss Williams began speaking about a piece of history every man knew existed, although not everyone acknowledged it as truth.

"So, let's continue as we all know in the beginning there was only chaos, nothing but masses blending together uncontrollably, this period lasted for many centuries until Mother Gaia the first and only being had put beauty into something that had only been chaos up until then. The titans and gods fought for many centuries, including the humans at some point."

"What is that a joke? How do you expect humans to fight among gods and titans!" An aggravated student interrupted.

"Of course, a topic so controversial it was argued whether to be covered in history or religious education, those that believe it happened mythites, and those that don't mythnots." Miss Williams continued ignoring the student's rude interruption.

"But at some point, the gods just disappeared without anyone holding any valuable proof or recollection of their existence, and within the midst of chaos of the many races fighting to take that throne left vacant our king created a country void of all the fighting and turmoil the country of Unity."

"Okay now class I'd like you to-"

Before Miss Williams could finally assign a task to the class Sunrua blurted out "Miss please.....!"

"Sunrua I told you; you've barely been here more than two minutes and you expect me to just allow you to leave once again?"

"But I'm telling you I'm going to burst!!! I don't think you'd like my remnants all over your classroom...!" Sunrua pleaded clutching his crotch as his legs squirmed left and right under the table.

Cradling her head in her right hand and shaking it from left to right Miss Williams took a 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 and finally accepted "Okay fine, just don't be more than five minutes or I'm adding to your punishment."

"Thank you, I'll be like the wind!" Sunrua thanked her as he stormed out of the classroom within a matter of seconds.

"Perfect opportunity," Kent whispered at the back of the classroom, in no specific direction.

"Didn't think it'd be that easy." Chuckled Blake beside him quietly.

"So, if I do this, I'm back in the four?" he continued feebly yet with zealous eyes.

"Depends, just go, are you doing it or not?" Kent stated, signalling the end of negotiations.

"Alright," Blake concluded, as he ducked down under his seat, as Kent raised his hand. "Miss Williams, how'd the king accomplish such a thing."

"Oh, Kent you're asking a question? That's unusual but okay, it was quite spectacular" She continued to explain as Blake escaped through the classroom door which Sunrua had just left through, crawling on the ground like an army soldier.

The chp explains a few things, but there is still alot to it trust.

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