
Rejected Queen

Mjsa_Thomas · Fantasy
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                                                               Zoya POV

I wake to find a warm bed but my mate is not there that must mean he just got up and just as I'm thinking about him he comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. And water is dripping down his body and he is just dripping sex appeal. My thoughts get interrupted by my mate.

"You want to take a picture it'll last longer."

I blush and look for my phone then take a picture.

"You are something else." My mate says

"I know, but now that I took my picture it time for me to get ready." I say as I get off the bed.

"But what about my picture."

"You can take a picture of me when I look badass."

"It'll be a great picture, see you done stairs baby." 

I walk over and peck him on the cheek and head into the bathroom

After 15 minutes I am walking downstairs in workout clothes.

And I head into the kitchen to eat before I work, as I am getting some OJ out of the refrigerator I feel a pair of eyes on me so I turn around and see my mate just standing there. I get relieved but I still think of a different pair of eyes but I just dismiss it as anxiety.

"Hey baby, Whatcha doing," I say to my mate

"Oh just looking for you, are you about to go on a run."

No, I was gonna head to the gym but a run does sound good afterward."

"Okay be safe if you need me I am gonna be in  my office or just mindlink me."

"Alright, babe see you later" I peck him on the lips and head to the gym.

I analyze how the top warriors fight and I see why they are the best pack in the world (after the royal pack of course).

I do my normal workout and then as I am about to head out for my run I hear a female voice say.

"She's a nobody not even qualified to be Luna that should've been me, and she not even that pretty."

Then I turn around but it's a group of them so I don't know who it is.

So I ask all the people in the gym to gather round and ask.

"If anyone of you think I am not qualified to be Luna please step up and challenge me. If I lose I will leave but if I win you get the punishment I desire."

Everyone is silent, Until one of the girls from the group speaks up.

"I don't think your qualified, so I will challenge you. I am of the top warriors so be ready."

I guess she was one who was talking.

I nod and we head to the fighting mat.

I say "Do you want to shift or hand to hand."

"Hand to hand"

"Okay let's begin"

We circle around the mat, then she lunges herself towards me and side step and punch her on the side her face. She stumbles back a bit but collects herself but before she even knows it I am giving her kicks to her stomach but after a few she catches my leg and twist it it hurts a bit but I pull my leg back and closer to her put her in a head lock after a few seconds of having her there I hear clicks like a camera so turn to see Fenrir standing there taking pictures I look at him dumbfounded and confused then I remember this morning and busy out laughing, then I remember what situation I am in and though laughs I say. "Give up before you pas out." After a few more second I sqeeze harder then she taps out.

I say "Fenrir your special, really right in the middle of my fight I could've lost cause of you."

"But you didn't cause your badass and strong."

"Aww thanks babe and at least you have pic..'

I get cut off by the warrior

"Excuse me Luna please give me the punishment I deserve."

I can see the smirk on her face as bows, so she probably planning something.

Before I say anything I mindlink Fenrir saying

'Who is this bitch'

'My ex Mya'

'Oh really, how long and did you guys'

'A few months before you arrived and no we didn't'.


I speak out loud and say "1 week in the dungeons without food or water for going against your Luna, and your right I am not that pretty cause I am gorgeous bitch"

She was about to say something but Fenrir said " Say something else and it's another week."
