
Rejected Queen

Mjsa_Thomas · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Luna Time

                                                               Zoya POV

"What I mean is do you want to become my Luna before your succession ceremony?"

My heart started fluttering and I was kind of nervous, but then thought 'I love this man'

'Of course you do he's your mate'

I remembered when he teased me at home so decided to return the favor and tease him back.

"Mmmm I don't really want to, cause I want it to be kinda like a proposal."

I'm pretty sure he knows I teasing him cause he just says "Fine"

He got down on one knee and took an onion ring off his plate and said: "Will you Zoya King please become my Luna and Wife?"

I took my time making it seem like I was thinking about it before I said

"Yes, of course, I'll become your Luna and Wife you dummy. Give me a kiss."

He picked me up out of my seat and kissed me.

The people in the diner start clapping and saying congratulations.

I blushed cause I didn't realize that a lot of people were paying attention to what was going on over here but I guess we made a scene so I just buried my head in the crook of his shoulder. Then he puts me down and says "She said Yes!" and kissed me again.

We walked out of the diner and went home and told Zack and Daphne the news they didn't seem surprised. I guess it was a normal thing for mates.


The next day I and Fenrir started to get ready for the announcement of my becoming the Luna and me being inducted into the pack and Daphne was also being inducted into the pack.

I was wearing a cute mustard-looking dress and Fenir was wearing a white dress shirt with faded jeans. I was kind of nervous even though I am going to be queen in like a month and a half.

I am pretty sure Daphne felt my nervousness so while she was doing my hair she said: " You are going to be an amazing Luna, don't sweat it babe you got this."

She finished my hair and then did my makeup for a few minutes, then I did the same for her and we started to head downstairs.

I swear I saw Fenrirs wolf switch for a few seconds, as soon as we made it down the steps he embraced me in a hug and kissed me on my neck then said "I think we should postpone the announcement and just head up stairs." I  blush and say " maybe if your  a good boy you'll get something later." Then I pecked him on the lips I'm about to pull away but he deepens the kiss it was about to get more heated but Zack coughed causing us to break an apart and said "We should probably get going if we don't want to late Alpha"  I nodded and head towards the hall, I get worried about my makeup cause of the make-out session with Fen but then I remember that it wouldn't get smudge cause it was smudge-free.

I and Daphane make our way up the makeshift stage they made and Fen starts talking "Hello dear pack members, I have an announcement to make" They get quiet and he continues"I have found my second chance mate and she has to agreed to be my Luna!"

The crowd looks shocked but still cheers for their Alpha cause now he can enjoy the love of a mate. He holds his hand up and it goes back to silence and then he speaks again "We have also found our beta female and they are both being accepted into the pack today!"

The crowd cheers probably happy that their Beta and Alpha finally get their happiness.

Then Fenrir says "Zoya come." I walk up and he hands me the knife we are supposed to use to get inducted into a pack. He slits his hand and I do the same and then I put his hand in mine so the mind link can be established. And the all the thoughts come rushing in but I block them so they won't give me a headache. Then Fenrir says "Your Luna and my mate you will give her the same respect you give me if you don't you head to down to the dungouns or meet the Moon sooner than you want to."

Afther me he does the same with Daphne and afterward she runs to Zack and hugs him, then we all head off the stage. Me and Dahphne decide to mingle and meet some of the pack members. And then I meet the gamma couple the gamma is Akera and her mate is a guy named Kent and they seem pretty chill and cool and they are in charge of fighting. 

I was pretty tired after the ceremony so I fell right to sleep when I hit the bed.


I know you guy's probably don't care but, I started writing because I didn't like how one of the books I was reading ended it was called You rejected Your Future Queen, I bet you like it's kinda like yours that cause I got my title from that but made it different you see.

The story was about a girl finding her mate and him not wanting her cause she was weak and young but they still get together in the end and I didn't like that so I started this one and gave her a second chance.