
Reincarnation into Tribal Society

Dragonbreath246 · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

Ian's heart beat wildly, he's never seen Caesar mad," But... you seemed upset after I ...kissed you and hugged you..." Ian said twiddling his fingers looking aggrieved.

Caesar sighed, running his large hands through his dark hair," That was because you pushed me away," he said looking at Ian unhappily," Do you not like others seeing that you're my mate? Do you dislike being seen with me?"

It suddenly dawned on Ian that Caesar was a lot more sensitive than he thought. Caesar seemed to be more like a modern man than a caveman.

"I... I never thought that...," Ian denied.

"Then why did you push me away?" Caesar questioned severely.

"That... that!" Ian looked down blushing.

Did he really have to say it? Looking at Caesar who seemed to be extremely upset, Ian blurted," It was because I was embarrassed about being caught!"

"It's not that I don't like you or anything but aren't intimate things really shameful to do in front of others?"

Caesar frowned," No, in our tribe, we do intimacy in front of everyone."

What is this? Did the dark Mountain Tribe stipulate PDA? It was not like this in his tribe. Or maybe it was only like this in his tribe.

He had seen many intimate things happen in the short span he had been in the tribe but it was usually in a secluded corner or where no one was present so Ian had assumed that the tribe's people thought the same way. Apparently, he was wrong!

"It.. was not like that in my old tribe..." Ian whispered, his cheeks flushed red.

Caesar looked at Ian who looked extremely cute. His pale fleshy cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink under the evening light that passed through the curtain.

He was also happy to know that his mate actually liked him, Caesar suddenly wanted to pick him up.

Ian let out a startled yelp as Caesar picked him up and quickly wrapped his arms around his neck. Caesar set him on the table and pecked his cheeks before fondling them.

"How are they so soft?" Caesar murmured, as his rough hand traced the round spheres.

Ian blushed harder and his cheeks became red under Caesar's intense gaze. Caesar chuckled lowly leaning close to Ian's face and started kissing his face everywhere," You call this kissing right?"

Ian had turned into a tomato, obediently letting Caesar have his way. Ian rested his arms around Caesar's neck and felt Caesar's chest rumble with laughter and felt even more embarrassed.

He was a proud person, how could he let Caesar bully him like this?!

Ian suddenly pulled Caesar's neck down and licked his lips. Caesar stagnated and Ian let out a laugh triumphantly only to have Caesar force his lips open for a searing kiss.

Caesar's tongue violently swept into Ian's mouth plundering it without letting Ian fight back. Ian tried his best to keep up, holding onto Caesar's shoulders tightly. Wet noises filled the cave making blood rush into Ian's face, and making him feel uncomfortable, he could feel himself get hard. He felt wet. The realization made Ian embarrassed and forget about the kiss for a second. Saliva flowed out his mouth as Caesar continued exploring his mouth and sucking on his lips.

"What are you thinking about," Caesar questioned pinching Ian's chin, admiring Ian's blushing face.

Caesar had to admit, Ian was very beautiful. Ian's large dark eyes were filled with water and his pale cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink like a flower. He was exceptionally beautiful when he pants heavily, trying to catch his breath. Caesar caressed Ian's face leaning down to lick the saliva running down his chin. Even his saliva was sweet.

Caesar's want for only one mate wasn't just because he had witnessed his parent's love, but also because he was very possessive. When he agreed to be Ian's mate, he was worried, wondering if he would like Ian, but also knew that even if he didn't, he wouldn't let Ian go even if Ian disliked it. But Ian was exactly to Caesar's liking. Everything about him was excellent in Caesar's eyes.

Caesar had to make Ian his. Ian couldn't be anyone else's.

Not knowing the dark possessive dragon he had evoked, Ian could only think about how hot he was wherever Caesar touched him and struggled," I... I..."

"You're what?" Caesar questioned trailing his kisses down Ian's neck.

"It feels uncomfortable," Ian gushed embarrassed hiding his face with his hands.

Not hearing Caesar respond, Ian peaked through his hands only to have them forcefully taken and pinned against the table.

Ian stared at Caesar ho was leaning over him in shock," Wait! Wait!" he cried out," Let's do it on the bed..." he barely managed out a whisper under Caesar's intense gaze.

Caesar chuckled," Where did my little mate's confidence all go?" he teased, wrapping Ian's legs around his waist," Weren't you the one being intimate before?"

Ian felt like he was going to burst, he was so ashamed, Caesar was definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing, how could Ian think he was cute before??

Ian gasped, clutching Caesar's broad muscled shoulders as Caesar lifted him up making his way towards the bed. Ian felt himself rub against Caesar's abdomen and felt extremely embarrassed, he was definitely going to make some underwear!

Caesar sat down on the bed putting Ian on his lap. Ian was straddling Caesar's waist and wriggled uncomfortably feeling Caesar's hardness against his butt.

"You shouldn't move so rashly," Caesar warned plopping Ian off of his thighs and onto the bed.

Ian stared at him wide-eyed and watched as Caesar prowled over him.

Caesar hastily took off Ian's clothes and stared at his naked body with rapt attention. Ian watched as Caesar's dark, almost animalistic eyes scoured over his body hungrily.

Ian flushed under the attention, trying to cover himself, but his hands were caught by Caesar," Don't cover it, you're my mate, why can't I look?" He asked lowly.

Ian wriggled under his gaze, feeling his gut tighten," You take it off too then..." he complained puffing his cheeks.

Caesar laughed," My little Ian's so shy," he teased licking Ian's ear," You take it off for me," he whispered pulling Ian's hands.

Ian blushed, looking away, but Caesar yanked his chin," Look," he commanded.

Ian could only oblige as he tugged the only piece of fabric on Caesar's body.