
Rejected Queen

Mjsa_Thomas · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Are you ready?

Fenrir POV

Zoya and Daphne have been living here for over a week. And it's been good I have found out a lot of things about Zoya like how she loves anime and the color red and she loves when I kiss her on her neck she likes it I think that is where I am going to mark her at. And I love having her here plus my beta seems to be productive with his mate here and happier. I and Zoya have been having a steady relationship and I think I should ask her to be my luna.4 Until the succession ceremony. But I am nervous and that brings us to the present day. Where I am going to ask her to go on a date with me.

"Mon tresor do you want to go on a date tomorrow."

"Yes of course babe I want to go where are going."

"It's a surprise."

"Find but what should I wear"

"Wear something pretty and comfortable, even tho you would look pretty in noting but it's your choice"

She blushes and says "Okay then let's get something to eat and head to sleep"

We go inside the kitchen and see Zack making some food. And he says "Good I don't have to call you down take a seat it'll be done in a sec"

We take a seat and he brings out the food and it looks great.

Zoya - "Wow you cook just as good as Fen's mom"

Zack - "Who's Fen"

Zoya - "Oh it's-"

"It's me," I say "It's a pet name she gave me."

And say's "oh"

Zoya-"Where's Daphne"

Zack- "Oh right she went to sleep early."

Zoya- "Is she okay"

Zack - "Yeah I just tried her out . If you know what I mean."

Zoya - "TMI, well I finished let's head up babe."

"Okay be right there."

She starts heading up the stair and I follow her.

She takes her bath first and comes out with a towel wrapped around her she puts on her panties and bra then lets the towel fall.

She looks so sexy, I could fuck right where she stands, but I contain myself and call her over.

"Come here Zo."

"Okay, babe."

"Sit here," I say patting my lap

She sits down and I kiss her on her neck she lets out an almost inaudible moan but I hear her.

"Baby what are you doing. "

"Nothin just wanted to show you some love."

"Oh really, this is how much you love me you must not love me a lot."

"Oh I can show you how much I love you girl," I say as I pick her up bridal style and place her on the bed.

"Really, then show me, baby."

"Are you sure you want to go that far?"


-----------------------Mature Content below-----------------------------Mature Content Below----------------Just skip this part if don't want to s read it keep scrolling then you'll see another line for you to start reading again-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I rip open her bra and slide her panties off in one move. She let out a little squeak after.

I move down to kiss her clit and I hear her little moans.

I start licking her clit messaging her breast and her moans get louder. Then I stop licking once I feel her get close to her climax and ask her. "Are you ready?"

"Yes  Fenrir please, I want you."

"Okay I'm gonna go slow"

I take off my sweats and boxers and I push my tip slowly I hear moans come from her. Then I push in a little more and she cries out and moans a little so I ask

"Are you alright baby"

"Yeah babe it just hurts a little keep going, but I don't think it going to fit."

"it will don't worry"

I push in a little more and hear a few more moans so pull her closer to my body so I can go deeper and so she can have skin contact.

When I pull her closer I am in so I start to thrust but I do it slowly and gently.

"Oh baby it hurts a little but it feels so good. Ugh oh my goodness, Ah ah ah ah..."

I groan and thrust a little harder and faster. I feel myself getting closer to my climax.

"Fen baby I feel so close please mark me now"

"Are you sure, you are ready?"

"Yes baby please do it so we can do it at the same time."

I start kissing her neck and she kisses mine. And when we feel close we mark each other. And falls limp in my arms so I lick her mark and tell her,

"I love Mon tresor see you in the morning." And peck her on her cheek and we cuddle. As we drift off to sleep.

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I wake up once again to my mate tracing my muscles. I chuckle and say "You must really enjoy my muscles don't you." She blushes and says "I just wanted to wait cause I wanted to take a shower with you." She blushes some more.

" You want to a shower with me well why didn't you just say so. Let's go."

I pick her up and head to the shower and as I place her down she say's "I could've just walked"

" And you could've never could me that you wanted to shower together but look at where we are, now let's hop in."

After we take our shower we start our morning routine. And we pick out our outfits for today she picks out a black flowy dress with a white cardigan and I just wear black jeans with a matching black shirt. Style my hair no way while she braids her hair and it is pretty after that we head downstairs. To breakfast and Daphne and Zack are already down eating their breakfast.

When we enter and sit down Zoya reaches to grab an apple, some bacon, eggs, and a croissant.

Then I grab some food and we sit in silence for a while before Daphne says something "We heard you guys"

Zoya looks confused and says "what do you mean?" but I already know what she means.

Daphne - We heard you guys last night and congrats on your mark" She says teasingly

Zoya realizes and blushes and say's " I didn't know we were so loud"

"Baby I wasn't loud, that was all you"

She blushes some more and says " it's your fault anyway's"

And walks away I look down at her place seeing that she's finished and She's heading toward the door. So I yell " Babe wait for me."

Once I catch up to her we head to the town and go to a movie theater and watched Uncharted with Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg it was really good.

After that, we went to a park and hung out there for a while and that's where I found out that she likes kids.

Then we went to a diner this is where I plan on popping the question.

We order our food and I start the conversation.

"So babe you know how I'm the alpha right?"

"Yes, babe of course I know I'm mated to you."

"Yeah right anyways we always have an alpha and a luna to control a pack and I was wondering if you wanted to be mine."

" I'm already yours what do you mean"

Awww she's mine that's so cute.

My wolf interrupted my thoughts saying "Stop gushing over our cute mate and just be staright forward."

"What I meant was do you want to become my Luna before your secession ceremony."


What do you think Zoya will say will she accept and become his luna or decline cause she's having second feelings.

Oh and I wanted to ask do you guys want smut parts if you do comment if you don't comment and I will count the number of comments versus viewers and see who won